Dr. Bunsen Honeydew: Look, all we need to do is unplug the periwinkle cord inside the robot!
Beakerboy: Well, who will be able to do that!
*Waldo C. Graphic enters*
Waldo C. Graphic: Did I hear someone in need of help?
Dr. Bunsen Honeydew: Waldo, would you be able to shrink into the body of these angry robot birds?
Waldo C. Graphic: Why, sure I can! I'm an expert at shrinking!
Dr. Bunsen Honeydew: Well, you will need to be able to get inside these robots! But how?
Waldo C. Graphic: Well, it just so happens I'm also a master of disguise!
*Waldo then transforms into a duplicate of Bunsen*
Waldo C. Graphic: Ya' see?
Dr. Bunsen Honeydew: I do! Excellent work! Now! Would you be able to transform into a worm?
*Waldo then turns into a worm*
Waldo C. Graphic: Definetely! I'm ready!
*after being eaten by a red angry bird (the leader) he roams around and looks for the periwinkle wire*
Waldo C. Graphic: Oh, guys! I found the wires! ... and they're all periwinkle!
Dr. Bunsen Honeydew: The one on the left, Waldo!
Waldo C. Graphic: Why not I just pull this switch that says 'Turn Off All Angry Birds'?
Dr. Bunsen Honeydew: That works too!
*suddenly all the angry birds freeze*
Sweetums: Ah, man! My angry birds aren't working!
Junior Gorg: Ya' could always go back to muffins!
Sweetums: That works too!