Lovin' It?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I grew up with Grimace and loved that adorable purple blob, but I was supposed to. The fact is, he's basically Joe Camel for another harmful product. To be honest, I don't think fast food should have kid-friendly marketing. It's toxic and slowly kills more people than smoking. That's the truth.

I used to smoke and consume fast food and most of my friends still do. I just don't think McDonalds should be pointed at kids unless there are *real* healthy options.

Okay, I usually agree with you, but that is the same "My girlfriend dragged me to Super Size Me so we can pretend to not be tools but actually we're just as big a tool as anyone" logic that's wearing thin, and clearly shows a class system bias. Joe Camel= Ronald McDonald because everything is bad for you, and there should not be commercials, and it should cost 57 bucks to get a small hamburger... blah blah blah... let the government parent everyone...I can afford organic food because I don't come from a low income family, and I could care less that there's NO cartoons anymore because the sad fact is kid's television is FUNDED by this crap. And there ISN'T anything now, since it's unprofitable.

Fast Food IS bad for you, and it doesn't take a freaking rocket scientist to know that. It REALLY doesn't. If some kid thinks you grow up to look like Fabio by eating nothing but the biggest thing on the menu, there parents and their schools have failed them to some point. I'm getting REAL tired of people saying that kids should only be exposed to vegetables...guess what... Kids HATE vegetables, and kids like junk food. it's the parents and educator's who have to teach kids that, not self serving parental groups, and not upper class snots that scoff at the poor's eating habits because they have to bulk up on cheap junk while they eat 50 dollar tomatoes because they can afford it.

And guess what... corporations ARE evil, and they only care about money... of COURSE they screw the little guy somewhere... but how come junk food is the ONLY venue that causes an outrage? Where are people trying to pull those ads for sleeping medications that cause you to become suicidal and see pink elephants? Where are the people that want to pull all the "Less reputable than a Pawn Shop on skid row" Cash for Gold commercials? Where are people outraged at pulling commercials and infomercials for pyramid schemes, get rich quick schemes, car title loans, ambulance chasers, get healthy quick, and all those truly terrible ones on adult television? Nope, as long as greedy little Johnny goes and gets the biggest thing on the menu every single day after school without their parents saying not to do it, well, Happy Meals gotta be destroyed because it's a small factor in why this lazy country is so unhealthy... and it's also the laziest thing to blame.

And one more question.... when was the last time anyone even saw a kid get a kid's meal? I always see them getting the hugest thing on the menu without mommy and daddy saying no!

Sorry for the rant, but this was building up in me forever.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Drtooth; said:
And one more question.... when was the last time anyone even saw a kid get a kid's meal?
I saw a kid get one at Subway recently...perhaps that says it all! :wink: