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Motocross Mix-Up


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
Reaction score
I love the k+p bit. And gonzo and the elevator!

Omg, I died. Lol.

More please!


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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And here is the next segment on Muppet Adventures!

*Credit for Dr. Teeth's first name goes to Slackbot*

“Alright, what do you want, loser?”

Piggy easily found Gonzo within the basement of the theater, leaning over his motorbike with a confused look on his face and the daredevil could easily tell that the diva was not in the mood for idle chitchat.

However, it was only customary to respond to her comments…

“You know,” he huffed. “Most people start conversations with ‘good morning!’ or ‘hello’, but not you. I give you consistency points for sticking it to normalcy.”

“You got twelve minutes, freak monkey.”

“Okay, okay,” the weirdo replied, standing from his position and waving her over. “Come over here.”




“Keep your panties on!” he cried. Muttering to himself about impatient pigs, Gonzo started the engine to his bike.

Said diva was barely controlling the urge to punch the blue pervert when she heard a rattling noise that seemed to be coming from Gonzo’s bike. Turning off the engine, the weirdo looked at her. “You heard it, right?” he asked.


“What is that?”

Piggy shrugged. “Sounds like there’s something in your gas tank.”

Gonzo just looked at her. “Really, Sherlock?” he deadpanned. “Is that what you think it might be?”

“I can go back upstairs,” she stated. “Or I can deck you. Actually I might do both, you never know, Gonzo.”

Gonzo held up his hands in placation. “Alright,” he said. “There’s something in my gas tank. How did it get there?”

Piggy threw up her hands in exasperation. “I don’t know, Gonzo!” she exclaimed. “Knowing you, you probably filled your gas tank up with rocks; probably to match the ones in your head.”

“Firstly,” Gonzo hissed. “You’re not talking to Link, you’re talking to me; secondly, I asked you down here to help me. If you’re going to insult me, then please leave.”

“Fine!” the diva huffed, turning and stomping off.




Piggy managed to angrily stomp her way over to the stairs and was going up them when she heard Gonzo start the bike again. Turning to glare at him, she none the less stopped, watching as he gave the gas tank – and thus the odd rattling noise – a look before trying to attempt to stick his arm in the gas tank.

Looking up, Gonzo noticed Piggy giving him a look that pretty much asked, “how you lost your mind?” Shutting off the engine, he asked, “What?”

“Are you really insane enough to put your arm down the gas tank of a vehicle with its engine running?”

The daredevil shared a look with the diva that clearly stated that, yes, he was that insane and that, unless someone with enough sense were around to stop him, he would do exactly that.

Sighing, Piggy made her way back down the stairs and over to where Gonzo was, simultaneously pulling out her cell phone while she did so. “Let’s be clear on one thing, yes?” she began. “Moi is only doing this because both Kermit and Camilla would no doubt be mad at me if I let you lose an arm. Secondly, your stubby little arms are no doubt too short to even reach in and grab whatever is knocking around in there.”

“Who’re you calling?”

“John John?” she asked, her sweet voice carrying through the phone to the person on the other side. “Could you do Moi a huge favor? Aw, you’re so sweet. Actually two favors – one, could you come down to the basement for a moment? I have something that needs your unique talents. And two, could let Rowlfie know I’m running behind? I have something that needs taking care of.” The last bit she said while looking at Gonzo.

“Merci, John John.” Hanging up, she replied, “Now we wait.”

“You know that Muppet Mafia thing was a joke, right?”

Electric Mayhem bassist Floyd Pepper had once made an observation in regards to three of the troupe’s leading ladies, especially when it came to dispatching unwanted groupies or potential girlfriends’ from their male co-stars. Nicknaming them the ‘Muppet Mafia’, he had gone on to state that if the Muppets were ever a crime family, Miss Piggy would be their Don.

That was when Piggy had corrected him by saying that Don was the male version of the title, where Donna was the feminine version; she of course did this with a well-placed chop to his middle while she said it.

After that conversation, Piggy may have taken that title a little much to heart and Gonzo was afraid that she might actually have ‘connections’ to a person or persons that could do significant damage to his person.

