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Motocross Mix-Up


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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But according to your desciption, Kermit thinks it's attractive.

*slaps self*

Back to the point.
La Chance is on to ya Princess! Be careful! I think it's a trap! And remember. I know you want to help Gonzo, but NO TRICKS!

Oh boy oh boy oh boy boy!

More please!


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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Okay guys, first I hope everyone had a good holiday. Second, I'm sorry for the lateness. I've been giving myself an ulcer as I try and find a new place to live. Remember six, seven months ago when I got a new job and was trying to find a place to live? Yeah, I'm doing that BS again and I'm not happy about it.

Anyway, we're heading to the end here; decided to break this up to chapters, so only one left plus the epilogue! Enjoy!

Chapter XIII

The hot California days usually gave way to cool California nights. On this night, a sleek black Harley Davidson motorcycle went rushing through the streets of Los Angeles, riding down the highway towards that of the city of San Mateo.

The traffic around the driver went rushing by, paying no heed to the bike nor that of the driver. The signs for the I-5 North went roaring past, but again, the motorcyclist didn’t pay that much attention.

This was literally a matter of life and death, with one life hanging in the balance if the cyclist didn’t get there in time. In any normal instance, the driver – Miss Piggy – would have enjoyed a nice, long drive through the streets of California; there was something about driving alone, on a long stretch of road that could be very liberating and very relaxing.

She had done this many times, both on a bike and in a car. There’s a sense of freedom that was had when driving; it cleared the mind in most cases, letting thoughts and ideas weave their way around one’s head, usually coming to a finale that can help reach decisions, both easy and hard. The decision that Piggy needed to reach was a simple one – save Gonzo by handing over the Rheingold Ruby to that of Royce La Chance.

It was an easy choice, but one she was loath to do.

However, it did ultimately prove her point and singled out La Chance as her one and only suspect. So in retrospect, she had been right in that not only had he been involved in the theft, but obviously he was probably the murderer of those three people that the police had been looking for. That was all well and good, if La Chance hadn’t called her bluff and kidnapped her partner in crime.

The drive from LA to that of San Mateo actually took around five hours to make, however the location where she would be meeting the cat burglar was about an hour into the drive and she was vaguely aware of where she was going.

LA County had started to build an office complex on the outskirts of the highway, thinking that perhaps the location would help to drive business because of so many people that would be going pass. The concept was good on paper, however when faced with an economic downslide, the idea in practice took millions of dollars that the state could not afford at the moment. That of course meant that a huge structure now stood on the side of the highway with no end in sight.

On the right of the highway, it stood. Nearly fifteen floors and about seventy-five hundred feet for each floor; the structure was just metal and steel, extending far into the night sky as the diva approached it.

La Chance had given her an hour to reach the massive structure and she had wasted no time in getting there, just in the case that the thief played his own tricks should she be late. The turn off for the office complex was on the right and Piggy took it, slowing down as she went around the turn.

This was an extremely dangerous situation she was getting into and the diva was well aware of it.

Dry dirt surrounded the construction site and there were still some construction equipment that were littered about, just sitting around as though waiting for their drivers and operators to return. There was an off path that lead from the turnoff to that of the construction site and that’s what the porcine princess took towards the looming building ahead.

She hadn’t wanted to take anything to chance – dressed as covertly in black leather as she dared, she had made sure that the jacket she wore was lined with pockets. They had to be, if she wanted to bring that ruby with her; that was the only thing that took a bit of time, as she needed to head out to the studios and to Kermit’s office in order to retrieve it.

Pulling up a distance from one side of the building, Piggy turned off the roar of the motorcycle’s engine, before throwing a leg of the side to get off. She removed her helmet, shaking out the blonde curls that had been trapped inside, and looked up at the structure before her.

She didn’t see La Chance or Gonzo, though as high as the building was and as dark as the night was, it wouldn’t have surprised her if she was looking right at them and just didn’t see them. She placed her helmet on the bike seat and dug in her jacket pocket for her phone. Pulling up Gonzo’s number, she waited for someone to answer.

