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Muppet Central the Movie!


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2004
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Feeling quite depressed that everyone would rather sleep than help locate Cindy, Christy and Scooter, Ryan decided to set out on his own. He sullenly watched the others check in at the counter and proceed up to their rooms. One by one, they ascended the stairs, leaving Ryan behind. Cookie Monster was the last to leave.

Me: Hey Cookie, you sure you don't want to help me look for those guys?

Cookie: Me instead of I. (He goes upstairs)

Me: Odd response, but apparently that's what he says. Oh well, off I go!

(Ryan exits the hotel and runs into the nearest movie memorabilia shop. He exits wearing an operational replica jet pack from "The Rocketeer". He flies away not really knowing his destination...)


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Docnzhoss said:
Me: Hey Cookie, you sure you don't want to help me look for those guys?

Cookie: Me instead of I. (He goes upstairs)

Me: Odd response, but apparently that's what he says. Oh well, off I go!
LOL thanks Ryan. I'm glad you have a sence of humor.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2004
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Erine81981 said:
LOL thanks Ryan. I'm glad you have a sence of humor.
[I apologize for not catching the chicken thing. I guess I read over the posts too fast. I certainly learned my lesson. :smile: ]

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Statler, at Ryan jetting off in the sky: How will you know you'll get there if you don't know where you're going?!?

Waldorf, watching the others at the hotel: Well, there they go.
Statler: So let's go ourselves and get out of this movie.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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You should know where we are by now....

Me: Scooter, we've been wandering for hours!
Scooter: Well if you hadn't taken that wrong turn and gotten us stuck in the Labrynth....
Me: Ok, ok, you were right. We should've gone left.
Scooter: No I said right!
Me: Whatever...say doesn't that look like the Muppet Theatre?
Scooter: Yeah....it does. Should we?
Me: Probably not. We should keep going down this road...

As we turn to continue a large and rather intimidating Skelsis (forgive me I can't spell) appears flashing a sword.

Me: Umm....Now, I don't think that's quite right, but I'm kinda rusty when it comes to swordfighting.
Scooter: I'm with you to the theatre!!!

We didn't need to be told twice. We ran up the back door and walked in. Once again, this provided a costume change for me and a makeover to Scooter.

My hair was suddenly down in a loose pony tail and a weight could be felt on my right arm. I reached up and felt a headband on my head. Shocked I felt the microphone. Afraid to look, but too curious to resist I looked at my relaxed right arm. Just as I had thought. A Scooter puppet was perched on the other end. Muppet and Henson employees ran around like crazy. Seemed as if in this world they worked side by side. The real Scooter stood on the other end talking to Kermit. He looked at me with a question. I just shrugged having no clue as to what on earth our purpose here was.

Brian Henson rushed up and began speaking to me. Not knowing exactly what was going on and where I was, I stood dumbfounded....

Brian: So you're gonna be....Hey, Christy, yo kid! You okay?
Me: Yeah sure, I'm doing Scooter while you're doing Sal in this next shot.
Brian: Don't space out on me like that kid. C'mon.

Amazingly my feet knew what to do. I knew I was in cyberspace, but I was also in heaven. Here I was a Muppeteer. Albeit background and having the nickname of "Kid". Snidley was definately playing dirty. Giving me my biggest dream. Two could play this game. I think. I shot an apologetic look to Scooter who had no idea what was going on. I can play along. After all, only in cyberspace could the Muppeteers and Muppets actually exist side by side. Taking my cue from Kermit who was sitting in the directors chair, I lifted my arm and began to perform.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*After Christy's big number...

Statler: Wars have started over less than that.
Waldorf: Wrong! Nothing's less than that.
*Both laughing.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Meanwhile back in dreary England...

Vibs and Piggy were getting bored. They'd rung, and knocked, and rung, and peered in at the windows. And seen nothing but netcurtains.

Vibs: Let's check around the back
Piggy: What, hon, think they're having a barbecue or something?
Vibs: Let's just check.
Piggy: *blowing hair of fher face* Sure, what-ever.
Vibs: No, that's Gonzo's line.
Piggy: Pardon?
Vibs: Forget it.

They walk to the back of the house, and are surprised to see a taxi-shapped hole in the fence, and the wall. They are even more surprised to hear screaming.

Vibs: Quick, we gotta, um, what's the word for help?
Piggy: Help?
Vibs: Yes. We gotta help. Wait! Hold everything. What about that well-known english decorum? You know, manners. One lump or two.
Piggy: Decorum schmorum, let's go.

Bursting into Bo's bedroom they see Beauregard sniveling beside a taxi, and towering over him...

...is King Agrippa!

