Well said, Zack.
The oil, per the news reports, is supposed to be under guard by US and British troops. This is the main source of economy in Iraq, and many countries rely on that oil.
It's also my understanding that the Kurds, which Saddam gassed and killed hundreds of, want into battle to get back into their homelands of Iraq (ultimately, Saddam is another Hitler).
The Turks want in on the battle and have been told no, so they have withdrawn their offer of airspace.
The battle is for the protection of people. Some are too blind to realize that it is to escape another 9/11 in the future and/or to end the worries for future attacks against the US and other countries. That's the importance of this battle that people don't understand, and one of my arguments supporting the decision for this battle.
The reason I asked about the "continuation of sanctions" and asked if we should really keep our "US noses" out of other country's problems is this.
Under the sanctions with Iraq, we've cut off any trade with them (except oil?) which means ultimately we have a problem with federal aid going to their country to help its citizens, all because of Saddam Hussein. Has he done anything outside of that to help?
You judge and tell me he deserved more time:
What you will find in these articles are the facts that because of Saddam's selfishness and regimes he has caused the cut-off of ties with countries who supported his people, and now the majority of the children suffer because of malnourishment! Since Saddam has been in office, the mortality rate for Iraq's children has risen to high numbers. I don't guess they mention whether they really live long enough to be killed by that regime or not.
Saddam has always captured and confiscated items sent to Iraq to help aid his people.
What about us keeping our nose out of other people's business? Well, if the US is such a bad place, places like Puerto Rico wouldn't get its help from us: Natl Geographic Society: "Puerto Ricans are US citizens, although island residents do not vote for president or pay federal income taxes; they have only nonvoting representation in Congress. The US Govt takes care of defense and foreign affairs and foots the bill for welfare (for which almost 60% of Puerto Ricans qualify). So, PR folks are US citizens who can't vote and we give 60% of the PR population welfare checks from tax money raised here in the US, and the PR folks don't pay taxes.
My point? Well, taken the fact that we give away money like that to them(my hard earned money paid to taxes goes to PR, too!), it also goes to other countries all around the world. Heck, even after this new Gulf War, we have money set aside now to rebuild?! US is a very generous, and under appreciated, country.
I'm sure our MC friends in allied countries could also give examples of how their countries are generous and underappreciated.
Finally, why is everyone down on Bush? I don't hear people barking about the leaders of our allied countries involvement in any of this.
I guess I have one more thing to say and then I HAVE to take a nap (at work): I'm for peace. I hate conflict and worry. I'm stressing out over this because I find out I know some of the folks who have gone into BATTLE over there, and heck may be some of the ones killed by now??! But, how can you preserve peace when you have sadistic people out there like Saddam and his sons who are waiting to just blow folks like us up? You can't. Get rid of the problem before it begins, and that's what's happening now.