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Kermie's Girl (ushy-gushy fanfic)

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Yesh! *Hurries off to read new chapter, #71. *Will come back afterwards.
BTW: Where in the program lineup does Dance of Love go?

And only 1 more post to reach the milestone Ru! Yaey! :smile: :smile: :smile:


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2007
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Loved the update as always...and here's why...

“Right. And if you try to bring changes, he’ll charge you with assault.” He smiled at Piggy wryly. “And Missy, you do not want to do community service—again.”
Soooo true, I totally felt like a nerd when I started to go through the elements of assault while reading this..what is law school turning me into? :crazy:

He was mad at Marty for not siding with him, although he had long known that Marty always had Piggy’s best interests at heart. He was put out with the Palace for what he viewed as a serious lapse in security, although the owners had professed themselves universally horrified. He was furious with Scribbler and his scurrilous tabloid, disdainful of the drivel that had been printed and the other rags that had followed suit like so many sheep. He could not even think about Scribbler accosting his wife in the backstage passageways without feeling his blood pressure shoot through the roof. And…he was annoyed at Piggy, for being too proud and stubborn to let him…. Here he faltered. To let him…what? Lock her away from the public she needed and who so loved her? Hide her from the world to keep her safe? To tell the truth—and Kermit was getting pretty tired of being honest with himself—he was worried. They had not been able to identify the man who had been in the tunnel with Piggy and Scribbler, nor divine that man’s true intentions. All this, however, Kermit stuffed away into that hard, painful place where he kept his jealousy and insecurity corralled
I LOVE it when Kermit gets mad...like so many of us he needs to express it better but it's nice to see the leader of the gang getting legitimately mad about something...you can't be calm and level headed all the time, some times you just need to get mad man! :mad:

“I think she’ll love it, Uncle Kermit!” Robin said firmly. “It’s from you, and it’s all sparkly.”
Adorable! Who doesn't want something sparkly from their man? The five-year old is wise beyond his years...

Zoot reached over them all, rotated two pieces 180 degrees and snapped the whole thing together.
“Cool, man. A train set.” He drifted away.
Totally one of my favorite bits in the whole story...

“So, Mabel,” said Clifford, munching on a veggie gyro. “What’s Santa gonna bring you this year?”
My Life as a Furry Red Monster,” she answered tartly.
clever...very clever reference..especially since Clifford was the one asking...you're always on your toes Ru...you know a true fan is writing this story with awesome references like that

Gently, Floyd folded Kermit’s fingers into a fist. “Now hit me,” Floyd instructed.
Kermit was horrified. “Hit you? Why would I want to—“
Floyd tapped his knuckles against Kermit’s. Kermit stared, puzzled.
“Like that,” Floyd said.
“Oh,” Kermit said blankly. Then, “Oh! So that’s how you, um, seal the deal, huh?”
“That’s it,” Floyd said. He gave a little chuckle. “Show the kid—he’ll think you’re cool, man.”
“Sure,” Kermit said dryly, doubting it.
HA! great bit with Floyd trying to get Kermit to pound it! That's probably exactly how it would happen too...

Santa, I see shoppers buying presents,” Gonzo began, and put his heart into it.

“I got a letter from my brother, Duncan!” squealed Sally Ann.
The backstage crowd crowded around her excitedly.
“What’s he say?”
“Is he doing okay?”
“Did he get the package you sent him?”
Sally scanned the letter nervously, then let out a sigh of relief.
“He says he’s fine and wants to know where all the snow is!” she said happily. She read some more, hurrying through the tightly-scrawled paragraphs. “He says thanks for the pics of the show—and the showgirls! They were a huge hit with the guys. He…he liked the thing we’re doing in the Christmas show about the troops. He liked the hard candy but the cookies didn’t survive shipping very well. He says….” She broke off for a minute and then took a big shaky breath. “He says he misses me.” She was quiet for a moment, biting her lip to keep from crying. “He says he misses home but he’s okay and he’ll see me when he comes home.”
“Aw, honey—that’s great,” said Gloria Jean.
“We’ll send him more pictures if he wants!”
“I’ll bet you’re really proud of him!”
It had been a week of group hugs. One more was nothing, but it sure felt like something to Sally Ann.