Looking like Bo from MC, this man was darker, his skin browned, as from a life in the sun or on the high seas, his hair was long and a black-iron crown was on his head.

At the sound, he spun to see Piggy and Vibs stepping over broken walls.

"So," he growls, his voice like gravel. "You wanna play to?"

Piggy: This is a game?
K.A.: Everything's a game. Who knows what the rules are?
Piggy: Um...all's fair in a game of chess?
K.A.: Wrong, all's fair for Snidly and his associates.

*his hammer-fist grows huge and he snatches Vibs, Beauregard and Piggy in his grip, and swirling like a volcano in a whirlwind, he rushes back into the computer...takign with him the creature who has a clue that will stop this break-down of MC...a creature who is not Beau, Vibs, or Piggy...

To be continued...


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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In the Muppet Theatre having the time of my life..

We had put in a long night's work. Frankly the night wasn't over yet. Take after take, scene after scene. I hurt in muscles I didn't even know I had. My voice was horse from doing voices I had no idea I could do. During a half hour "lunch" break the real Scooter made his way over to me.

Scooter: How you holding up?
Me: I don't get it. Why on earth would Snidley send me into my biggest dream. I'm having the time of my life. You found a way out of here yet?
Scooter: No, every door I try is locked. We can't come and go. The others can come and go but we can't. *Scooter stops as Dave Goelz walks up*

Dave: Hey, kid. I'm going on a food run. You want anything? A pic of Steve maybe?
Me: Hardy har...very funny. Yeah, get me a burger.
Steve: *groans* I'm way to old for her. And attached. Not to mention she's told us it was one sarcastic remark gone wrong.
Me: Watch out Dave, I just may begin a fan club for you.
Dave: *laughs as him and Steve leaves*

Scooter: As I was saying....*gets intrrupted as Kermit walks up*
Kermit: Great job, kid. You mind helping out with Camilla on this next scene?
Me: Sure thing Kermit. You're the boss, and thanks. *kermit leaves*
Scooter: I don't understand any of this. How on earth are there puppet versions of each of us. Who are these guys performing us and why on earth are we running the show?
Me: We're the only real one's here. The others are only an illusion. As far as the puppets go....One of these days we're gonna have to have a long talk...

Kermit calls Scooter over and I find a quiet corner. Hopefully, Ryan had his cell phone on.

Me: C'mon man...pick up.

(Note: Bye guys!!! See you on Monday!!)


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2005
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Beauregard said:
Vibs: Quick, we gotta, um, what's the word for help?
Piggy: Help?

.... Actually it did crack me up, cause that would be typical me wouldn't it? :smile: )

Miss Piggy: ARRRHHHHHHH!!!
Miss Piggy: If just Kermie was here to save little moi... um save nous! (I do hope that is "us" in french!!)
Vibs: This sure is an odd way to greete people! In Denmark we usually just hug or shake hands or say "hej" which is "hey" or............
Miss Piggy: *Movie frozes for a few seconds and Piggy's looking into the camera* ....Danes!!.... :mad:
*Movie goes one*

(Okay I'm officially making a fool out of myself and the rest of the danish population!)


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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*In Ryan 2's hotel room*

Me: Hey Rowlf can you sleep?
Rowlf: Naw man I'm to worried about Cindy and Scooter.
Me: Me too.
Rowlf: Maybe we should go to Kermit's room and ask him what to do.
Me: There's no need to drag everyone else into this. You and I can look for them ourselves.
Rowlf: Are you sure?
Me: Of course.

*The duo walks downstairs to the lobby*

Me *to the lobbyist*: Excuse me, have you seen a small yellow guy with glasses and a green coat, with a lady?
*The lobbyist turns around to reveal Seymour the elephant*
Seymour: No I sure haven't but I'll be sure to keep a look out for ya.
Rowlf: Seymour what are you doing here?
Seymour: Hey Rowlf! Me and Pepe needed a job to make some extra dough to buy a new mo-ped. So we applied here since we played bell hops on Muppets Tonight we figured we could do it here to.
Me: Wheres Pepe?
Pepe: Here I am! I was just hiring some rats to do our job for us. Hokay?
Me: Ok.
Pepe: Hokay?
Me: Ok!
Pepe: Hey doggy man why are jew here anyway?
Rowlf: We're here with some people from Muppet Central. Have ya heard of it?
Pepe: Oh si, si. I go there all de time I really like dat guy deprawncracker, he plays me so well in de RPG's. Hokay?
Me: I'm theprawncracker!
Pepe: Oh my gosh! Jew are my heroe. Hokay?
Me: Ok!
Rowlf: So anyway, *Rowlf tells Pepe and Seymour the whole story and convinces them to come with them to look for Christy and Scooter.*