After about ten minutes, the blue stuntman was relieved and surprised to see Dr. Teeth, the leader and keyboardist for the Electric Mayhem come striding down the steps. “Felicitations, mi amigo and amiga!” he greeted as he came over to them. “I hurried to ensure you could bask in my presence as quickly as I could.”

Gonzo gave the band leader a look as the exuberant Muppet flashed him a golden, toothy smile. “I didn’t know your first name was John.”

“You never asked,” Tooth replied, shrugging. Looking to Piggy, he asked, “I have arrived at your beck and call, mamacita. What assistance shall I perform?”

“There’s something in Gonzo’s gas tank,” she stated.

“Off hand, I’d call it gas,” came the retort.

“Everyone’s gotta be a comedian today!” Gonzo groused. “Why don’t we call Fozzie down here and then the three of you can perform a comedy routine?!”

“Forgive him,” Piggy said. “He’s an idiot. Anyway, there’s something in the gas tank of this old clunker he calls a bike, which he insists is not a rock. We kinda need your long arm of the law to find out what it is.”

“Right on,” the band leader chuckled. Leaning over to look deep within the tank, the doctor went ahead and reached into the tank; he let his hand roam around the tank before his eyes went wide.

That’s when he started screaming.


“Agh!” echoed that of his companions.

“Agh!” he screamed again, before letting out a chuckle. “I’m just kidding.”

The small practical joke was not well received. Gonzo reached over towards the starter. “How many hands do you need to play?”

“I’m done, I’m done!” the doctor insisted. “Literally. I think I got your rock.”

Pulling his arm out slowly, Teeth was of course covered in the rest of the gas tank, but what he pulled out seemed to completely remove some of the grease and gas that had been in the tank.

In his hand, he held a medium sized ruby, still covered in oil, but it seemed that the surface was resist to having the liquid stick to it.

“What the hey!?”

“That’s a pretty big rock,” Teeth murmured.

“Gonzo,” Piggy began, slowly. “Why is there a ruby in your gas tank?”

“I don’t know!” he exclaimed. “I certainly didn’t put it there!”

Both the doc and the diva looked at the weirdo, only to be interrupted by the melody of Piggy’s cell phone. Instinctively knowing who it was by ringtone alone, Piggy answered quickly with a, “Can’t talk now. Little busy.”

“Piggy, I need you up here.”

“Told you,” she repeated. “I’m a bit busy.”

“The police are here.”

The retort quickly died on her tongue, as she digested the very words he said. Looking quickly at Gonzo, she replied, “I’ll be right up.”

“What was that about?” Gonzo asked, watching as she hung up.

“That’s what Moi’s going to find out,” she replied, quickly hurrying towards the stairs and up the steps. “Stay here!”

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
Reaction score
Gotcha! Boy did you guys fall for it. The ol' man-eating motorcycle gastank trick.
*Others tackle Dr. Venkman around the billiards table.

And the Police are here too?
Ooh, maybe you can entertain them with a rousing rendition of the King of Pain, at least Gonzo could since that'd be his song.

More please?


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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Hi-o! So, quickly while I'm still on break, here is your next segment of Motorcross!

While Dr. Teeth, Piggy, and Gonzo were down in the basement discovering hidden jewels, let's see what was going on up top in the theater proper, shall we?

The case of the missing ruby was starting to get at least luke warm for Hollertz and Day as their day progressed. In trying to ascertain who and where the thieves had come from and where they had gone, the two had found what seemed to be three unrelated leads – three cases of murder. The first two were of some local teens who were no strangers to the law, having some minor misdemeanors and run-ins, while the next was a known jewel thief and robber within the western and southern parts of California and the United States.

All three had been found murdered within a few days of each other and that of the museum robbery and while there shouldn’t have been a connection, Officer Hollertz had stumbled across one. That led the two partners to the eleventh annual charity motorbike race that had recently happened in Long Beach. The two teens had been registered to participate, but had unexpectedly withdrawn about two days before the event.

