Originally posted by frogboy4
Yeah, that annoys me too. Especially Ebay listings that label items as "Jim Hansen's Muffets." It's almost like they are trying.
Everyone knows I have a similar feeling about the misspelling of "Manhattan" - especially when a person sites "The Muppets Take ManhattEn" as his or her favorite film. It's spelled with an A people. No E in Manhattan! LOL!
Don't you mean aren't trying. Crud!! I spelt aren't wrong didn't I?Originally posted by frogboy4
Yeah, that annoys me too. Especially Ebay listings that label items as "Jim Hansen's Muffets." It's almost like they are trying.!
you KNOW each other?Originally posted by wockawocka
Wait, Lydia, who said that? Deana?
Faawww! Fyou fguys fare fthe fgreatest!Originally posted by Salmoto
Ywah you ar, nbut we sntill lovb erou.
But, now, you all DO realize when I mess up the name it's only a joke, right? RIGHT?Originally posted by Phillip Chapman
Yeah that's fairly common. What bugs me is when people call Fozzie... Fonzie. Hear that a lot too.