“I’m here,” she stated, once she heard the phone pick up.

“Come on up,” replied La Chance. “Tenth floor, elevator’s on the west side, by the sign.”

She immediately heard the dial tone and shoved the phone back into her pocket, making her way towards a sign on the west side of the building that would direct her to the elevator.

Under a scaffold was the makeshift elevator that had allowed workers and managers up and down the building’s structure. Piggy didn’t want to think about what needed to be done in order to get a somewhat working elevator in a shell of a building, so she tried her best to think of other things as she climbed in and pressed the button for the tenth floor.

Never had the diva been afraid of heights, enjoying carnival rides in her youth and certainly being the first to volunteer to do the high dive and other dangerous stunts in all of their movies, but when riding in an open elevator through the outlined metal carcass of a building actually caused her stomach to flip something fierce. Piggy did her best to concentrate on the skyline or the lights of the city, but the prospect that at any moment, the power could go in her moving coffin or she could step out and fall weighed on her heavily.

Upon reaching the designated floor, she wasn’t all surprised to see both kidnapper and hostage at the other end of wooden planked flooring that allowed access to and from the steel beams.

“Right on time,” La Chance called to her, watching as the lift stopped and the pig got out. He waited until she had walked halfway to them and stopped her, saying, “Nuh uh uh. That’s as far as you go, Sweets. Hand over the ruby.”

Piggy halted as ordered, making observations as she went. La Chance had Gonzo in a tight grip by the shoulder, while his other hand held a small caliber weapon to the weirdo’s head; apparently, not trusting the guy to wiggle his way out, the daredevil’s hands were tied behind his back.

“Hand over the weirdo and you’ll get your ruby.”

The villain chuckled. “That ain’t gonna cut it, porkchop,” he said. “This ain’t my first barbeque, so don’t think you can play me.” With the last sentence, La Chance showed just how serious he was by pushing the gun harder against Gonzo’s head. “I’ll cut you some slack though,” he continued. “I’ll make you a trade; I send Gonzo over to the middle and you toss him the ruby. Then he’ll toss it to me.”

“How exactly am I gonna do that when my hands are tied?” the daredevil asked.

Feeling the hand leave his shoulder, it was only seconds in which Gonzo felt the rope around his wrists give way, allowing him to bring his hands forward. “Get going,” La Chance sneered, pushing the weirdo forward, causing him to stumble as he did. Gonzo almost made a comment as he walked forward, hearing the command for him to stop behind him.

“Remember Gonzo,” La Chance replied. “I know where you live.”

The color nearly drained from the stuntman’s face. He had been taken by surprise when La Chance had shown up at his door, making him drop the food and drink off at his door before escorting him by gunpoint to his car. He certainly hadn’t thought anything other than maybe the jewel thief had seen him and followed him, but it didn’t explain how he managed to be at his door before he was.

Which meant only one thing –

La Chance had been aware of his address long before he had shown up.

Gonzo fully admitted that he took his life in his hands with a devil may care attitude, but he never extended it to that of the people he cared about. He did his very and utmost best to keep them out of harm’s way; that was why he soothed Piggy’s fears because he meant what he had said. He wouldn’t let anything happen to her.

And if he was willing to keep an eye on his diva co-star, he would do absolutely anything and everything to ensure that Camilla was safe from harm.

Oh his poor chickadee! She was probably worried out of her mind. Gonzo knew she had called at least three times, with La Chance cancelling every call and he was fairly sure that she had probably called Piggy at some point too. And if the chicken couldn’t get a hold of either one of them, she would most certainly call Kermit or Scooter. So that meant help was hopefully on the way.

Now, how long it would take was another story.

The stuntman turned determined, resigned, and ultimately very terrified eyes on the diva. She would try something if she thought she could get away with it, but with that declaration, he hoped she wouldn’t. For Camilla’s sake, at least.

For her part, Piggy got the message loud and clear, though it was just one more thing that irked her. This was probably way over her head and at this point, she had to concede that she was well over her head in all of this, but she knew there had to be something that would give them the advantage.