Looking at the registration and participant list, Day had suggested the two contact each person to see if they knew or had seen the boys or even that of David Dickers, the jewel thief that Day was convinced was involved in the heist.

One hour later, the two had gone through those who had registered, but had either been no shows or placed on the reserved list in the case that someone didn’t show. They then focused on those who had been in the actual race; Chesney had of course noted that many of the racers were actual celebrities and it was a known fact that celebrities didn’t hang around or even notice regular people.

“That may be,” Day had chastised. "However it’s a new day and age. Maybe these folks were signing autographs when they signed up and noticed something suspicious. You never know.”

Chesney shrugged. “Okay,” he said. “I’ll bite. Who should we start with?”

“Well,” Day replied, picking up a file folder he had on his desk. “I had been planning on suggesting we start with those who didn’t win, but I got this report here that says a huge brouhaha took place at the end.”


“Yeah,” the blue Muppet replied, handing the folder to his partner. “Apparently, there was some controversy over who actually won. The two racers who disputed it apparently went at it right in front of the judges, the guy who took third got involved, and before you knew it, half of the racers were in on it.”


Day nodded. “Saw the names of those involved, huh?” he asked. “Was a little bit surprised myself, but I did some checking on some of those involved and like our murdered trio, they aren’t exactly adverse to getting caught up with the law.”

“So who do we start with?”

“I say we hit Muppet Theater,” Day suggested, standing from his chair and grabbing his jacket. “We’ll kill two birds with one stone by talking to both Miss Piggy and the Great Gonzo.”


About thirty minutes later, the two officers found themselves in Hollywood proper and on the studio lot of Muppet Theater. Chesney, who knew of the Muppets, was still surprised when a large, furry brown monster greeted them at the gate of the studios; he was a very large and very menacing giant of a guy, but seemed to mellow once Day told him who they were.

The monster had been extremely helpful, pointing them to a parking lot and space and then by literally escorting them to the back door of the theater itself. “Just tell Scooter or Kermit who you are,” he said, in a deep voice. “I gotta get back to the front, you know.”

“Thank…thank you for your help, Mister…um…”

“No mister,” the monster chuckled. “Just Sweetums. Gotta go!” And with that, the inappropriately named Sweetums lumbered back to man the front gates.

“Please tell me that this Scooter and Kermit aren’t monsters too,” Chesney gulped.

“Are you telling me you don’t know who Kermit the Frog is?”

“I’m not saying that!” the younger officer protested. “Everyone knows who Kermit the Frog is, but how do you know he was talking about Kermit the Frog? What if he meant, go talk to Kermit the Large Muppet Eating Monster, huh? You don’t know that.”

“Sometimes Kid…” the veteran sighed, opening the back stage door and walking through.

Anyone who was familiar with the previous version of the Muppet Show was well aware that anything and everything happened backstage. This was especially true when a show wasn’t on or when rehearsals were starting. Currently, a group of penguins were doing a song and dance for a red haired Muppet with glasses who was holding an iPad in one hand and a smartphone in the other.

“Hold on,” he was saying into the phone. “Hold on, Jerry.” Moving the phone to his shoulder, he looked at the penguins and said, “That’s great guys! Cheesy, I thought you were a little flat on that last note and you got out of step in the third bar. I’d work on that if I were you. I’ll make sure to let Kermit know…oh, hey Kermit!”

The group of penguins all wandered off, with the aforementioned Cheesy sticking his tongue out at the red head as he nodded to a slim green frog that had walked over to him.

“I saw that, Cheesy!” he shouted to the penguins. Turning to the red-haired Muppet, the frog noticed the two officers as they tried to stay out of the way of the oncoming traffic that was Muppet Labs and set design. “Hi ho!”

Day nodded, immediately coming over to the two Muppets. “Looks to be a busy day, huh?” he asked.

“It’s been an insane day,” the frog corrected. “As per usual. Kermit the Frog,” he introduced himself. “Scooter Grosse, my assistant and stage manager here at Muppet Theatre. How can we help?”

