Originally posted by Cantus Rock
*is worried Amy might find out he's the son of a 3 legged goat named Peaches*
Umm...how about we give you a new job Amy?
Amy, wins the Pulitzer, the Nobel and a Tony for finding out everyone on the face of the earth's Baby Daddy, and for making a Broadway show about it starring Kelsey Grammer as the evil dentist who kept putting people to sleep for...some...reason!
YAY AMY! MMMMMMAAAAAAAttt, (sorry, I was saying your name like your goat parent would have) LOL, totally kidding.
I can't talk, I'm part rubber chicken (go figure). Not tellin' which part!
P.S. Congrats to Bert and Ernie for a Golden Muffin (takes it from Towels and offers it to them), sorry.