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MissMusical12's Muppet Show Outlines


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2012
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....ok......Peewee Herman? That guy who sang, 'Mambo 5'.....

Thats all I got....help me!


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2012
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GUEST STAR: Michele Lee
STYLE: Late Season 4 (Between Alan Arkin and Diana Ross)

Scooter: Oh, Michele! Michele Lee! 14 seconds till curtain, Michele!

Michele: 14? What ever happened to 15 seconds?

Scooter: Well, now it's 11 seconds.

Michele: Scooter.....

Scooter: 8 seconds

Michele: Now wait just a second.

Scooter: -waits a second, then continues- 4, 3, 2, 1!

TRUMPET GAG: Just before he could blow his trumpet, Gonzo hears a telephone and picks it up.
Gonzo: Hello? No, I'm not busy. How are you?

Kermit: Thank you, thank you! Hi ho and welcome again to The Muppet Show, ranked as the best show in the nation with frogs, dogs, chickens, bears, pigs and other silly creatures.

Beautiful Day Monster: -comes onstage- Does that include monsters? -gives Kermit list-

Kermit: I'm pretty sure that includes monsters. -gives list back to him-

Beautiful Day Monster: Well, the list doesn't say so, bub!

Kermit: Will you get off the stage?!?! -Beautiful Day Monster leaves stage- Uhhh, sorry about that folks. Anyways, our guest star tonight is that lovely and talented star of movies, stage, and television, Michele Lee!

Audience: Ooooooooh.

Kermit: Yes. But first......it's time for a coffee break!

MUSICAL NUMBER: Coffee Break (from How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying) (in the style of the 2011 revival), lead by Floyd and Miss Piggy as they are fighting over the last cup of coffee, backed up by whatnots in business attire. There's also a tango part Floyd and Miss Piggy, unwillingly, dance to. In the end, Miss Piggy pushes Floyd off the coffee machine and grabs the last cup of coffee.


Statler: You know, I could really go for some coffee myself right now.

Waldorf: Why is that?

Statler: To keep me from sleeping through this show.

Both: Dohohohoho!

Kermit: Okay, nice job, everyone.

Miss Piggy and Floyd enter, bickering.

Kermit: Oh no...not again. -to the bickering Miss Piggy and Floyd- STOP IT!!! Now, Floyd, Piggy, what's the matter this?

Miss Piggy: Floyd lied to me, Kermit! This isn't coffee!

Floyd: Get a grip, woman, it's just a number!

Miss Piggy: It's WATER! HOT WATER!

Floyd: So what? Hot water....you need it with coffee, Piggylocks. -laughs-

Miss Piggy throws the water at Floyd.

Floyd: -angrily blinks- That.....burned. -walks off-

Miss Piggy: Kermie, I want that Beatles Wannabe fired! FIRED! Moi has been FED UP with him and his snarky comments.

Kermit: Don't forget Animal.

Miss Piggy: Don't push it, frog. -leaves-

Kermit: Yeesh. -goes onstage-


Kermit: Well, all fighting aside, it's time to now introduce our wonderful guest star, ladies and gentlemen, Michele Lee! YAAAAAAAAY!!!

MUSICAL NUMBER: You Can't Hurry Love, sung by Michele, along with the vocalist of Geri and the Atrics singing the chorus parts ("You can't hurry love, no you'll just have to wait....etc.")


Statler: I don't feel like hurrying love right now.

Waldorf: I know. We should hurry out of here.

Both: Dohohohohoho!


Kermit: Excellent job out there, Michele.

Michele: Thank you, Kermit. -to Geri and the Atrics vocalist- Hey, is there anything I can do for you, kindly lady?

Vocalist: Well, you can start by giving me my afternoon sponge bath.

Michele: I'll pass, thank you. -goes into her dressing room-

Vocalist: -to Kermit- Will you give me my afternoon sponge bath?

Kermit: No.

Vocalist: Go? Go where? Speak up, sonny, my hearing aide is off.

Kermit: GO!

Vocalist: Oh....why didn't you say so before? Okay.....-goes off-

Fozzie: -rushes over to Kermit- Hey, Kermit! Kermit!

Kermit: Yes, Fozzie?

Fozzie: Will sign this petition?

Kermit: YOU wrote a petition? For what?

Fozzie: Not me, silly. Floyd wrote a petition to convince the producers to fire Miss Piggy.

Kermit: -gasp- Fozzie, I thought I was the producer of this show.

Fozzie: You are? Since when?

Gonzo: -rushes over to Kermit- Hey, Kermit! Will you sign this petition?

Kermit: Don't tell me....

Fozzie: You can tell me, Gonzo. What is it for?

Gonzo: Miss Piggy wrote a petition to convince the producers to fire Floyd.