“I’m Det. Day and this is my partner, Officer Hollertz,” Day replied, as both he and Chesney pulled out their badges and showed them to the two Muppets. “We’re investigating a recent robbery and we’ve traced some of the suspects to a recent motorbike race.”

Both Day and Hollertz didn’t miss the way the frog and stage manager looked at each other.

“I understand that two of your actors were participants in that race?”

“Uh,” Kermit stumbled. “Yes, yes sir. Miss Piggy and the Great Gonzo were both in that race.”

“They were also involved in an altercation afterwards, were they not?” asked Chesney.

“They were,” Scooter piped up. “Unfortunately, those charges are currently under investigation by our lawyers. You’ll understand that we can’t really get into specifics about that.”

“Understandable,” Day replied. “Are they both here? Miss Piggy and the Great Gonzo, I mean?”

“Yes, they are,” Kermit nodded. “Um…Scooter, would you keep an eye on the acts out there? You know how Bunsen gets a little excited when he’s doing a demonstration.”

“Sure Chief.”

As the younger Muppet headed off, Kermit replied, “Why don’t we take this in my office? Sometimes, theaters have eyes and hears in places you don’t want them to.”

The frog lead them also the way they had come, but off to the left where a quaint little office was situated. Inside, there was really nothing more than the standard office fare – two chairs sat in front of a wooden desk that had a variety of different items on top of it, including a desk phone, a rolodex, and what appeared to be a fairly unused cell phone.

Just behind the chairs, up against the wall, was a black leather love seat that barely looked like it could fit two people on it.

Kermit indicated the chairs in front of the desk for the officers, while he immediately went to the desk. After some hesitation and indecision, the frog decided that using the cell phone was probably his better approach at getting the answer he needed. Luckily, as much as he hated needing the device, the assistant and the girlfriend had made sure that those most important were at the top of his ‘most likely to call list’.

It wasn’t any surprise that the person he needed to get a hold of just happened to top the list. Hitting the little green phone icon, the frog only waited a second before it was answered.

“Can’t talk now. Little busy.”

“Piggy,” he said, a little annoyed at the tone he had gotten. “I need you up here.”

“Told you, I’m a bit busy.”

“The police are here.”

Whatever retort he expected was quickly squashed as the weight of the situation became clear. “I’ll be right up,” she returned.

Hanging up the phone, he looked at the officers. “She’ll be right up,” he relayed. “She headed to the basement, so she should be here in about five, ten minutes. Can I interest you officers in some water? Coffee, perhaps?”

“We’re fine, Mr. The Frog,” Chesney said, smiling as he did so.

Four minutes and twenty seconds later, the trio heard a knock on the door before it opened to reveal the Muppets’ leading lady. “You wanted to see me, Kermie?”

“Yeah,” Kermit said. Indicating the officers, he continued with, “Gentlemen, allow me to present you Miss Piggy. Piggy, this is Det. Day and Officer Hollertz.”

“Enchante,” the diva said, nodding to both before taking her place by Kermit’s side at the front of the desk.

“We won’t keep you long, Miss Piggy,” Day replied. “We just have a few questions.”

“Do you mind if I stay?” Kermit asked.

“He has a vetted interest in me,” Piggy quipped.

“Vetted nothing,” the frog murmured. “It’s called ‘liability’.”

“How can I help you gentlemen?” she asked, sweetly, barely sending a look towards Kermit. “I hope this isn’t about that nasty business at the race track.”

“Ironically, it is,” Chesney stated. “But not your involvement in that doozy of a fight. No, this is about the Rheingold ruby.”

“The what now?”

“The Rheingold ruby,” Day said. “Surely you’re heard about it. It’s been all over the news in recent weeks.”

“You’ll forgive me, Detective,” the diva replied. “But my ‘doozy of a fight’ has also been in the news, hence why I’ve been avoiding it. Also, dealing with the…circumstances of that has left me rather bereft of my favorite shows.”

“My sincere apologies for the assumption then,” the blue Muppet replied. “The Rheingold Ruby was a gem that was on loan from some big name museum in Germany to us here in the states. A few days before this race, it was stolen from the Ocean in Pasadena; my partner and I have managed to trace some of the suspects to the race.

