Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2004
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Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

JFS,Dr. Teeth,Zoot,Floyd<all together>: HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

JFS: Well, I for one have no plans to go anywhere.I'm just going to cook a nice baked ziti dish & bake some homade choc. chip cookies. I'll be watching: The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade,Best in Show,It's a Wonderful Life,Moonstruck,and then the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving cartoon(that's not 'til tonight). May everyone & their families,at MC,have a safe and happy holiday,wherever they are.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Moonstruck eh? That's a biew-tee-ful movie. Don't forget that NBC will be airing VMMCM later tonight as well. Looking forward to the Sesame Street entry for this year's parade.

OK, gotta clean up the dining room for all of us who are still here and will eat T-Day lunch.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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OK, let's go over what we've got.

Common Room's floor's been vaccuumed.
Mokey: "Check."

The table's been set with the tablecloth.

The serving plates are all lined up on the counter.

The turkeys are cooked.
The veggies and side dishes are ready.

The individual plates are set in their places with cutlery and drinking glasses filled with water.
Triple check.

Good, ah, who needs cute little critters when I have my battlion of bats.
OK everyone, come and get it. Hope we all sit down at the table in an orderly fashion this time.
Hope the gang from Sesame Street does indeed make it in time for the meal.
Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy the holidays!


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2004
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Dee: Well,I stuffed myself silly.I'm going to take a nice long walk & burn off some of this food. Has everyone had their share of food yet? Hola Eduardo. How do you say Happy Thanksgiving in Spanish?Are you having a big dinner where you are?:zany:


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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I missed the float. (being out here in the country we can't get our channels that we normaly watch the parade) Oh well since we now have CBS on our satelite I'll be able to see it next year.

Herry, Cookie and Grover walk through the door

Hey there guys. So how was it?

Grover:The same. I did enjoy seeing all the people that came out to see us and hanging w/ my friends too.

Cookie M: Me had great time. Me mommy had cookies for everyone on the float.

Herry: Thanks by the way Cookie for those cookies. Oh Kyle you wouldn't believe what happed.

What? :excited:

Herry: I fianlly got to see the Garfield float. It was neat.

I'm gald ya'll had a great time. Oh by the way this Sunday, me, my sis, nieces and brother-in-law our going to see Sesame Street Live. I didn't know if ya'll wanted to go?

Grover: Sure. Since I'm not in this one.

Herry: I don't think I'm either.

Cookie M: Me know me is. Its called "1 2 3......Imagine!" You going to like it Kyle. So will you Herry and Grover.

I know I'll love it since I'm a big fan. I'm going to eat some leftovers. Anyone wants any?

Monsters: We'll take alot! *each lick their lips*

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Hi guys, glad to finally see you at last.

Hi JFS, hope you have a "Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias".
Kyle, you didn't miss that much. It was a lovely float designed to look like the brownstone 1-2-3 apartment. The gang was there singing the song "The Street I Live On" from the Season 35 premiere/special.
What I'm upset with is how long they made me wait till the SS gang showed up on the parade schedule. Normally, they're out in the first hour and I'm glad all over after watching it. And that Kurrik woman couldn't keep her facts straight, misquoting the people who spoke before her.

Ah well, you're lucky I'm still up working on the listings. Made some errors with my files, and I'm starting the thing all over again with the stats done tediously but carefully.
Come on, I'll get you guys some T-Day leftovers. Might as well brake to recharge my batteries and get a glass of milk and cookies.

You coming Cookie Monster?
*Leave singing C is for Cookie.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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The Count said:
Hi guys, glad to finally see you at last.

Hi JFS, hope you have a "Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias".
Kyle, you didn't miss that much. It was a lovely float designed to look like the brownstone 1-2-3 apartment. The gang was there singing the song "The Street I Live On" from the Season 35 premiere/special.
What I'm upset with is how long they made me wait till the SS gang showed up on the parade schedule. Normally, they're out in the first hour and I'm glad all over after watching it. And that Kurrik woman couldn't keep her facts straight, misquoting the people who spoke before her.

Ah well, you're lucky I'm still up working on the listings. Made some errors with my files, and I'm starting the thing all over again with the stats done tediously but carefully.
Come on, I'll get you guys some T-Day leftovers. Might as well brake to recharge my batteries and get a glass of milk and cookies.

You coming Cookie Monster?
*Leave singing C is for Cookie.
Thanks Count.

Cookie M: Yeah! *joins in*

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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OK then, let's go.
The Breakfast Song's in my memory, but I don't know it by heart nor do I know the music to hum to.
Oh well, some cookies and milk for Cookie Monster... or would you prefer some cookie juice?
And a bowl of cereal with juice for me, unless all we got is Crystal Light.
Well, hope everyone has a good few days off from work and school.


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2004
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Me want a soft boiled cookie
And a glass of cookie juice on the side
Or for a change one morning
Me will have cookies scrambled or fried

It isn't hard each morning
To keep me satisfied
Just give me a soft-boiled cookie
And a glass of cookie juice on the side

Sometimes I have a bowl of some crunchy cereal
I'd even have some orange juice too
On other days my favorite is boiled eggs and toast
And sometimes a stack of pancakes is the breakfast I love most

I'd drink a glass of milk or a cup of cocoa
Or even have a cup of tea
So many things a fella can eat for breakfast
That's why breakfast is so much fun for me

JFS: Is this the breakfast tune you're talking about Count? I'll take some leftovers for lunch,thanks. I'll probably do some reading today(Children of Dune &/or The Godfather Returns).

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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And my songbird comes through yet again. Thanks JFS, that's the one.
OK, will heat up some leftovers for you. Does the band want anything or are they still perusing the penumbras of their private dreamscapes?
Well, should be a bit quiet round here for a while. Mokey's visiting with the other Fraggles down in Fraggle Rock, she'll be back next week. Gonna keep working on the ML, hopefully waiting for S9 to arrive at my local stores later today or tomorrow.

The bats are excited cause there's a new project that'll give them a chance to be counted, but you won't hear them making any noises now cause they're sleeping through the day. Lucky night creatures.
Hope you like the food you guys, and have a good weekend.
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