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MissMusical12's Muppet Show Outlines


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2012
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This one was a request from Stan Davis. This one isn't so good 'cause I don't know her too well........I apologize. Do enjoy anyways!
GUEST STAR: Sally Field
STYLE: Mid Season 3 (Between Loretta Lynn and Helen Reddy (This is between Raquel Welch.))

-Today's episode takes place on a beach, sorta in the style of the Loretta Lynn episode-
Scooter: Oh Sally Field! Sally Field! 15 seconds till curtain, Sally.

Sally: Thank you, Scooter. Just one question, though. Can you tell the tree to move it? It's blocking my view of the sun.

Tree: Oh yeah. How do you like them coconuts! -drops coconuts on Sally's head-

Sally: I've only been on this show for five minutes, already this show has gone bananas.

THEME SONG: The theme is played out similar to the Loretta Lynn episode. Marvin Suggs and Mahna Mahna are also in the orchestra.

TRUMPET GAG: Gonzo's trumpet sounds like a cruise ship.

Kermit: Hi ho and welcome again to the Muppet Show. Our special guest star tonight is that wonderful actress of movies and television: Miss Sally Field. Now I suppose all of you are wondering why we are having our show take place on a beach tonight. Well it's the first day of summer and we have decided to take our show outside for once. You know to get some fresh air.

(Statler and Waldorf are sitting on those high lifeguard chairs)
Waldorf: Fresh air?

Statler: It'd be even fresher if you didn't intoxicate the beach with this show.

Kermit: Yeesh. And now, it's time to have a little fun, fun, fun with this first musical number.

MUSICAL NUMBER: Surfin' Safari, performed by a group of pigs on surfboards.


Statler: That was not fun, fun, fun.

Waldorf: Well, that wasn't even a surfin' safari either.

Both: Dohohohoho!


Kermit: Okay good job, good job, surfing pigs.

Scooter: Hey chief, I think we may have a small problem about today's show.

Kermit: Why is that?

Scooter: It said in today's forecast that it's supposed to rain.

Kermit: -gulp- Rain? But how are we supposed to do the rest of show if it's going to rain?

Scooter: Oh don't worry, It said that the rain isn't supposed to hit until around 5:00.

Kermit: Oh thank goodness. Wait, Scooter, what time is it?

Scooter: -checks his watch- 4:58.


Scooter: Hey chief, I hate to interrupt your freak out, but you're on.

Kermit: Uhhh...oh! -goes onstage-

Kermit: Okay, it is now time to introduce our guest star, Miss Sally Field, in a tribute to that adorable, surfing, boy crazy........

Miss Piggy: Kermit!

Kermit: Miss Piggy, what's the matter?

Miss Piggy: Why isn't moi performing said adorable, surfing, boy crazy Gidget in this sketch?

Kermit: Well, Piggy....our guest star has more experience about playing said Gidget in this sketch.

Miss Piggy: Oh yeah. Well tell our guest star, I said.......HIYAAAAA!!!! -karate chops Kermit- Humph. Just start the sketch.

Kermit: -in pain- Don't forget to say yay.

Miss Piggy: -unenthusiastically- Yaaaay....

SKETCH: Sally performs a beach sketch as Gidget, with all of the guys (Fozzie, Gonzo, Floyd, Lew Zealand, Link Hogthrob, and Animal) each butting each other out to play Gidget's boyfriend, Moondoggie, just so they can get the last kiss at the end of the sketch. It starts to rain in the middle of the sketch, but it soon stops. In the end, it turns out to be a passing shark that ends up as Moondoggie and gets the kiss in the end.

(I would figure this one would be impossible, since you have three of Jim Henson's characters in the same location at the same time)

Newsman: Here's a Muppet News Flash! "Scattered thunderstorms are expected to hit the beach area today....along with heavy lightning and hail the size of pianos."

-Dr. Teeth and Rowlf show up-

Dr. Teeth and Rowlf: Did you say hail the size of pianos?

-Hail the size of pianos comes down and hits the Newsman-

UK SKETCH: VET'S HOSPITAL: The shark from the Gidget sketch is in Vet's Hospital. He says hail hit him too hard and is suffering from heart burn, since Gidget broke his heart five minutes later. Dr. Bob suggests that "Jaws would make a great partner for you!"

