Fozzie: (somewhat uncertainly) Do you--you don't think she's slipped into a coma or anything, do you?
Kermit: (slightly less uncertain) I'm sure she's fine. (looks at Piggy helplessly) You think?
Piggy: (observing the disheveled, muttering figure at the desk) She's fine. Teabags are still disappearing every day and I know there aren't as many yogurt containers as there were in the fridge last week.
Fozzie: How do you know she's eating them?
Piggy: (pointedly) Are you? (jerks thumb at Kermit) Not him, either. And you surely don't think I am.
Kermit, Fozzie: No. Of course not. You must be right.
Piggy: And look--see that!
Fozzie: What? What?
Piggy: She just blinked.
Kermit: How can you be sure she's actully--Oh! I saw it! I saw her blink!
Catherine: Okay, guys. I get the point. I'm going to try to get back in the swing of things in a little.
Fozzie: Can you cook?
Catherine: (smiling at Fozzie fondly) The jury isn't in yet, but yes--I think I could whip something up in a bit.
Piggy: (pointedly) Could you clean?
Catherine: (looks around) What? Oh. Oh...oh well. Sure. I'll tidy up tomorrow. (looks around again) How long have I been, um, out for the count?
Fozzie: (whispering to Kermit) She's been out with The Count?
Kermit: What? No. No, Fozzie. She just means that she's been distracted and busy.
Piggy: I'll say.
Catherine: Okay, okay. I got it. How 'bout, um, pasta with three cheese sauce? Ready in a jiffy.
Fozzie: And brownies?
Kermit: And, um, hot rolls?
Catherine: (eyes softening) Sure guys. Sorry! THanks for being so patient. Give me a few more minutes to finish up.
Kermit: Sure thing.
Piggy: I'm setting my alarm for--
Kermit: Piggy! Leave her be. She's writing.
Fozzie: What kind of stuff does she write?
Kermit: (shrugging) I have no idea.
Piggy: (deadpan) True life dramas.
Kermit: Really?
Fozzie: You mean, like cop shows? I love cop shows....
Piggy: Um, not exactly.....