MC Fourm Awards, SPEECH!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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HPDJ said:
I wasn't the only one who counted the votes. theprawncracker aided me. It's just a coincidence. Do I detect jelousy, BEAR???
No, no, of course not. why should there be. I really couldn't care less. I am only sparring with you. I just found it funny.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2005
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Okay! I think it's about time Vibs says something...

Vibs: What? I already did say a lot!

Not you sweety, me. Louise. Vibs! ... Okay what I'd like to say is congratu...

Vibs: Wait a sec! What do you mean you, "Vibs"? I'm the only Vibs here at MC and if you wanna be me, I understand you but it doesn't give you the right to just walk inhere at the theatre and call yourself Vibs!

... Um, Ignore the baby everybody! She's only 8 months or so. What I wanted to say was that...

Vibs: "Just ignore the baby" huh? Better watch what you're saying girl I have magic skills you know?

Yes I know. I made you up sweetheart. Now what I wanted to say is congratulations to all of you!!!! Before I joined MC (Which is only a few months ago) I thought I was strange... No wait that come out wrong. I mean... Usually people around me are so normal it hurts!! ... um that didn't sound much better. What I mean is... I LOVE this place and the people inhere and A SPECIEL THANKS TO CHRISTY who actually made me join MC. ThankS! :smile: Now if you'll excuse me I have a baby to deal with...

*Blah blah blah blah...*

Vibs: !!! So what you are saying is that I am you, you are me, we are the same person???

No what I was saying was that if you want this lollipop I have in my hand, you behave yourself young lady. Okay?

Vibs: .... Sure whatever. *Munch Munch Munch*


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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BEAR said:
If you kept this cue card Penguin as a running gag in the forums, it would make me the happiest Bear in the woods!!
I agree. Keep that penguin (under control, It's the coolest, funiest gag since...hmmm...


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Well, does this mean that the award ceremony's over? Oh well, it was fun!:big_grin: Thanks again for voting me Action Figure enthusiast!:smile:


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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*walks in looking lost*

Hey, I'm kinda lost can anyone direct me to.....*looks up and sees party garb* What the hey? Boy, do I need to come back. Uhhhh...I'm obviously in the wrong thread.

*takes out map and begins to walk and study it.*

(Boy do I miss being random and weird.)


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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woah, you folks have been busy. I think I missed my acceptance speech...

voice inside my head: I don't think they're going in order

Eh, so they're not. Anyway. um... acceptance speech...

voice inside my head: You mean you didn't write one?

No, of course not. Um, so I guess, I'll just improvise:

Thank you for voting for me for "best signatures" and "craziest". I really don't think I deserve best signatures, I mean I've only had two in the few months I've been here. But hey, the people have spoken. As for craziest, well, I can not tell you what an honor it is to be crazy.

voice inside my head: you know I think they think your crazy because of us

What a not-so-suttle hint. Thank you to the voices inside my head who really need some names so I can stop typing out "voice inside my head" every time they talk.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2005
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Oh yeah, you really should name those.... erm... things inside your head! But name them what?! That is the question.

Viq: You could call one of them Columbus! Or mr. Bob.

Vibs: Or you could call all of them "Vibsisthecutestbabyonearth"

Darling, I don't think that is very...

Vibs: Bad. Of course it is not very bad, it is one of those names eveybody should be called.

Viq: I vote for mr. Bob. I named him by the way.

Vibs: You did not! He was "mr. Bob" from the day he was born, from the day our great great great great great grandfather got it from his father who got it from his great great great granduncle.

Viq: That's not the point!

... Um can we go back to the voices inside TogetherAgain's head please *Looks over at twins and sees the two babies casting magic spells at each other*

... Err... I'm gonna leave that to Bo, it's not my problem. Almost...