Kelly (eating a peach as she stares at the clouds in the sky): Ooh, fluffy ...
Cotterpin (stretching, yawning): Good morning.
Kelly (nods): Morning!
Cotterpin (gawks): I thought you hated peaches.
Kelly: I'm not eating one.
Cotterpin: Well, what's that in your hand?
Kelly (looks): I dunno. I was going to say something this morning ... but I can't seem to remember what.
Cotterpin: I hear the dorms might be opening soon ... ish.
Kelly (nods): What Dorms? Like a community where everyone can hang out and have fun and stuff?
Cotterpin: Uh, yeah, something like that.
Kelly (smiles): That'd be neat.
Cotterpin: Um, yeah. Do you know who I am?
Kelly (laughs): Don't be silly, Cotterpin.
Cotterpin: What's the last thing you remember?
Kelly (strokes her chin thoughtfully): Um ... hm ... that's a hard one. Um ... everybody was sitting down to watch a movie, I think?
Who said that every wish would be heard and answered, when wished on the morning star?
Cotterpin: So that's it? You made a wish?
Kelly: Um ... a wish? For what? *takes another bite and smiles* Flowers are pretty ....