MUSICAL NUMBER: Rock-A-Hula Baby, performed by Floyd on electric guitar, backed up by Animal on drums, Mahna Mahna on ukelele and a group of whatnot hula dancers. (Janice and Annie Sue are also two of the Hula Dancers)

Waldorf: That was absolutely Rock-a-Horrible!

Statler: And there's no baby in it, too!

Both: Dohohoho.

Waldorf: Boo!

Statler: Boo!

BACKSTAGE: Sally is working on a sun tan.

Kermit: Hi, Sally.

Sally: Oh hi, Kermit.

Kermit: Listen, sorry if the weather isn't really going our way today.

Sally: Oh that's okay. The weather isn't always on my side, either.

Kermit: Listen, in case there's any rain....

Sally: Or hail the size of pianos.

Kermit: .....that comes down on us, will you be able to do one number about rain?

Sally: Why sure, Kermit. But what if it doesn't rain, then what do I sing?

Kermit:.....How 'bout "I'm Always Chasing Rainbows?"

Sally: I chase them, too. Oooh, I'm parched. Will someone get me some iced tea?

Scooter: -comes with "iced tea"- Here's your iced tea, Miss Fields.

Sally: Wow, this really is iced tea. It's already past the freezing point.

AT THE "HULA" DANCE: The dancers are telling ocean and beach jokes. Rain soon comes down on them, and one of the dancers is electrocuted with lightning.

Kermit: Well, I guess the rain is starting to pour down on our Beach show, however, that is not going to stop our final musical number, sung by our guest star, ladies and gentlemen, Miss Sally Field! YAAAAAAY!!!!!!!

MUSICAL NUMBER: Sally sings Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head but keeps alternating between that and I'm Always Chasing Rainbows as the weather changes between rain and sun.

Kermit: Well folks, Mother Nature really isn't on our side tonight.

Mother Nature: Darn this stupid magic wand. Oops! -her magic wand accidentally causes the weather to start snowing-

Kermit: Oh boy....before we go, let us say thank you to our wonderful guest star, Sally Field.

Sally: Brrrr....Kermit, I'm cold. Do we have a sweater around here or something?

Kermit: Ummm, we kinda really didn't expect rain....or snow for that matter, to come along.

Sally: -sneezes-

Kermit: -gives Sally a tissue- Bless you.

Sally: Thank you.

Kermit: Okay then, we'll see you next time on The Muppet Show!

(Goodnights: Kermit, Scooter, Dr. Teeth, Gonzo, Annie Sue, The Shark, and a whatnot hula dancer)



Waldorf: Where's Frosty The Snowman when you need him?

Frosty: Happy Birthday!

Statler: What'd he say?

Waldorf: Merry Christmas.

Both: Dohohohoho

I kind of rushed this one........sorry about that. I'm just really exhausted from typing, and plus I have school tomorrow, so that doesn't help either. This request was kind of sudden, so yeah. Hope you enjoyed it! :wink:

Twisted Tails

Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2012
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I rully LOVEd it, MissMusical! The change of weather was hilarious. In the episode with the guest star, Gladys Knight, it started to get sunny, then windy, than snowing... (sneezes) pardon. Why? Oh yeah! Their roof of the theatre had to taken away for repairs.

I have never heard of Sally Field, but I guess my mom did.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2012
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To Stan Davis, I apologize in advance but I really REALLY can't think of anything for your Richard Pryor request. If you wanna help me out and give me some ideas, you can. To everyone, please enjoy my next outline.
GUEST STAR: Dean Martin
STYLE: Early Season 5 (Between Gene Kelly and James Coburn)

COLD OPENING: Pops and a goldfish in a bowl are playing cards, when Dean enters.

Pops: Oh, who are you?

Dean: Martin. Dean Martin. I'm the....guest star on The Muppet Show tonight.

Pops: Dean Martin! Hey, long time no see, buddy!

Dean: Pardon?

Pops: Oh, I was that one guy who won that "Meet Dean Martin Contest" in Vegas of 1959.

Dean: Ohhh....that guy. I thought he died years ago.