The final chord faded away and Gonzo looked up.
great job hiding the song until it is the right time to show it...while I reading it I could definitely picture it going this way on screen...it's such a perfect little plot device and I can't wait to hear the whole song...

his boss had not been happy at first to find that they had competition of a sort. He had been more than a little worried himself. He knew the man from the corridor and he didn’t care much for the people that he worked for. On the other hand, his presence there was the proof that Piggy’s star turn in both shows was being noticed, and that had made his boss chortle with glee. It was working.
Hubba wha! The man in black is not in cohoots with Scribbler and the evil boss? Hmm... Interesting... now we have another evil doer in the mix..good thing Piggy busted his ribs, the scumbag! Sounds like each evil doer has two different motives but what? Very interesting with some complex evilness going on here

Can't wait for another update, especially if it is as good as this one. Fanstastic as always Ru!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Well I'm in the mood for an update.
Cause I'm feeling so right.
Post us a chapter, you're the author woman Ru.
Just hope one comes tonight.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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So there I was, trying to sleep last night, and this fantastic conversation between Rowlf and a very distracted Kermit crossed my mind(s?), and I thought, "That's a great conversation. I should re-read that conversation. What story is that in...?" And of course I remembered that it was THIS story, and resolved to read it when I got up.

Naturally, I completely forgot about that late-night thought process until very recently, so I came trekking through the thread to find that delightful conversation and stumbled upon a new chapter! Well, THAT'S a pleasant find.

Gosh, there is SO much to love, as always, Ru. The conversation with Marty--LOVE that Piggy's had to do community service before! And then Kermit's anger/frustration, which is best-known in the arm-waving-frenzy stage but so enjoyable at any stage (or on any stage, come to think of it). And then the Christmas decorations, and the PRESENT! Oooooooooh, sparkly inDEED! That whole scene is just lovely. Granted, I'm a sucker for anything Robin and you KNOW I'm plenty ushy-gushy, but that whole scene was just lovely.

And then the TRAIN SET! Oh fanTAStic. That "some assembly required" business is always a comedy routine waiting to happen, and you executed it so nicely. I. LOVE. ZOOT. Absolutely love. FanTAStic.

Clifford's conversation with Mabel was lovely, and it got me humming "You Can't Hurry Love." Ah, but ain't it hard to wait? I think that's a cute little chat Clifford very much needed... and I'm sure the cookies won't hurt, either. Mmm, chocolate chip...

And then... Kermit, this is a fist bump. Fist bump, this is Kermit. Spectacular! Now that we're all introduced... Please excuse me while I replay the scene in my head until I fall off the ball with laughter.

And THEN! Mixed emotions on the next scene. I must say, I'm delighted to see this guy barely able to get out of the chair. Serves ya right, buster. But then this other fella starts chatting with him about doing things the CONVENTIONAL way... and I start to worry and hope Piggy will recognize him and decline his "offer" (which I find highly suspect, gee wonder why) if and when that should come about.

And the whole Gonzo/Kermit scene... Yes, I know we missed most of it, but I like it that way, and I LOVE what we saw. That... sympathy, there, that this is much more than JUST an audition, not just any song... Yeah. It's good stuff. And I ADORE the end of it--Gonzo's philosophy and brutal honesty. Kermit's right--you've gotta admire that kind of honesty. I love that weirdo.

And Sally Ann, and the letter from her brother! Ohhh, so sweet. LOVE the group hug at the end. Just love it. Such a lovely scene.

And then Scribbler and his nose... HE knows the man from the hallway. Hmm! That worries me. Ru, if I ever doubted you as a writer (which I don't believe I ever have), you've more than proven yourself by making us almost want to like the guy we always hate. THAT is talent.

MORE PLEASE! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hello... Have you got a moment? Well, I'd just like to say that we're all anticipating the moment this opus gets updated. Because when it does, Ru'll have achieved a feat usually heralded here at the forums. But more on that later. For now...

Update please? *Batty-bat eyes.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Sorry to bump this back up, but... I miss this epic turribly. Ruahnna, if you're out there, please come back and update! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! :batty: :flirt: :cry:

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Wanders alone, using his cane, into Mabel's diner area at the Palace.

Hi Mabel... Thought I'd go have a walkabout.
*Sitting down at the counter.
So uh... Any news from Catherine? She's been away such a turrible long time. And it's just that we've come to love this fic of hers so that we're always bumping it back up to the top of the pile in case she's out there and notices her audience would very much like an update if she could post one.
*Orders a crunchy PB sandwich on toasted whole wheat bread, with sweet gherkins inside the sandwich, and a tall glass of iced tea.
BTW: You wouldn't have any suggestions for what kind of present Autumn might like?

*Hums a little tune... She was born in a trunk.
That they used.
To make the stage...
At the Palace.
*Light chuckle.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2007
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I am also greatly missing this story. Hopefully Auntie Ru will come back soon and update!


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2007
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Hey Count, the soundtrack was super cute! Lots of great tracks on there I haven't heard in a long time.

I was thinking that the version of Baby It's Cold Outside with Dean Martin and Dolly Parton would have been great for when they switched the roles in the song where Kermit was the flirtatious one.

Awesome job with the CD; I'm sure Ru will love it.

I hope she's ok; haven't seen her here on the forums in a long time...