The only up those articles was to show that back in August and September, Bush wanted war then. Never peace, never diplomacy. Just war.
Am I anti-Bush? Yes. I strongly believe that war should be the very last option for solving problems. And even then, you have to question, "Is this something that people should die for?" Bush never considered peace, only war.
I oppose this war because I questioned the information given to me. I oppose this war because deep down in my heart, I believe that peace is the better option for the world. We have no idea what repercussions might await us.
This is going to be my last post on the matter. I have said what I wanted to say. I am not going to sway anyone's mind, and no one is going to sway mine. I encourage a healthy debate, but I fear that I am getting too heated. Sometimes you just have to walk away, and this is one of those times. I have to walk away from this thread before I walk away from the board. I like you folks way too much.
Whether or not we agree with the war, I think it's safe to say that we all hope and pray that this war will end quickly, with little loss of life.