Pops: I may be old, but I'm not dead yet. Hey, you wanna play some cards before the show?

Dean: What'cha playing?

Goldfish: -pops out from fishbowl- Go Fish!

TRUMPET GAG: Gonzo's trumpet sounds like a cash register.

Gonzo: So the money keeps rolling in........

Kermit: Thank you, thank you and welcome again to The Muppet Show. Hey, tonight's gonna be a fantastic night for all of you, because our guest star is that legendary singer, actor, and comedian, Dean Martin!

Audience: Oooooooh!

Kermit: Yes. But first, what does a man want more in his life? A dame, of course!

MUSICAL NUMBER: There Is Nothing Like A Dame (from South Pacific), sung by Rowlf and The Dogs that sang "Pace That Peace Pipe" in the Liza Minelli episode. A Great Dane then shows up in the end.

Waldorf: Oh, there's nothing like a "dane" alright.

Statler: Yeah, and there's nothing like leaving this show, too.

Both: Dohohohohoho

Statler: Boo!

Waldorf: Boo!

Kermit: Okay, great job, you dogs.

Great Dane: -flirtaciously- Oh, you sly devil of a frog. -leaves-

Kermit: Yeesh....and I thought Miss Piggy wad bad with flirting.

Fozzie: Kermit! Kermit! Kermit!

Kermit: Fozzie! Fozzie! What?

Fozzie: Oh, I just came up with this great new joke that I really want Dean to hear.

Kermit: Dean?

Floyd: -overhearing- You mean the Dean to The School of Hard Knocks? -laughs-

Kermit: Floyd, come off it.

Fozzie: Oh I told that joke to him already. I meant, Dean Martin, our guest star.

Kermit: Well, I don't know, Fozzie, Dean has a pretty tight schedule on the show tonight. I don't even know how long he can last without taking a breather.

Dean: -comes out of his dressing room and takes a huge sigh-

Floyd: That didn't last long.

Dean: Kermit, I heard you wanted me to do a sketch with your "MM," right?

Kermit: Well, she's not exactly like "MM" but.....

Fozzie: Oh, you mean we're talking about......

Kermit: -to Fozzie- Shh shh!

Dean: What's this all about?

Miss Piggy: -comes out of her dressing room, dressed like Marilyn Monroe- Bonjour, Dino!

Dean: What a looker, "MM!"

Floyd: Yeah, "MM." But it looks like you gained a few pounds coming back from the dead. -laughs-

Miss Piggy: Oh yeah! You'll probably gain a few pounds after this, hippie boy! HIYAAAA! -karate chops Floyd-

Dean: She's tough.

MUPPET LABS: Bunsen tries out AKS, or Automatic Kinetic Scissors. Beakers holds out a giant piece of paper for it to cut, but AKS accidentally cuts Beaker in half.

-Dean's Dressing Room-
Dean is playing cards with the goldfish from earlier.

Goldfish: You got any 3's, Dino?

Dean: Go Fish.

Goldfish: Oh, darn.

There's a knock on the door.

Dean: Come in.

Fozzie enters.

Fozzie: Hiya, Mr. Martin!

Dean: Dino, Fozzie, Dino.

Fozzie: That's funny, you don't look like a dinosaur. Anyways, I really wanna tell you this new joke I came up with.

Dean: Oh, yeah. Kermit told me you were a comedian yourself. Go ahead, Fozzie.

Fozzie: -ahem- Okay, so....why.......

Scooter: -opens door, but it slams Fozzie- Oh, Dean! 55 seconds till your on for the sketch, Dean.

Dean: Thank you, Scooter. -to the Goldfish- Best two out of three, later, Goldy. -leaves-

Goldfish: Yeah, sure, whatever, Dino.

Fozzie: Uhhhhh....he would walk out on me....-falls on the floor-


Kermit: Marilyn Monroe is one of THE most celebrated and beautiful actresses and models of all time. And,now, here we are, with our own Miss Piggy as Marilyn Monroe, alongside our guest star, ladies and gentlemen, Dean Martin! YAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!

SKETCH: Dean Martin and Miss Piggy, as Marilyn Monroe as Dean's date, are having dinner in an Italian restaurant. They end the sketch, alongside other Italian-looking whatnots, singing That's Amore.