“Miss Piggy, did you notice anything suspicious when you signed up to be a participant? Anyone acting oddly or out of place?”

Piggy giggled slightly, a nervous habit that Kermit was able to notice, but so did Chesney and Day. “To be truthful,” she began. “I didn’t sign up; I mean, I did, but…it was Gonzo who actually told me about the race and he was the one that signed us both up.”

“You mean the Great Gonzo, correct?”


“Is he here today?”

“Yes,” Piggy answered before Kermit had the chance to. “Why don’t I…give him a call?”

Smiling, the porcine princess quickly pulled out her own cell phone and was making a call to the weirdo within seconds. “Gonzo,” she said. “Could you come and see Kermit and Moiself upstairs? Just come up here, please. Gonzo, I’m sure that…the personnel downstairs would be more than willing to watch over things while you’re up here. Gonzo, I’m not going to ask again, so get your blue butt up here! Merci.”

Hanging up, she smiled at the two officers. “Sometimes Gonzo gets so wrapped in his work,” she said, as way of explanation. “You can’t tear him away. Can you, Kermit?”

“Nearly impossible,” the frog said, politely.

Again, the group heard a knock on the door within moments, with it opening to reveal the Great Gonzo. “You guys wanted to see me?”

“Yes,” Piggy said, once again jumping in before the frog could. “These fine officers of the law would like to speak with you.”

To both Day and Hollertz, it seemed as though both the diva and the stuntman were more than a bit nervous in their presence; this theory was only amplified when the blue daredevil also giggled in a nervous manner, similar to how the diva had at the beginning of their interview.

“Oh!” he replied, sending a look to Piggy. “This isn’t about…”

“No actually,” Day interrupted. “We’re investigating the thief of a priceless ruby that was stolen from one of our local museums.”

Gonzo turned to look at Piggy, before turning back to the officers. “What ruby?”

“As I said,” the older Muppet replied. “It’s a priceless loan from an estate in Germany. Anyway, we have reason to believe that suspects were registered for the charity race that you and Miss Piggy participated in last Saturday. As I understand it, you were the one that signed up?”

“Oh!” Gonzo exclaimed, nodding quickly. “Yeah, I uh…talked to Piggy and signed up.”

“And how did you find out the race?”

“There was an ad in the paper,” the weirdo continued. “Well, technically it was an ad in Crazy Stunts; it’s a daredevil magazine I’m signed up for, and well, I saw the ad and thought it was a great idea.”

“You’ll pardon me for asking,” Chesney spoke up. “But what exactly made you ask Miss Piggy to join you in the race?”

This time, both Kermit and Gonzo answered. “She likes bikes.”

The diva shrugged. “Moi admits she is a motorcycle connoisseur.”

“Did you sign up in person?” Day asked.

“No, actually,” Gonzo replied. “There was a number in the ad, so I called and signed up.”

“On the day of the race,” Chesney began. “Did you notice anyone strange? Anything out of the ordinary?”

Both Muppets shook their heads. “Not counting that unfortunate ending,” the weirdo muttered. “Everything seemed okay.”

“Mr. Grosse mentioned that you’re having that win disputed,” Day replied. “How’s the arm, by the way?”

“It’s alright,” Gonzo shrugged. “A bit tender, but shouldn’t stop me from my juggling scorpions act this Sunday.”

“No, Gonzo,” said Kermit, indicating that the two had this conversation earlier.

“Watermelons then.”

“I said no.”

“You don’t look any worse for wear, Miss Piggy,” Hollertz noted. “I heard that fellow who won roughed you up a bit.”

“It was nothing,” the diva replied, smirking at bit. “Healed in a day.”

“Please,” the daredevil huffed. “Don’t let the make-up fool you, boys, she has a shiner to write home about.”

Still smiling, Piggy managed a slight jab into Gonzo’s right shoulder, right in that tender spot where he had needed stitches. Hissing in pain and covering the spot with his hand, the weirdo muttered, “Not that you should be writing about that.”