Kermit: I knew it....

Random Business Whatnot (from the Opening Number): Dearest good sir, will you sign my..............

Kermit: NO!

MUPPET LABS: Bunsen invents a remote control operated parrot that repeats back every word either him or Beaker say. Unfortunately, when Beaker says "Mee mo mo mee mee (I am an idiot)", the parrot replies "You are an idiot."

Newsman: Here's a Muppet News Flash! The world's most ugliest surfer has just broken the record for the world's ugliest person to have absolutely no occupation whatsoever. That record was previously broken by a Mr. Harry Foot, whom had the occupation of being a bum walking the streets of Kentucky.

Mr. Harry Foot then approaches The Newsman and knocks him out with his bag.

Mr. Harry Foot: -with a British accent- Loose to a bumbling surfer? Never, my good sir.

BACKSTAGE (Michele's Dressing Room):

Michele is putting her makeup on when there's a knock on the door.

Michele: Come in.

Floyd and Miss Piggy enter at the same time.


Michele: One at a time, one at a time.

Miss Piggy: Ha! Moi got here first.

Floyd: That's 'cause you were running too slow. I, on the over hand, was walkin' fast.

Michele: Is this about your stupid petitions to get each other fired?

Floyd and Miss Piggy: Yes! I mean....no!

Michele: Have some maturity, you two. I mean, c'mon, a petition?

Miss Piggy: Better than fighting, must vous agree, Michele?

Michele: Yes, I do agree, Miss Piggy.

Miss Piggy: Of course, if we did fight, I'd CRUSH Floyd.

Floyd: You're only sayin' that.....

Miss Piggy: Ah ah ah, boys don't hit girls......chicken.

Floyd: Look who's talkin, you hog.

Miss Piggy: OH YEAH?!!??!?!!

Michele: Okay, break it up! You two are acting like a married couple right now.

Miss Piggy and Floyd: Marry him/her!?!?

Michele: Guys, you two shouldn't be fighting over something like this. Are you two friends at all?

Miss Piggy and Floyd: No!

Michele: Really?

Miss Piggy and Floyd: Yeah....kinda.

Miss Piggy: Well....Floyd did help moi give advice for writing angry fan letters.

Floyd: Yeah, and they all kept their mouths shut after those letters. And Piggy here did help make arrangements for me and my main squeeze to get into that fancy Italian restaurant just a few months ago.

Miss Piggy: Moi never asked you, but how was it?

Floyd: Let's just say.......Lady and The Tramp would be proud of us.

Michele: See you two are getting along much better now than before. Do you forgive each other now for everything that's happened?

Miss Piggy: -sigh- Yes. Moi forgives you, Floyd.

Floyd: And...I forgive you, too, Piggy.

MUSICAL NUMBER: As Long As He/She Needs Me (from Oliver!), sung by Miss Piggy and Floyd, in forgiveness to each other.

(After the number)

Michele: Ladies and gentlemen, I believe this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship....or something.

MUSICAL NUMBER: You're Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile (from Annie), sung by Bobby Benson's Baby Band.


Statler: Do you know when the sun will come out at this point?

Waldorf: The sun will come out when this show is cancelled.

Both: Dohohohohoho!


Miss Piggy: Kermie! Kermie! Kermie!

Kermit: No, I will not sign your petition, Piggy.

Miss Piggy: Oh forget that silly petition, mon capitan. Moi and Floyd...made up!

Kermit: Really?

Floyd: She said it, Green Stuff. The rivalry between me and Miss Piggy have come to a close.

Kermit: Oh thank goodness.

Floyd: All you gotta do now, man, is sit back, relax......and sign this document stating that "Me and Miss Piggy shall prevent any further arguments from this moment on."

Kermit: Yeesh. So many documents on this show tonight. -signs document- There, now I gotta go introduce Michele for her final number. -leaves-

Floyd: He really fell for it.

Miss Piggy: Yes. Looks like vous and moi are going to get our long deserved, prepaid, vacations after all.

Floyd: I hear ya.

Miss Piggy: Oh Paris! Moi is on her way! -rushes onstage-

Floyd: Paul McCartney at Caesars Palace, here I come! -laughs and goes onstage-


Kermit: And now, ladies and gentlemen, here to close tonight's show, with a sweet little number about friendship, our guest star, Michele Lee! YAAAAAAAY!

MUSICAL NUMBER: Together (Wherever We Go) (from Gypsy), sung by Michele, Miss Piggy and Floyd. They are soon joined onstage by other Muppets, including Kermit, Scooter, Fozzie, Gonzo, Janice, Annie Sue and Robin.


As the lights come on, the scene remains the same from before.

Kermit: Well folks, another terrific show has wrapped up for us this evening. But before we go, let us thank our wonderful guest star, Miss Michele Lee! YAAAAAAAY!