Statler: Oh that Dean Martin was just wonderful.

Waldorf: Yeah wonderful, but what's with his date?

Statler: I know. That wasn't amore, that was bacon.

Both: Dohohohoho!


Newsman: Here's a Muppet News Flash! "Breaking News from Las Vegas! A new perfume, developed by Madame Heirstinky, has just been released in perfume stores everywhere. It has recently been tested out in the city of Las Vegas, where the scent has gone everywhere in the city. People can't help but smell it. But when they smell it...they faint. Reports have shown that over 500 people right now have smelled Heirstinky's perfume and....and....-smells the perfume and faints-

Madame Heirstinky: Buy my perfume! It's a knockout!

UK SKETCH: Camilla and The Chickens sing (or cluck) I Whistle A Happy Tune (from The King and I). Nigel The Conductor joins in and whistles along with the chickens.

-Dean's Dressing Room-
Dean is reading a magazine, when there's a knock at the door.

Dean: Come in.

Enter Floyd and Lips.

Floyd: Hey, Dino, my man.

Dean: Oh hey Floyd and....and....

Floyd: Oh this here's Lips, our newest member in the band. -Lips nods-

Dean: Oh, how nice. Why's he called Lips?

Floyd: He don't speak much, but he blows trumpet like Dizzy Gillespie. -Lips does a quick sampling on his trumpet-

Dean: Nice.

Floyd: Hey, uhhh...if you don't mind, Dino, Lips was just wonderin' if he could...well...have a trumpet solo in one of your numbers? I mean, this is only his first day with the band but already Dr. T and the rest of us have decided to give him a solo.

Dean: With a talent and a trumpet like that, Lips, you deserve to get every trumpet solo there is. -Lips nods and whispers something to Floyd- What he say?

Floyd: He said he feels honored. -Lips nods-

MUSICAL NUMBER: I'm A Brass Band (from Sweet Charity), sung by Dean (with Lips singing the opening "Somebody loves me" part). This number soon leads out to the stage and accompanied by the Muppet Orchestra, whom is onstage for this number. The Female Singers then sings along with him later on in the song. Animal also gets a drum solo.

Statler: What an unexpected musical number.

Waldorf: That wasn't unexpected. That was bad.

Statler: Huh. Come to think of it, everything on this show is expected to be bad. We've been here long enough to know it.

Both: Dohohohoho

VET'S HOSPITAL: The goldfish is in Vet's Hospital. He says he broke his fin playing Go Fish with Dean, to which Dr. Bob replies "Be lucky it wasn't a fisherman who broke it." Lew Zealand then interrupts, thinking the goldfish is one of his boomerang fish.


Fozzie: Ok...this time...this time, I'm going to do it...

Kermit: Do what?

Fozzie: This time...I'm going to tell Dean my joke! And nothing, nothing is going to stop me.

Goldfish: -being thrown by Lew Zealnd- AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!! -hits Fozzie and knocks him down-

Lew Zealand: Awww.....he's not one of my boomerang fish. He's just a regular, non-boomerang, gold fish. -leaves-

Dean: -enters- Kermit, is everything alright?

Kermit: Oh, everything's fine, Dean. Except the goldfish and Fozzie....

Dean: Oh well, so much for best two out of three. -helps Fozzie up- Fozzie, are you alright?

Fozzie: Ha.....Dean! Uh...uh....wait! My joke!

Dean: Oh yeah.....your joke. You were gonna tell me it.

Fozzie: Yeah and it's a doozy, too. -ahem- So....why.....

Scooter: Hey, boss. It's time for Dean's final number.

Kermit and Dean: Already?

Fozzie: Not again!!!!

Dean: Hey, don't feel bad, Fozzie. Why don't you join me in the last number?

Fozzie: Me? Sing with the great......Dean Martin?

Dean: Yup. What'ya say, old bear?

Fozzie: .......Forget the joke. I'm singing with Dean Martin! Wocka wocka! -gets onstage with Dean-

Kermit: Fozzie picking singing with Dean Martin over telling a joke to Dean Martin? Hmmm....-shrugs and goes onstage-


Kermit: Okay, it's the moment you've all been waiting for....our final and exciting number for the evening!