“Well,” Day responded, standing and prompting Hollertz to do the same. “I think that’s all we need. If you think of anything, here’s my card -” He handed a card to Kermit, nodding at the three. “Give me a call if you think of anything.”


“We’ll see ourselves out.”

Day nodded a goodbye once again, allowing for his partner to leave before him. As he closed the door behind him, he was sure he heard the frog say, “Please tell me you had nothing to do with this.”


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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Ha ha ha ha! Piggy's make up.
And Gonzo, dude, if you still have that ruby... You're screwed. More please!


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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And moving right along, here's the first part of Chapter 6!

Chapter VI

As soon as the door closed, Kermit had to ask.

“Please tell me you had nothing to do with this.”

His companions turned to look at him, almost surprised that he would even ask such a thing. “Do with what, dear?” Piggy asked, looking confused at the very statement. Receiving a look for her question, the diva chuckled. “Oh Kermie,” she replied, sweetly. “What a silly thing to even think! You know Gonzo and Moi are perfectly well behaved children who have many things to do today.”

“We do?” asked the stuntman. Truth be told, Gonzo was more in shock than anything else. It was one thing to discover a jewel nestled within your gas tank, it was something completely different when that jewel turned out to be priceless and stolen.

Turning her ire on him, Piggy growled, “Yes, we do. Ta, Kermit!” Grabbing the daredevil by one of his suspenders, the diva pulled him along towards the door of the office and back downstairs. Of course, on the way downstairs, the two had started to bicker about what to do next.

“I don’t see why we can’t just turn it in,” Gonzo complained. “I don’t want it!”

“Gonzo,” the diva huffed, stepping off the last step and walking over to his bike to start pacing in front of it. “Moi knows it’s difficult for you, but try to think past yourself to the trouble you’re going to be in.”

“What trouble?”

“First and foremost,” she began. “Where were you the night the ruby was stolen?”

“I don’t know!” the weirdo exclaimed. “Probably at home!”

“Exactly,” Piggy replied. “And was anyone with you?”

“Piggy, what are you getting at?”

“Answer the question.”

“Again, I don’t know because I don’t know when this thing was stolen and even then, how am I supposed to remember what I did on an ordinary night of the week?”

“I’ll tell you the answer then,” the diva said. “One, you were probably at home because I know for a fact that you’re usually not in the theater in the middle of the night. Two, I know – for a fact – that Camilla is out of town until next week, so I hope for your sake you were home alone that night.”

Gonzo just glared at her.

“Three,” she continued. “If Moi remembers correctly, your idiot in arms Rizzo is also gone for the week, meaning that – unless you were with Fozzie or Kermit – you were no doubt by yourself.”

“When you say it like that,” Gonzo said, sarcastically. “It makes me sound like a lonely, crazy hermit.”

“You said it, not me,” came the retort. “So going on that assumption, you go into the police station and state that you mysteriously found this priceless and stolen jewel within your gas tank and have no idea how it got there. Coupled with the fact that, apparently, you were signed up and participated in a race that the suspects were involved in? You’ve now moved up the list of suspects when you weren’t even a suspect to begin with.”

As much as Gonzo was convinced Piggy watched way too many police dramas and documentaries, he had to admit that she had a very good point. Not being able to explain how he got a ruby stuck in his gas tank, coupled with the fact that he didn’t have an alibi for the night in question looked very bad for him.

And no amount of even denying that he had a need for the money would get him out of this type of trouble.

“Okay,” he sighed. “You’re right. So if we can’t go to the police, what do we do?”

“Simple,” she said. “It’s obvious that someone is trying to frame you. Duh. The question of course is who and why. Frankly, I have my money on La Chance.”

“La Chance?”

“Sure,” she continued. “Unless he is a completely horrible rider, which he most likely is, there had to have been a reason for him to run into you like that. And we both know that was no accident.”

“You’d have to be blind to think that,” Gonzo agreed. “But that could be chalked up to the fact that he wanted to win.”

