Kermit/Whitmire assaulted by Rock Legend


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2002
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I saw on a TV special featuring the Osbournes (I don't follow the Osbourne's series, since I have my reservations about watching anything on MTV) Sharon Osbourne was discussing an incident that happened while Ozzy was attending a reception at the palace. It seems Kermit was there and decided to perch on the rock legend's shoulders while photographers came buy. Sharon stated that Ozzy attempted to elbow Kermit's performer in the ribs to get him to go away.

It's a shame to see that, while at the same time the Muppets are gaining the media attention they so richly deserve, there are still many people who fail to recognise Kermit's status as a celebrity. Alot of the reason interviews with Muppets turn so sour is becuase some third-rate upstart tries to take advantage of the frog's iconic status and make lewd jokes in order to get the muppet to look, well, a little green. Kermit is more than just a kiddie star, more than just a piece of felt on some puppeteer's hand, he's a star in his own right, and gets rightfully upset when he gets stubbed in these manners. I feel sorry for the poor guy. His stardom is like putting a cake on a bear trap.


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2002
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SHe also said that some other guy punched Kermit in the face and said get that F#&*#& Frog off me.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I posted more in the other thread you made...

Id really like to give Sharon Osbourne a peice of my mind to choke on.

The Other Guy (Rod Stewart) did punch FOR Kermit, But he never touched him.
Kermit did jump up and laugh as if he did punch him tho, But even tho it was just Rod and Steve messing about.

And at the time Rod threw the punch Kermit was on Tom Jones shoulder... So i dont see how Sharon thinks Rod said get off of me ?!

Maybe she needs new glasses !

See ya


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2002
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Re: Guys,

Originally posted by *Warrick*
I posted more in the other thread you made...

Id really like to give Sharon Osbourne a peice of my mind to choke on.

The Other Guy (Rod Stewart) did punch FOR Kermit, But he never touched him.
Kermit did jump up and laugh as if he did punch him tho, But even tho it was just Rod and Steve messing about.

And at the time Rod threw the punch Kermit was on Tom Jones shoulder... So i dont see how Sharon thinks Rod said get off of me ?!

Maybe she needs new glasses !

See ya
OR!!! Maybe she was actually THERE, and she saw it HAPPEN, and maybe some people don't appreciate a total stranger with a sweaty handpuppet violating their personal space... ya think?


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2002
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Well, come along, Kermit is much more than just a puppet, and personally I don't understand any member of the Osbournes to have the need to be the most negative people in the public eye today. Maybe they're not as bad as Bill Cosby said they were, but come on, wasn't Ozzy on a Muppet TV show or special at some point? Is it so wrong to have a comeradery with the frog?


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Originally posted by murgatoad
OR!!! Maybe she was actually THERE, and she saw it HAPPEN, and maybe some people don't appreciate a total stranger with a sweaty handpuppet violating their personal space... ya think?
Maybe she was, But she wasnt behind Ozzy she could have only been infront of him in the audience.

And people in the UK got to see the front and back views - Hehe!

Ozzy never done nothing, We also saw Rod Stewart pretend to punch Kermit.
From the front i would have gone crazy and said he did, But when you watch it over and look at the view from the back you see that Rod doesnt touch Kermit, But Kermit still jumps as if Rod did and then he laughs.

See ya


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2002
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i agree with Murgatoad. Ozzy WAS on Kermit Unpigged though. And, who knows, maybe it WASN'T even steve whitmire.


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2002
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The way I heard it, Rod didn't really tough Kermit, but Ozzy did jab the performer in the ribs. Still, there is a chance it wasn't Steve. I can't imagine anyone else capable of being Kermit, though.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Punk + Murga,

I HONESTLY wonder where people are coming from sometimes, It never stops amazing me...

So Jim Henson performed Kermit all those years, And NO ONE ELSE apart from Jim Henson performed him for all those years.

So then Steve performs Kermit for all these years, Oh and then they give Kermit to another performer who looks just like Steve willy nilly to perform Kermit...
Oh and by chance he sounds just like Steve too...

You guys got it totaly sussed out... I wish i thought of that...

*Sarcasm turned Off *

It WAS Steve performing Kermit, And i really dont think Ozzy done anything to him.
Steve NEVER tried to put Kermit on Ozzy's Shoulder, He was standing behind him when the Queen was talking to them.

And even Ozzy isnt stupid enough to elbow someone while the Queen is standing infront of him... Or maybe ?!

Anyway as you can see you have REALLY REALLY irritated me...

On that note...

See ya


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I completely back Warrick up on this - at no point did Steve put Kermit anywhere near Ozzy aside from in the press cordon later where Ozzy willingly posed with Kermit for a set piece organsied photo with the press. You have to remember two things :-

1) Sharon was nowhere near the stage as the VIP area was right at the back. She would be dependant on whatever Ozzy tells her and he isn't even coherent 99.5% of the time, plus they needed a story for a TV show.

2) Ozzy has a 'stage persona' and is expected to have some kind of controversy around him and what you even see in his documentary is very exagerated. In real life he's a fairly normal English guy and would know, especially around the Queen and a lot of other people he would respect in the buisness not to act up.