So, I saw the movie, so I think I might do a Constantine inspired poem.
So this is basically the movie, but just Constantine's side.
(Events may be slightly out of order

I just broke out
I walk about
as the guards don't know what to do.
The Gulag's rough
So I blew it up
And immediately called number two.
The Muppets don't know
The frog's gotta go
And I will be taking his place
It's a great procedure,
Yes it's great but so meager,
I just cover the mole on my face!
The frog is in jail,
He's as dumb as a snail
And I stand before these dumb Muppets.
I just tell them they're free
I'll just let them be,
They'll have no idea they're my puppets.
I had to act in the show
This I did not know,
I went on and the audience stared.
The lights were so bright
And it gave me a fright
But couldn't let no one know I was scared!
Here's my favorite part,
We stole the art
And while we left, Number two left a coin.
Number two is too slow
Why couldn't he just follow
Next time I'l kick him in his groin.
We started to plot
Number two said a lot
But then I heard the pig's voice that still haunts (me)
But in order to cover
Myself and my other
I gave her everything she wants.
Next was Madrid
All the acts were horrid,
But it was a cover for all the noise
Statues were ended
But we found a pendant
and escaped with grace and poise.
I walked to my cabin
Saw the Bear just gabbin'
with his friend who whistles on the train.
They were on to me no doubt,
So I kicked them out,
And told everyone they won't be seen again.
The next thing is gross
it's nothing to boast
I asked the pig to marry me
But it's according to plan
I put the bomb on her hand,
So now my plan will work perfectly
Now for the wedding
I'm hating that heading
But a nice day, no rain and no fog.
It would've been great
If number two weren't so late
'Cause my wedding was crashed by the frog.
The pig had to choose
Had no clue I'd lose,
But I exposed myself no less.
I started the bomb
While I ran out so calm
But nerves is what they had test(ed)
I snatched up the pig
In weight she was big
Kidnapping her was a chore
But then the frog came along
They both said I was wrong
And after dealing with them I am sore.
So then I was arrested
Can't believe I was bested
Being a criminal was my thing!
They did a show at the prison
My anger arisen
But hey, at least they can sing.
The end y'all. :3