“If that was true,” Piggy countered. “He would’ve pushed a lot harder than he did. It was only when you were leading the pack that he started to get aggressive; no, I’m convinced he’s involved somehow and we need to find out how.”

“Well, I’m on board, obviously,” the weirdo conceded. “But there are two problems with this idea of yours. First, how are we going to do this?”

“Easy,” Piggy chuckled. “We’ll use a little investigative sleuthing. With my smarts, my looks, my charm, and your…” She motioned to him, trying her best to come up with some talent that Gonzo had that would aid them in this.

And failed.

“Not guilty status,” she settled. “We’ll have this thing wrapped up in no time. Problem solved. What’s the second one?”

Gonzo pointed to the only other person who had been in the room with them this entire time – Dr. Teeth. “Him.”

“Don’t mind me,” the bandleader replied, having taken a seat on Gonzo’s bike while the two had outlined their investigating strategies. “I’m totally hip to your private eye routine.”

“See?” Piggy replied. “You don’t have to worry about Doc; he’s plainly on our side.” Looking at the Muppet musician, she stated, “He knows when to keep his mouth shut, because he knows the consequences if he doesn’t.”

“I get it shut,” he nodded. “Permanently. No worries, spy mama, you know you can count on the good doctor working his magic with a mystery.”

“Cool!” Gonzo exclaimed. “You can be like the Charlie to our Angels!”

“There’s only one issue with that,” Piggy said.

“What’s that?”

“You’re no angel.”

“Well neither are you,” Gonzo retorted. “That hasn’t stopped us so far.”

“Do you want another punch in the arm?”

Covering his injured arm, Gonzo quickly said, “No.”

“Then keep your mouth shut too.”

“If I may intervent on your little conversation,” Dr. Teeth replied. “There is a third problem that you may have overlooked.”

“Which is?” asked Piggy.

Holding up the very ruby that Gonzo had given him to hold and watch, he asked, “What exactly to do with little red here?”

“That’s a good point,” the diva murmured. “I didn’t think of that. We’ll have to hide somewhere so that no one finds it.” Taking it from the doctor, she pushed it at Gonzo. “Here, take this.”

“I don’t want it!” he protested, pushing her hand away. “You take it! No one would think twice about you having a rock sized jewel in your possession.”

“No one except Kermit,” she corrected. “You know, our boss, the guy who already thinks we’re involved in this? That’s all we need, having Kermit discover I’ve been keeping a stolen gem in our bedroom.” Thrusting it back at him, she said, “You take it. And I swear, Gonzo, if you say no, I will make sure that you and this ruby will never be apart from each other.”

The daredevil quickly shut his mouth against the retort he had; with as many scrapes and arguments that he had been in with Miss Piggy, he knew her threats to be very true and very real. Once, he had made a pork joke at her expense and it had taken him – and a few friends and doctors – three days to get his head out of a prop ham.

He quickly took the gem.

“Now look,” she told him. “We obviously can’t keep it here in the theater; too many eyes and ears. Put it somewhere that only you know about it and we’ll come back after Kermit and Scooter are gone and move it.”


“Remember gentlemen,” she said, looking at both the keyboardist and the stuntman. “Our best defense is keeping quiet about this. Not a word to anyone or you’ll be having words with me. Got it?” The two nodded, obediently.


The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
Reaction score
Yay, and here we have the plot moving forward with Piggy and Gonzo and Teeth in full-on guilty party hide the evidence mode.
Can't wait to read more... So please post it, now!


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
Reaction score
Yay, and here we have the plot moving forward with Piggy and Gonzo and Teeth in full-on guilty party hide the evidence mode.
Can't wait to read more... So please post it, now!
Don't have nuttin now. :stick_out_tongue:

Was gonna do something, but my morning has been crazy busy. Good busy, like money in the business good busy, but busy none the less. And then I thought I'd work on it later tonight, but I am very behind on school right now, so that might not happen either.

But hey, it's Thursday and TGIFFriday is all I say, so maybe over the weekend.


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
Reaction score
Piggy is like, gangster like...

More please!