She just didn’t know what that was yet.

Keeping an eye on both Gonzo and La Chance, Piggy reached into an inside pocket to pull out the very ruby that had started this mess in the first place, tossing it gingerly to Gonzo. “Thanks for coming,” he said.

She shrugged, stating, “It was a slow night.”

Nodding, Gonzo turned back around to face their combined evil. However, instead of tossing the ruby as previously instructed, he held his hand over the side of the walkway he stood upon. “Why should I give this to you?” he asked. “What if I just drop this over the side of the building and be done with it?”

The smirk La Chance gave him was sinister. Cocking back the hammer on the gun he had trained on the weirdo, he said, “Go ahead. See what happens.”

The two were locked in a staring contest, with Piggy frantically trying to figure a way out.
“I bet your girlfriend would make a tasty soup.”

“If you lay one hand on her, I’ll…”

“Watch her die,” La Chance finished. “Now hand over that ruby or I will drive to your apartment and fry up your sweetie.”

“Gonzo, give it to him.”

Sighing in both frustration and defeat, the performance artist had no choice but to do as he was told, tossing the ruby to La Chance’s waiting hand. The jewel thief examined the ruby, the jewel that he hadn’t seen in weeks since stealing it. Even after being in the possession of those crazy Muppets, the ruby didn’t look any worse to wear.

“Good,” he breathed, taking one last look before putting it in his pocket. Looking up to the two felt heads before him, he trained his gun on Gonzo before saying, “Thanks for keeping such good care of it. And now, for your reward.”

Even from behind the stunt weirdo, Piggy could easily see that this wasn’t going to go the way she had wanted or hoped. In the back of her mind, she wondered if maybe she should’ve sent that text to Scooter, telling him to call the cops thirty minutes after receiving it.

“Whoa!” Gonzo exclaimed, seeing the intention in the criminal’s eyes. “Hey man, you got your ruby, there’s no need to get all violent!”

“I hardly think you’ll be talking any sense into him, buzzard beak,” Piggy replied, huffing as she did. Why did all of her plans seemed to get ruined at the worse moment? “He’s a thief, a burglar, a suspected murderer…and a lousy motorcyclist.”

“Could you please not insult the man while he’s holding a gun on me?” Gonzo muttered, casting a disapproving look to his accomplice behind him. “Thanks.”

“You are smart,” La Chance chuckled. “I’m sure you got those little tidbits from your boy wonder Grosse. And incidentally, it’s only suspected when you haven’t been caught, which I haven’t; nor do I plan on getting caught this time. You two will be victims nine and ten, if you were keeping count.”

“I wasn’t,” Piggy countered, though did inwardly gulp. That…was a lot of victims.

“I’d let you choose who gets to go first,” La Chance responded. “But seeing how Gonzo has taken a step forward…”

The weirdo’s eyes widened in terror. He didn’t want to die! There were so many things that he hadn’t done yet! He hadn’t jumped off the Himalayas, nor had he licked the Statue of Liberty. There were so many things to be done and now, it looked as though he had very few minutes to do them in.

If only…

Looking around quickly, Gonzo spotted what he hoped would help; he just had to hope that Piggy had known him long enough to not freak out when he did it.

“Don’t even think about escaping,” the cat burglar sneered. “I don’t miss. Ever.”

Gonzo turned slightly to give the diva a reassuring smile. “I’d say don’t do anything stupid, but…”

“Right,” she muttered, almost afraid to contemplate what exactly he could’ve meant by that and equally afraid what he was planning to do.

Turning back to face the jewel thief, the daredevil smiled at him too. “Catch me if you can.”

Right as Gonzo made his move to grab onto a rope and pulley off to the side, La Chance pulled the trigger.


Kermit was thankful to be in police custody because he was certain that as soon as he saw his girlfriend, he was going to kill her.

After sitting through an explanation of how a priceless gem wound up in the gas tank of Gonzo’s motorcycle and how Piggy was playing amateur private eye and roping who ever she could get her hands on, the police of Pasadena sent out the alert that the man they were looking for was Royce La Chance.

