sarah_yzma said:
Ooh I gotta admit...geeky guys to it for me
Except I can't stand to hear guys talk about kinda bores me....I'm more into physics formulas and microbiology (I love me some micro!) Most other 'geeky' things I'm totally cool with.....and video gamers (other than those addicted to shoot 'em up...I'm talking the good classics!) have a special place in my heart
There needs to be more girls like ya out there. Im not sure I could date a girl who didnt relish in geeky interests, embrace her inner dork, and at least have some sort of passing interest in gaming.
oooh, and shoot-em-ups, or "Shmups" as I call them rocketh my sockets.
Teheheman said:
Man, the old school stuff ROCKS!!! Nothin like hookin up the old Atari and playing some Asteroids or my personal favorite, Pole Position 2. Ooooo...maybe the old Nintendo, I love Nintendo, in fact, I'm one of the 3 guys that still own a Nintendo 64. THAT'S commitment right there.
I thought most people had a N64? Commitment would be someone that still had an Atari Lynx, Sega Master System or Turbo Grafx 16

That and the Virtual Boy were the two systems I hate that Nintendo put out. Loved their NES/SNES/Game Boy Advance/Gamecube, but didnt care for the monochrome nature of the game boy or virtual boy, and I liked the Playstation more than the N64. I played the Wii this weekend...Im still figuring out why they didnt just release the nunchuck/remote control periphreal for the Gamecube since it appears to have identicle graphics.
sarah_yzma said:
I never had the pleasure of owning an N64....
I have an NES (three actually), a Dreamcast (and I freaking loved it!), and old atari of my dad's and my trust game boy pocket.
But the DSs are so cool that I think I'm going to have to get one for Christmas....
Oh the Dreamcast, one of THE greatest systems, ever. I consider the Gamecube a sequel to the Dreamcast.