Michele: Kermit, I had a lot of fun tonight. It was such a blast.

Crazy Harry: -rushes onstage- I'll say!

Miss Piggy: Don't you dare! HIYAAAA! -karate chops Crazy Harry- Take that, weirdo.

Floyd: And I thought I was the weirdo, but that was ridiculous, man.

Kermit: Okay, we'll see you next time on The Muppet Show!

(Goodnights: Kermit, Miss Piggy, Floyd, Fozzie, Gonzo, Robin, Janice, Scooter, and Annie Sue)



Statler and Waldorf are using binoculars to look for the sun.

Statler: Has the sun come out yet?

Waldorf: Nope. The show's over, but it still hasn't come out yet.

Statler: Well, keep looking!

I always wanted to have a backstage plot involving Floyd and Miss Piggy. :sing::mad: This was A LOT of fun to do. More outlines to come!

Stan Davis

Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2011
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great outline

who perform these characters
Random Business Whatnot
Mr. Harry Foot


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2012
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GUEST STAR: Ann-Margret
STYLE: Early Season 4

Scooter: Ann-Margret! Oh Ann-Margret! 15 seconds till curtain, Ann.

Ann-Margret: Thank you, Scooter. I just have one problem.

Scooter: What's that?

Ann-Margret: There's an apple tree in my dressing room. What exactly is it doing?

Scooter: Apple siding, of course.

Ann-Margret: Apple siding? What's that?

The tree then gives Ann-Margret a glass of apple cider.

Ann-Margret: Now I gotta get an apple siding tree.

TRUMPET GAG: Gonzo is unaware that he's using Zoot's saxophone. Zoot then comes up and returns Gonzo his trumpet.

Zoot: I think this belongs to you, man.

Gonzo: Huh. No wonder it didn't sound like a trumpet.


Kermit: Thank you, thank you! Hi ho and welcome again to The Muppet Show. Our guest star tonight is that lovely and talented actress and singer, best known for her movies such as "Bye Bye Birdie","Viva Las Vegas" and "Tommy", Ann-Margret!

Audience: Ooooooh.

Kermit: Yes. That Ann-Margret, ladies and gentlemen.

Anne Margaret (an old lady/ possibly a member of Geri and the Atrics) comes onto the stage.

Anne Margaret: What about me, sonny? My name is Anne Margaret, too.

Kermit: But you're Anne Margaret, not Ann-Margret.

Anne Margaret: But I am Anne Margaret.

Kermit: Will you get off the stage!?!?! But first, kicking off tonight's show is a little song that brings us back to the American Bandstand of the 1950's.

MUSICAL NUMBER: Tutti Frutti, performed by The Electric Mayhem (with Dr. Teeth on vocals), in a setting similar to "American Bandstand" in the 1950's.


Statler: Well, what do you have to say about that number?

Waldorf: What else? A-wop-bop-a-loo-mop-a-wop-bam........

Both: Boo! Hahahahahaha.


Kermit: Okay, way to go out there, guys! You had the crowd really roarin' out there.

Dr. Teeth: Absolutely we did, my friend!

Zoot: I didn't hear any lions.


Sam: Ugh, this repulsive yelling.

Kermit: Oh, Sam! You've returned early from your vacation in Philadelphia. How was it?

Sam: Sick and weird....it wasn't like it used to be. Calm and peaceful and patriotic....now it's infested with weirdos like yourselves.

Kermit: Oh.

Sam: And I specifically request a patriotic closing number for tonight's show.

Kermit: I wish I could do that, Sam, but I promised Ann-Margret the closing number.

Sam: Anne Margaret?

Kermit: Yeah. Ann-Margret.

Sam: Oh...well that's perfectly fine. She is a very patriotic lady like herself.

Kermit: I'm sure she is, Sam.

Sam: In fact, I've known Anne Margaret for years.

Kermit: YOU know Ann-Margret?

Sam: Of course. We used to talk about politics all the time in the community center.

Kermit: Ummm....and how long ago was this?

Sam: Years ago, Kermit. Years ago.

Kermit: Now listen, I have to go introduce Ann-Margret for her first number.

Sam: Excellent. I shall watch then.


Kermit: And now, ladies and gentlemen, she's the one whose voice and body make men melt in their seats, here she is, Ann-Margret! YAAAAAAAY!

MUSICAL NUMBER: Why Don't You Do Right?, performed by Ann-Margret, accompanied by Rowlf

(At the end of the song, it shows Sam, looking from offstage, with his jaw wide open)


Statler: Ann-Margret......

Waldorf: What has she ever done right?

Statler: The right thing she should do is leave now!

Both: Dohohohohoho


Kermit: Excellent job out there, Ann-Margret.