Watler: Good!

Statler: We're leaving!

Kermit: No, wait, fellas! Dean Martin's in the last number!

Statler: Okay, frog, maybe we'll stay.

Kermit: Good. -back to audience- And now, ladies and gentlemen, singin' tonight's final number is our guest star, Dean Martin, and our very own Fozzie Bear, YAAAAAAY!!!

Statler and Waldorf: NOOOOO!!!! Not the bear!!!

MUSICAL NUMBER: Guys and Dolls, sung by Dean and Fozzie accompanied by The Muppet Orchestra, whom is onstage for this number.

Kermit: Well, that just about wraps up tonight's show, but before we go, let us say thank you to our wonderfully talented guest star, whom has been a privalege for all of us to work with tonight, ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Dean Martin! YAAAAAAAY!!!

Dean: Thank you, so much, Kermit. Tonight was a lot of fun. Best fun I've had in years.

Fozzie: Oh, but it'll be funner when I tell you my joke.

Dean: Alright, Fozzie. Hit it!

Fozzie: -ahem- So, what did the celebrity in Hollywood call her pet dinosaur? Dino Martin! Ah! Wocka wocka!

Dean: Clever, clever, clever, Fozzie!

Kermit: Alright, we'll see you next time on The Muppet Show!

(Goodnights: Kermit, Fozzie, Floyd, Zoot, Janice, Miss Piggy, and Lips)


(The goldfish is up in the balcony with Statler and Waldorf)

Goldfish: Hey! Hey, Dino! When ya gonna call me for our rematch?

Waldorf: What's this goldfish doing up here?

Statler: The backstroke.

Both: Dohohoho!

Goldfish: Hey! That's not funny, you guys!

Waldorf: No.

Statler: It's not.

Both: It's hilarious! Dohohohohoho!

Phew, this took forever to do (I blew a fuse in my room for a bit, but I'm okay now.). But this was still a lot of fun to make! More outlines to come soon! :wink:


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2012
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GUEST STAR: Elizabeth Montgomery (Best known as Samantha Stevens in "Bewitched")
STYLE: Late Season 3 (Between Sylvester Stallone and Cheryl Ladd)

Elizabeth's dressing room door opens magically, before Scooter could finish knocking.

Scooter: Elizabeth Montgomery! Elizabeth Montgomery! 20 seconds till curtain, Miss Montgomery.

Elizabeth: Oh, thank you, Scooter. Hey sorry about the door opening magically.

Scooter: That's alright. Nothing's normal here anyways.

Elizabeth: Well, then. I guess I'm perfectly safe. -twitches her nose, like Samantha, and a trumpet appears out of the blue-

Scooter: Hey, how'd that get here?

Elizabeth: -to the screen- A witch never tells her secrets. -winks-


TRUMPET GAG: Gonzo's trumpet is missing.

Gonzo: Hey! Where's my trumpet?

The trumpet magically appears, replacing Gonzo's nose.


Kermit: Hi ho and welcome again to The Muppet Show. And tonight's going be a very "bewitching" night for us, because our guest star is one of the most beloved actresses of the entertainment world, Elizabeth Montgomery! But first, here's Gonzo........-reading card- driving a car? Oh...that...that's not bad. -gulp- I think.

MUSICAL NUMBER: Shut Down, sung by Gonzo (backed up by a group of pigs in motorcycles (Not so similar to "I Get Around"), driving a car. Elizabeth, offstage, uses her Samantha witch power to make Gonzo not shut off the car and the car starts smoking up and explodes.


Waldorf: Oh, thank goodness. That number should've shut down earlier.

Statler: What are you talking about? This whole show should shut down!

Both: Dohohohoho!


Kermit: Gonzo, what happened out there?

Gonzo: My whole life is flashing before my eyes.

Kermit: Oh it flashed alright. Flashed bright enough to blind the audience.

Elizabeth: Oh Kermit I heard about what happened out there. Is everything alright?

Kermit: Yes, everything is fine, Elizabeth. It's just that Gonzo's car exploded on stage.

Elizabeth: Oh well....that's a little strange.

Kermit: No, it's typical of Gonzo, actually. But you are right. The car was working fine earlier.

