Kelly (sighs contentedly): Well, I finished chapter 3 of RTL, the babies have worn themselves out, we've successfully mocked troublemakers ... what else can we do?
Pearl (leaning back against a tree): Well, you had that video you were gonna put up.
Kelly (nods): It's uploading now. What else? Now that I'm all rested and stuff ... I'm incredibly bored.
Cotterpin: You could STILL explain the "myth" running gag in that movie we only saw part of.
Kelly (shrugs, acts like the door goblins Alph and Ralph): I dunno ... I never understood it. *laughs*
Cotterpin: What about helping with the dorms?
Kelly (shakes head): Nah. Let the experts do the work.
Pearl (to Cotterpin): I'm retired. I'm just here to relax, hon.
Cotterpin (to Pearl): What about the saloon?
Pearl (snaps): Dang -- I KNEW I was forgettin' somethin'.
Kelly (growls): Then I'd have to edit the town map ...
Pearl (slaps her on the back): Aw, don't be such a baby. Now, picture this: an old-timey saloon but with a modern twist. The facade on the front is unpainted wood, with a hand-painted sign, maybe white with green lettering in an Old West font, sayin' "Pearl's Girl's" --.
Kelly (shakes head): I don't think it should be that kind of saloon.
Pearl: Oh, sorry, darlin'.

Anyhoo, it'll be called, um, well, I'm up for suggestions, y'all. Still, on the inside will be a dirt floor and rough-hewn wooden furniture, allowin', naturally, for critters of all shapes and sizes ... the eatin' area will be on the left of the building after you go through a front lobby which serves as a meetin' place when you're waitin' on your party to arrive. The lobby will be dolled up like an Old West street, with buildin' facades and posts to tie your horse, but they'd really be a bunch of benches. Like I said, the left after you go through those little half-door things they always have on saloon entry ways is the eatin' area. To the right'll be the stage, which'll be pretty large, so that you can stage everything from musical numbers to Wild West shootouts.
Kelly: Gunplay? In a restaurant?
Pearl (scoffs): Fake guns, naturally, darlin'. In the back'll be the kitchen and the dressin' areas. We'll serve a bunch of good ol' cowboy grub and some Mexican for local flavor.
Kelly (raises hand): I call beef fajitas.
Cotterpin: So where does the "modern" come in?
Pearl (shrugs): Free wi-fi, hon.
Cotterpin (sighs)
Pearl: I'm gonna put it square in the middle of Mullin Terrace, on the north side of the street. It'll take up a good half of the space of that other thing on that street.
Kelly: The art museum?
Pearl: Yeah.
Kelly: Well, all you need now is an address and a name... *gets notice* Oh, the
vid is up!