Ann-Margret: Thank you, Kermit.

Sam: What did I just watch?

Kermit: Ann-Margret, Sam.

Sam: But YOU, sir, said Anne Margaret. This, my good man, is NOT Anne Margaret.

Ann-Margret: But, Sam, I AM Ann-Margret.

Sam: You are not Anne Margaret! You are an abomination to America, with their sultry blues numbers and tight dresses. Humph!

Ann-Margret: Did you have any idea what he just said, Kermit?

Kermit: Do you want me to get Miss Piggy to karate chop him?

Ann-Margret: It's fine.

PIGS IN SPACE: Marvin Suggs accidentally winds up on the Swinetrek. He then plays "Lady of Spain" using Captain Link, First Mate Piggy, and Dr. Strangepork's heads, as well as banging other items on the Swinetrek.

UK SKETCH: MUSICAL NUMBER: Blue Moon, sung by The Gills Brothers

BACKSTAGE (Ann-Margret's dressing room):

Ann-Margret is fixing her hair, when there's a knock on the door.

Ann-Margret: Who is it?

Miss Piggy enters.

Miss Piggy: Bonjour, Ann-Margret!

Ann-Margret: Hello, Miss Piggy. Oh, you look absolutely ravishing tonight.

Miss Piggy: Awww, merci bocoup, Ann-Margret. Listen, moi happened to hear about your situation with Sam.

Ann-Margret: Yeah. Is there really another woman named "Anne Margaret" on this show?

Miss Piggy: Unfortunately yes, and she's not the brightest "Anne Margaret" either.

Ann-Margret: What is she? A showgirl? A monster? A pig?

Miss Piggy: Ahem. Moi is the only pig female on this show.

Ann-Margret: What about Annie Sue? She's a pig, and she's female.

Miss Piggy: Oh forget her. She's not worthy enough to meet a super celebrity like yourself.

Ann-Margret: But what about "Anne Margaret?"

Miss Piggy: What about vous, Ann-Margret?

Ann-Margret: I really have to meet this "Anne Margaret" woman. And fast.

Miss Piggy: Why's that?

Ann-Margret: So I can prove that I'm the only here.

MUSICAL NUMBER: I'm Still Here (from "Follies"), sung by Ann-Margret and Miss Piggy

SWEDISH CHEF: Anne Margaret (the old lady) assists The Swedish Chef, but says he's doing everything wrong.


Sam: Ahhh. Now with that abomination who calls herself "Anne Margaret" has gone, we shall now continue with Anne Margaret's patriotic closing number.

Kermit: Well....I guess. I mean, I did promise it to you.

Anne Margaret: I'm doing a number?

Sam: Yes, you are, Anne. Now go! Go! Go onstage! -Anne Margaret goes onstage-

Kermit: Oh where's Ann-Margret?

Sam: Onstage.

Kermit: Now I mean..."Ann-Margret." "Viva Las Vegas," "Bye Bye Birdie," you've never heard of Ann-Margret, Sam?

Sam: I do not know of this other Ann-Margret you speak of.

Kermit: SHE'S OUR GUEST STAR!!!!!!

Sam: Yelling is something I will NOT tolerate. Introduce the closing number.

Kermit: I will! -goes onstage-


Kermit: -sigh- And now, ladies and gentlemen, the lady who is not really our guest star but SOME people presume she is.......

Sam: She IS our guest star.

Kermit: Mrs. Anne Margaret.

MUSICAL NUMBER: America, The Beautiful, sung by Mrs. Anne Margaret. The REAL Ann-Margret then pops out and counters it by singing Bye Bye Birdie.


Kermit: Well folks, I think tonight was a VERY confusing night for a lot of us, if you know what I mean. But before we go, let us say thank you to our guest star, ladies and gentlemen, the REAL Ann-Margret! YAAAAAAAAAY!

Ann-Margret: Kermit, thank you so much. I hope no there was real confusion on tonight's show.

Kermit: As long as there's no two Kermits, we're perfectly safe, Ann-Margret.

Karmit (a random old frog): Wait....my name is Kermit.

Ann-Margret: Oh no......not again.

Kermit: Uhhh, we'll see you next time on The Muppet Show!

(Goodnights: Kermit, Karmit, Miss Piggy, Sam Eagle, Mrs. Anne Margaret and two of The Gills Brothers)



Statler: Bye bye, Ann-Margret.

Waldorf: Why does she have to go now?

Statler: It's the end of the show.

Both: Dohohohohoho


Stan Davis

Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2011
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that was good i love ann-margret

who perform these characters
Anne Margaret


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2012
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Nice job! Those two rocked it! I especially like the trumpet gag on story 2, u know the one where gonzo accidently uses Zoot's sax?
