Master Replicas Gonzo Photo Puppet

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Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Some higher resolution photographs of the Gonzo prototype on The Collector Zone website.
I'm gonna be really honest here. At least from photo 2, it looks very poorly made because the nose/mouth is made out of the wrong materials and it really ruins it for me. It's still better than a lot of the merchandise we've had in the past but i was expecting way more from Master Replicas seeing as these are supposed to be actual replicas from the original designs using similar materials. If you take the Fozzie prototype and put it next to a picture of Puppet Fozzie you can hardly tell the difference, i know you can't always get exact with their budget etc but that was the kind of thing i was expecting seeing as the others have been pretty good.

I'm sorry for being negative, because i like the idea of the line and really hope they make more but they need to be better quality for people to buy them.


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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The mouth is still significantly off in any pose.

Kermit's MR photo replica is 99% accurate to me. Animal (from what I've seen) is 98%. This Gonzo as represented is 78%. That one lip/jaw part just throws the likeness off for me. Forget the suit or even the nose material - that is the part that really must be changed. It never looked like that. I've done a lot of product research for the character and even though some products represent different times and styles of Gonzo, this one's mouth area doesn't mirror any of them.

It's easy to keep messing with a design and get further away from the original spark. If they see Terry's prototype around - they should definitely compare the mouth area proportions. It should be evident to anyone. I feel if that is done much will be improved!

I see their fantastic Animal and Kermit and I know that Fozzie looks to be spectacular. Lets see if they can work the same magic for my favorite character - Gonzo. :concern:


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2007
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I wonder if they will fix the upper lip problem as well as his eyes. Your right though frogboy, he would look a lot better. Look at Animal, we all thought he was going to be REALLY off and he came out awesome. Let's hope for the best with Gonzo! :concern:

Also, I think that the Collecter Zone has his height wrong. If he was 26 inches tall, he would be taller than Kermit...he is only 24 inches tall.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Agreed, the lip/jaw is an important revision and one that they could make and will greatly improve things. Just the soft nose material makes it look too much like a toy for me so thats my gripe, and i know its not likely to be changed. Kermit was very good, i think Animal is great from a colouring/materials point of view although i share the few very minor issues on design. They definitely improved it though.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2007
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I was expecting way more from Master Replicas seeing as these are supposed to be actual replicas from the original designs using similar materials.

MR never said that they where exactly like the replicas, and we all know that if you use materials that will decay over time, it would be a waste of money. All I can say is that we should all wait and see what comes of Gonzo next year. The only way we would get exact replicas is if we had Terry make them and I don't think he wants to make 1500+ replicas. Or we would need a whole bunch of professional puppet makers to get it right. To me, it is not the material, but the likeness of the character. I want to see him and say "that's Gonzo!".


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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MR never said that they where exactly like the replicas, and we all know that if you use materials that will decay over time, it would be a waste of money.
I will agree we should wait and see, but i also think MR did promise something very high quality, they say made from the original designs and using similar materials. This isn't using similar materials and i just think they should have found some way better to make it and preserve it. The likeness is the main issue, but the materials affect the likeness too. I expect something more of these than just being able to say its a good likeness, i can do that with plush or an action figure. Fozzie (hopefully) and Kermit are near exact so it shows what can be done!


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2006
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Yeah...MR could have done some kind of mold, injected foam into it and then coated it to last. It would not have been movable but it would have looked great. I used to work in FX. There are plenty of ways to go about replicating something like that. It would just be cost prohibitive. Look at those hi res photos. Do you see that seam under the nose where they stiched the fabric together? That looks awful. All we can do is wait and see.


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2002
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I dunno...these are just the same prototype photos that have been floating around for awhile now, aren't they? I'm gonna untie my panties and wait to judge until I have the final product in my house. The only thing I know for sure is that as of so far, I'm purchasing him.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2006
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Yeah, they are just higher res versions of the photos on the MR website so he will change a fair bit before he is shipped out. There's still hope!
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