Elizabeth: Oh well, maybe Gonzo decided to add in an explosion or something.

Gonzo: I add in most of my explosions on purpose. I didn't add any explosions into that car.

Elizabeth: Ohh...well...I see. Well....who else could've done it?

There's another brief explosion, and Crazy Harry comes running in.

Crazy Harry: Hahahahahaha!

Elizabeth, Kermit and Gonzo: Crazy Harry.

PIGS IN SPACE: Elizabeth, whom is offstage using her Samantha witch power, causes mayhem on Swintrek. Even giving First Mate Piggy a bad hairdo and infesting the Swintrek with bacon.


Kermit: Miss Pi.........

Miss Piggy: WHOSE BRIGHT IDEA WAS THIS!?!?! BACON AND A BAD HAIRDO!!!?!? I'm calling my agent! -storms off to her dressing room-

Link Hogthrob: Oooh...I'm calling my agent, too. -leaves-

Kermit: -to Dr. Strangepork- What about you?

Dr. Strangepork: I don't have an agent. -leaves-

Kermit: That's strange......first Gonzo's car explosion, then panic on "Pigs in Space".....something fishy's going on here.

Lew Zealand: Hey! Did you say fishy? 'Cause fish is my name and game when it comes to my boomerang fish act!

Kermit: I thought your name was Lew Zealand.

Lew Zealand: Oh wait....yeah it is.

Elizabeth: Alright, Kermit, I'm ready for my number.

Kermit: Oh good, Elizabeth.

Lew Zealand: -to Elizabeth- Hey hey, you played that witch on TV.

Elizabeth: Yes, I did.

Lew Zealand: Hey, do you think you can change this chair into a fish? I could use another one for my boomerang fish act.

Elizabeth: Oh come off it, Lew. I only do that on television.

Lew Zealand: But this is television.

Elizabeth: On the show..."Bewitched." I only did that there. -goes onstage-

Lew Zealand: Ohh....oh well. -leaves disappointingly-


Kermit: Okay, it is now my privlege to introduce our lovely guest star, who will be accompanied by our very own Rowlf on piano......

Miss Piggy: -off screen- Lovely! Ugh!

Kermit: Ummm...ladies and gentlemen, Elizabeth Montgomery! YAAAAAAY!!!!

MUSICAL NUMBER: He's A Tramp, sung by Elizabeth, accompanied by Rowlf on piano.


Statler: Oh that Elizabeth Montgomery is incredible.

Waldorf: Yes. She's a very "Bewitching" woman.

Statler: Maybe she could cast a spell on us that could get us outta here.

Both: Dohohohoho.

SWEDISH CHEF: The Swedish Chef tries to make Egg Salad, but a goose keeps attacking him, preventing him from using her eggs.

UK SKETCH: Leader Of The Pack, sung by Annie Sue and three female pigs, with Link Hogthrob as Annie Sue's "Leader of the Pack."


Elizabeth is filing her nails, when there's a knock on the door.

Elizabeth: Come in.

Kermit: Ummm...Liz?

Elizabeth: Hello, Kermit. Come in, come in. Make yourself at home.

Kermit: This kinda is my home.

Elizabeth: Well....anyways, what's the matter? A frog in your throat?

Kermit: Hahahaha. Very funny. Anyways, I have a weird question to ask you.

Elizabeth: Kermit, you should know by now that everything on this show is weird.

Gonzo: -by the door, whispers- Ask her the question! Ask her the question!

Elizabeth: Especially Gonzo. Anyways, you were saying?

Kermit: Well...ummm...I asked Crazy Harry if he was the one that put the explosions in Gonzo's car...and he said he didn't do it.

Elizabeth: Oh...

Kermit: Yeah...so....are you a witch?

Elizabeth: Kermit! You should know better than to ask your female guest stars that.

Kermit: No no no, what I meant was...are you a witch? Like Samantha?

Elizabeth: Kermit, I only play a witch on television.

Kermit: But, this IS television, Liz......so that must mean....did YOU....do...the....ex...ex...

Elizabeth: That's right.

Kermit then faints.

Elizabeth: Kermit? Kermit?

Gonzo: I told him you were a witch. But he didn't wanna listen.

