Movies, go to, there you can find lots of fraggle songs to start your collection!
Well, I have the album "Sesame Street: 10 Anniversary Album", on an audio cassette. Unfortunately, it bends when I listen to it, so I thought I'd ask you guys to help me get the MP3's for it, so I can make a CD version and hear the song clearly. Also, I know many of these songs are from skits, and the versions on my tape don't have the skit part attached. I won't be too picky, but if you have the song without the skit, that would be great.
The ones with asterisk's are ones I've obtained already.
The songs are:
Sesame Street Theme
Just One Me
Believe in Yourself
Simple Song
Breakfast Time
People in your Neighbourhood
Eight Beautiful Notes
Feelin' Good/Feelin' Bad
I Love Trash
Would you like to buy an "O"?
One of these things (One of these sounds, it's 3 diff. coconuts and Ernie's Rubber Duckie)
*Rubber Duckie
*Sing (Canta)
I've got two
Proud of Me
Cookie Disco
Tu me Gustas (I like you) (It's Maria and some street kids)
Bein' Green (old version)
I get a nice feeling
The Coun't Lullaby
One and One make two
Also, if someone has the song "Something Better" from MTI, or any of the instrumentals, I'd be interested in those too.