Not only that, but thanks to Scooter, Det. Day also sent out a wire to the police in New York that they had a suspect in a few of their cat burglaries and five unsolved murders. Thankfully, both Day and Hollertz were too caught up in having an actual suspect that they didn’t ask how exactly the young Muppet came across said information.

Both officers rounded up some of their own and were all set to go, until Kermit and Scooter insisted on coming too. As helpful as they had been and that their friends and co-stars were probably in danger, the detective was very firm in his no to both. It was only when Scooter suggested that they would just follow the police and that either he or Kermit would have a better chance of getting the pig did Day even listen.

Of course, it also helped that the technical Muppet could tap into anyone’s GPS system through their smartphones and he was well aware that Piggy hardly ever turned hers off.

Knowing that the lad and the frog would be willing to play hard ball if they couldn’t come and that they were the only ones who would know where the pig was budged the detective into begrudgingly allowing the two to ride in their unmarked car.

So now, the quartet were traveling to some site off the highway headed towards San Mateo, hoping to reach either the pig or the jewel thief. Gonzo was quickly added to that list when Scooter received a frantic call from Camilla, who stated that the daredevil had seemingly disappeared.


“Yeah, Mr. Grosse.”

“I think we have a problem.”

Kermit could see the worry on his assistant’s face, even in the darkened night of the car and city. “That was Camilla,” he began. “Gonzo went out over an hour and a half ago to pick up food; she opened the door and noticed that their food was just sitting outside the door, but no Gonzo. She’s tried calling him, Piggy, and you. You really need to answer your phone.”

Scowling, Kermit began to reach for said phone, but then remembered that he hadn’t taken it with him; in fact, it was probably sitting on the desk in the theater. “Yeah,” he mumbled, embarrassed that he had once again been caught empty handed and without his phone. “Probably right.”

“Any progress on their location?” asked Hollertz.

Putting back his smartphone and readjusting his tablet to his lap, Scooter replied, “Her position hasn’t moved. According to Google’s terrain, it looks like they’re at some sort of construction site.”

Hollertz nodded, relying the information to the others in their group.

Kermit leaned over to look at the screen of the tablet. “Scooter?” he whispered. “What…what exactly does it mean if Piggy’s position isn’t moving?”

“It could mean nothing,” the page said, nervously.


The redhead looked at his boss and friend, knowing he couldn’t lie to him. “I mean it,” he whispered. “It could mean nothing. She probably just sat her phone down or she’s just standing around.”

“Or it could mean something worse,” Kermit murmured.

“C’mon Kermit,” the assistant whispered, urgently. “It’s Piggy! And it’s Gonzo! They’re fine, I’m sure of it. We shouldn’t worry; after all, what could possibly happen?”

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Yeah Kerm, what could possibly happen? Well, this story's author could post another chapter and be done with it that much quicker, that's what.
*Needs last chapters before rennovating the entire dang library.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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Yeah Kerm, what could possibly happen? Well, this story's author could post another chapter and be done with it that much quicker, that's what.
*Needs last chapters before rennovating the entire dang library.
I would be more than happy to do that, however I'm currently having an episode as I seem to be the only person in Denver trying to find an apartment before the end of the month and everyone wants to talk and show me around.

I don't have time for all of that!!

If I survive, thar shall be an update next week. In fact, I may even update the Mondays on the schedule I set for myself. If not...expect lots of crying. Or despair. Or debauchery. Not even sure why I said debauchery.

In fact, there will be NO debauchery until I find a place to live. So...yeah.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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You want debauchery? Go read Newsie's I've Got My Muppet to Keep Me Warm.
*Leaves mug of hot cocoa, and it is hot, spiced with a touch of chili powder.
*Or maybe that should be a cup of icy lemonade from :grouchy:, trust me, you'll need it after reading.


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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Man, if I was eating twizzlers right now, you'd SEE the tension!

Gonzo's running
La Chance pulled the trigger,
Piggy's not moving,
Kermit's worried,
Scooter's trying to cool him down...
But it makes Kemrit a little more tense!



Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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Finally, here it is boys and girls, the last chapter of this story! Not including the epilogue. With this bad boy in the can, I can finish up the Mondays and get started, hopefully, on that four ball thing you all want. Working on it. And now....

Chapter XIV

Sometimes in life, there comes a moment in which time stops and all you can do is stand still and wait until it catches up with you. The sensation of watching things happen in slow motion without the ability to somehow stop time and maybe reverse the outcome had never been lost on Miss Piggy.

There were only a few times in which time had stopped and started again for her – the first time she ever saw Kermit was like that, as the crowd blurred to only reveal a handsome green face; the day she had seen him again after seven long years of being without him, standing in her Paris office had been another one, and she was sure that the day that frog got down on one skinny little green leg would be another.

There were very few times in between where these stop and go motions occurred outside of her relationship with Kermit. Watching Gonzo jump off the side of a steel structure while a shot ran out probably topped all the ones she could remember.

She and Gonzo had never been the best of friends. In fact, there were times in which she wondered how the heck the little blue furry whatever managed to get caught up in what would ultimately be the group that would become the Muppets. Sometimes she wondered what Kermit saw in the guy; he was completely weird, he liked the oddest things, and never failed to try and get himself killed on a daily basis.

But Piggy would be hard pressed to state that she wanted to see the guy hurt in any way. She may not have understood him or half of the things he did, but he had come through for her on occasions and always tended to look out for her, even when she didn’t want him to.

So it was completely understandable for her to be extremely worried about his wellbeing when he gets shot.

The diva tried to peer over the side to see where the blue body may have fallen, but was immediately stopped by La Chance waving his gun at her. “Stop right there, Hamhocks,” he said, aiming the weapon at her. “I did say that I would be killing two Muppets tonight; one down…”

“You’re despicable,” the diva growled.

“Thanks, Daffy,” he sneered. “You can see I really care about what you think of me.”

“You won’t get away with this.”

“Why?” La Chance asked. “Cause I’m a bad guy? Trust me, sweetheart, I’ve got this all planned out.”

“Bet you didn’t plan for this!”

Gonzo, the duke of all daredevils, the prince of the plumbing performance art, came zipping up from one of the ropes that had been hanging from the side and began shooting at La Chance with a nail gun, barely missing the thief’s feet, but nicking him through the jeans.

Jumping down, the weirdo landed neatly next to his co-star.

“If I didn’t see you, I’d kill you,” she greeted him.

“But you won’t,” he grinned. “That would defeat the purpose of me trying to save you.”

This is your rescue?”

“Are you still alive?”


“Well?” Gonzo replied, spreading his arms wide.

Loud ranting and cursing could be heard from the area where La Chance was, as he grabbed the slight wound that he had gotten from Gonzo’s heroic return. Roaring in anger and pain, the cat burglar turned towards them, gun poised and raised.

The first two shots luckily bounced off the steel beams, but they were still a little too close for comfort. “Come on!” the daredevil shouted, grabbing Piggy’s arm and herding her into the elevator behind them and closing the door quickly. Hitting the button for the first floor, the small box went back the way it came.

They could hear the pounding that La Chance was doing, trying to get to them from where he was.

“It’ll take him a while to get down to the first floor,” Gonzo said. “We could easily bust outta here before he finds us.”

“Yes,” Piggy huffed. “But then he’d get away, with the ruby.”

“Well, whadda wanna do, Piggy?” the weirdo asked, exasperated. “Let’s do what we’ve been doing so far, like risking our lives for something that’s not even ours!”

“Where is your sense of justice?”

“Back at home where I was viciously abducted from!”

The elevator shook as it hit the ground floor, shaking the two from the inside. They struggled to get the door open and spilled out, skidding across the dirt as they started to run from the structure. Piggy led them towards her bike when two move shots rang out, hitting the dirt where they were standing.

Both screamed, running headlong towards the parking lot where the motorcycle was.

Whether it was a lucky shot from a desperate La Chance or just the ole Muppet luck, but one of the wild shots that the thief happened to take ended up whizzing between Gonzo and Piggy and hitting the front tire of her motorcycle.

Both immediately skidded to a stop.



As the police got closer to that of the abandoned construction site, every person could the sounds of muffled gunshots in the distance.

“What was that?” asked Kermit, nervously.

“Gunshots,” replied Day, putting his foot down on the accelerator. Chesney quickly grabbed the radio as they went.

“Attention all squads, attention all squads,” he began. “This car 29. We are coming up on the site and the suspects, shots have been fired. Repeat, shots have been fired.”

“What does that mean?” the frog whispered to his assistant.

“I’m…I’m sure it means nothing,” Scooter whispered back, however the tremor in his voice only revealed his worry instead of masking it.

“Now listen, both of you,” Day said, his voice authoritative and firm. “When we arrive, you are to stay in the vehicle. Shots have already been fired and we have no idea what the situation is and the last thing we need is to have two more adventurers got in a gun battle. Got it?”

“Detective,” Kermit replied. “My girlfriend and best friend are out there…”

“I don’t care if your entire troupe is out there,” the detective interrupted. “You get out of this car and I will have you both arrested for being accomplices and for interfering in a police investigation. Is that understood?”

Frog and assistant alike could only nod in understanding. Day may not actually have any evidence that they could have been involved in the robbery, however the very fact they had interfered in the investigation – with their allowance of letting both Piggy and Gonzo handle this themselves – and it would bite them back.

The rest of the drive continued in silence; the activity within the construction site also seemed to stop.


La Chance was annoyed more than he had ever been in his life. It was one thing to have nearly lost the ruby and gained it back, it was something completely different when he let not one, but two witnesses escape.

The pain in his leg was minimal compared to the anger he was now feeling; it was too late to try and take the elevator down, so instead he did what Gonzo had done, take the ropes down to the ground floor to find them. Hitting the dirt, La Chance made sure that his gun was reloaded and started on the prowl.

He didn’t hear anything, but he knew they were in the area. He kept to the shadows, easily seeing the black motorcycle that stood in the dirt in front of the site, its front tire flat.

“I know you’re still here!” he shouted, coming around a steel pillar. “Why don’t you help yourselves and let’s stop this. You can either do this the easy way or I can search for you and I can guarantee you that if I have to hunt you, you’ll die. Slowly and painfully.”

In another area of the site, Gonzo and Piggy were standing quietly out of the way in their own shadow. They could hear La Chance’s taunts off to the side, hearing him come closer to where they were. The two were silent, holding their breaths to see if the cat burglar would catch on to them or find their hiding place.

It was a rather cool night that night and the darkness of their hiding place only highlighted the lights and quiet this far out of the main city. The blackness of the night helped to bring out the lights of the city, especially the red and blue of an approaching police brigade.

Gonzo’s eyes widened in excitement and he immediately tapped his co-star, pointing out the flashing lights as they came down the street and seemingly towards them. For Piggy, she had to reign in her excitement at seeing the lights, knowing that someone had to be aware that they were in trouble. The how and when weren’t important considering that help was on the way.

Reaching into her jacket pocket, she quickly pulled out her cell phone and brought up Scooter’s number, texting him that she hoped he had sent the police. As quick and as quiet as she dared, the diva texted a summary of where they were, hoping that the police were just trying to search the area.

Both sighed happily, knowing that even if a line of police cars were just passing by, they were close enough for them to come back should Scooter or Kermit wish it. The two were content to smile and nod at each other, relieved at the knowledge they were only a few a few short minutes from rescue.

That’s when they heard the click of a gun.


The police managed to pull into the dirt driveway of the construction site, lighting the entire area as they drove in, surrounding the trio that stood in the middle.

As Kermit and Scooter peered over the backseat, they could clearly see La Chance standing a few yards from both Piggy and Gonzo and none of them were moving. Day and Hollertz were immediately out of the car as soon as it stopped, as other officers also got out of their cars and drew their weapons.

