Justin Beiber: Cut me some slack! Do you have a have coming out tomorrow? I don't think so!
Pepe the King Prawn: But we do have one coming in November, h'okay! Where I have a stunningly big lack of lines!
Rowlf the Dog: C'mon, can't you let us classic players get in the spotlight again!
Scooter: Yeah! I haven't had a line since... well, gosh, even I can't remember!
Wembley Fraggle: All I can remember was that you didn't really make appearances during the years 1992-1999!
Gobo Fraggle: How do you know that?
Scooter: I was gone for almost a decade!
Junior Gorg: Well at least that's better than my filmography! I haven't been seen since 87'!
Ozzy Osbourne: Hey, guys! Can't you just be quite for a second. If we don't promote Best Buy or Never Say Never, we don't get payed!
Digit: I haven't gotten payed since 89'!
Justin Beiber: Well, I'll give you 50 bucks if you let us do our promoting for a minute!
Digit: Everybody! Quiet down! Justin Beiber needs to promote his new movie!
Justin Beiber and Ozzy Osbourne (in unison): Never Say Never, in theatres tomorrow!
*awkward silence*
Pepe the King Prawn: That's it! You get payed just to say that!... Wow, you must be rich!
Red Fraggle: Wait, wait! Let me try! Never Say Never, in theatres tomorrow!
*money floats down from the sky*
Tutter: Oooh! Oooh! Let me try! Never Say Never, in theatres tomorrow!
*money falls*
Beakerboy: Hey, Boober! Maybe it'll take your mind off the ruined cake if you promote, too!
Boober Fraggle: Well... okay... Never Say Never, in theatres tomorrow!
*money falls into Boober's hand*
Boober Fraggle: It did work! Never say never to the possibilities of money falling into your hand!