Myself, I discovered MC back in early 2000s, while looking for Muppet stuff, and have been coming here as an unregistered lurk on and off since, for fun and helpful info.
I still enjoy reading old threads from that period -- the grass was greener back then, jokes funnier, people were not canceling everything around for fun, and the original Muppet guys who made it all possible were treated with respect and affection they deserve.
Like they say--
My point is, fan communities are driven by hype. The numbers and activity on fan sites grow and wane as Mupper popularity goes thru the same cycles. These days are a lull period which Disney does not seem to be able to break, for a number of reasons. However, as for myself, i'd rather see around a bunch of good people and less activity than visit a frenzied fangroup with lots of flames raging on.