“Put down the gun!”

“You put down your guns,” La Chance replied, smoothly. “I will kill both of these Muppets, so I wouldn’t make me angry.”

The standoff began, with several officers not taking the bait and keeping their guns trained on the group, while La Chance kept his trained on his hostages.

“Gonzo,” Piggy whispered, gulping slightly. “Whatever Moi may have said or rather, no matter how many times Moi hasn’t said it, you’ve always been a good friend to me.”

“Piggy,” Gonzo replied. “I used on of your boas to snake one of the theater toilets.”


La Chance wasn’t about to give you the advantage he had; he had two Hollywood stars at gunpoint and there was no way he was going to give them up or himself. He waved the gun back and forth between the two, calculating which one he wanted to shoot first. It seemed simple to just take out Gonzo first, but it was the pig that had been giving him the worse trouble as of late.

“La Chance,” Day replied, a bullhorn brought to his lips. “It won’t do you any good to do anything stupid. Just put the gun down and let Miss Piggy and Gonzo go; no one needs to get over this.”

“Which one of you wants to die first?” the thief asked.

“You heard them,” Piggy responded. “You don’t have chance.”

La Chance smirked, pointing the gun at the diva. “Thanks for volunteering.”

For the second time that night, Piggy was caught up in time seemingly standing still. La Chance was shooting her, a bullet was leaving the chamber and was probably going to pierce her heart. Then she was falling to the ground and the bullet was passing overhead and the ground was rushing to greet her.

When it was all over, a swarm of officers were a few yards from her, assuming they were taking down La Chance. An officer was standing above her, offering his hand to help her to her feet. When she was up and straight, she looked to her right where Gonzo was also standing from the ground, dusting himself off.

“Push a little harder next time, why don’t cha?”

“You’re welcome.”

“Piggy! Gonzo!”

The excitement of the moment was winding down, that was clear when Kermit and Scooter were rushing towards them. The frog, who normally was not a fan of public displays of affection, especially with an audience around, nonetheless just about tackled Piggy, hugging her tightly.

He reached out, grabbing Gonzo and pulling him into the impromptu hug that he had initiated.

“Are you guys okay?” Scooter asked, breathlessly, joining the small huddle.

“Yeah, Red,” Gonzo chuckled, patting the assistant on the shoulder. “We’re alright.”

“Told you Moi had everything under control,” the diva smirked, caressing a green cheek of her frog.

“You know,” Kermit replied, tampering down his worry with the ever building anger he usually felt in the aftermath of one of Piggy’s schemes. “You could’ve been killed. You both could’ve been killed. Do you have any idea…?”

“Hey Kermit,” the daredevil interrupted. “I know you’re about five second from an epic arm waving, volcanic tongue lashing, but we’ve just been through a harrowing experience in which our very lives were at stake. Could we do this tomorrow?”

The frog literally was about to lash them within an inch of their lives for doing what they did and putting him through what they had, but to honest, he was just relieved to have them safe and sound that he could easily let this go.

Until tomorrow.

“Sure, Gonzo.”

“Awesome!” the daredevil exclaimed. Throwing an arm around Scooter’s shoulder, he said, “Hey Andy Westside, wanna hear how I got abducted from my apartment?”

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
Reaction score
*Happy this fic is almost finished with only an epilogue missing to move it from the in-progress to the completed section of the library.
*Refrains from pointing out that the second segment needs a lot of cleaning.
*Very much likes the time standing still moments in Piggy's mind.
*Offers a third option to LeChance's taunts, how about you get carted off to Sing-Sing instead? What's zat? No stupid, Alcatraz is just a museum now.
*Leaves hot chocolate, making sure there's some left for me too later.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
Reaction score
*Refrains from pointing out that the second segment needs a lot of cleaning.
Dare I ask? Do you mean the second segment, with...um...Kermit, Scooter, and the cops? Or did you mean halfway through the story?

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
Reaction score
Yes, the bit with Swamp Frog and Iron Gofer and the local LA cops.
But we wants the epilogue too! Please?