VET'S HOSPITAL: A black cat is in Vet's Hospital. Nurse Janice keeps thinking that cats hate dogs, in which Dr. Bob replies "This one's an exception. He's the cat's meow."


Statler: Yeesh, what this show needs is some kitty litter.

Waldorf: Why's that?

Statler: It'll help apologize to the cats watching this show.

Both: Dohohohohoho

Statler: Boo!

Waldorf: Boo!


Kermit: I still can't believe it....

Floyd: Believe what, my froggy friend?

Kermit: Our guest star really is a witch.

Floyd: Isn't our guest star Liz Montgomery?

Kermit: Yeah....

Floyd: Then what'd you expect? Sweet Shirley Temple? Which reminds me, I could really go for one right now. -laughs-

Kermit: Floyd, this is serious! She could wreck the entire theater with her magic. What are we gonna do?

Floyd: What else? Use her in our closing number.

Kermit: What?

The rest of The Electric Mayhem enter.

Janice: Yeah, like, you said we're doing "Witchy Woman" tonight.

Kermit: Yeah.

Dr. Teeth: And Liz is a witch....

Kermit: Only on television, Dr. Teeth.

Floyd: Then what is this?

Kermit: Television.

Dr. Teeth: Exactly. So, we'd thought it'd be pretty groovy if Liz decided to use her magic witch powers in our closing number.

Kermit: Well...I don't know...I....


Elizabeth: -comes out of dressing room- Did someone call?

Floyd: Animal, Miss Montgomery.

Elizabeth: I heard something about me in the closing number.

Janice: Yeah, you like wanna be in our number?

Elizabeth: What do I have to do? What's in it for me?

The Electric Mayhem huddle and then break.

Dr. Teeth: All you have to do is show off that witch magic of yours in our number. You get a date with Zoot.

Zoot: I didn't agree.....

Dr. Teeth: Shhh!

Elizabeth: Well....

Dr. Teeth: Okay, Floyd.

Floyd: Man, I'm not leaving Janice, even if it is Liz Montgomery.

Janice: Fer sure.

Dr. Teeth: Ummm...Animal?

Animal: Ahahahahaha....

Elizabeth: Ummm...no thanks.

Dr. Teeth: Okay, me. You wanna go on a date with me?

Elizabeth: Sure. I take band leaders any day.

Zoot: Man, she digs you.


Kermit: Okay, now to close our show, here's our wonderful Electric Mayhem, causing their usual magical mayhem, along with our guest star, ladies and gentlemen, Liz Montgomery! YAAAAAAAAY!!!!!

MUSICAL NUMBER: Witchy Woman, sung by The Electric Mayhem (with Dr. Teeth, Floyd and Janice on vocals. Animals yells our "Witchy Woman! Witchy Woman!") Elizabeth is onstage, dressed as a sexy witch, using her Samantha witch magic (such as black cats appearing and lightning strikes).


Kermit: Well folks, I hope you guys have been "Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered"...... just as much as I have been tonight. But before we go, let us say thank you to our lovely guest star, Elizabeth Montgomery! YAAAAAAY!!!

Elizabeth: Oh thank you so much, Kermit. I had tons of fun tonight.

Lew Zealand: Hey, hey, Miss Montgomery. Now that your a witch, can you change this chair into a fish.

Elizabeth: Oh of course, Lew. -uses her Samantha magic, but accidentally turns Lew Zealand's head into a fish head- Uh oh, I guess my magic is backfiring on me now.

Kermit: Oh boy....I don't wanna see this mischief. But, we'll see you next time on The Muppet Show!!

(Goodnights: Kermit, Fish Lew Zealand, Gonzo, Floyd, Janice, Annie Sue, and Animal)



Waldorf: Let's hope Elizabeth's magic doesn't backfire on us.

Statler: Yeah or we'd be cooked.

Statler and Waldorf then magically disappear.

This one was a fun one to make! Absolutely fun!!! More outlines to come! :wink:

Twisted Tails

Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2012
Reaction score
I LOVE this outline, MissMusical12! You put a lot of effort and I believe Kermit and Floyd Pepper had the best lines. Miss Piggy with the bad hairdo! (LOL!) I never heard that coming, but this was awesome.