Beauregard, I sent him the song he wanted. No need to worry, bud.
Like Christy, this will be the last week I'll be on here till next semester. So, if you got songs you want from me, and you're not married to a goat, just email me at
I'm really glad I'm a part of this web site. I've met a lot of really cool people this year. I know I'm not going away forever, but I'd like to thank Vic Romano, Boober Gorg, KermiClown, ChristyB, Beauregard, Mokey Fraggle, GelflingWaldo, The Count, enzo, Whatever, Harvey Towers, and last but not least, Skeeter Muppet. If there's anyone I left out, I apologize. Thanks to you all for bein' such swell people. I never had any Muppet friends, now I have lots. Thanks for all your help, you guys.