Okay, so it's a book, but here goes...
Gprime1 sez: “but the fact is the US had that opporunity 12 years ago and they didn't follow through with it.”
I wondered about that at first, too; but, then I thought about it. It’s kinda like how mama says, “Here’s the rule, straighten up!” and when you don’t, she takes out the belt and says, “Pants down, bend over!” OWWWww!!
MuppetsRule said that the politics of the world change based on current events, and that is so. Suppose 12 years ago Saddam DID follow through with what he was supposed to do, he stayed out of Kuwait and destroyed his weaponry as ordered. None of this would be going on now, would it? It’s all on his shoulders. He’s been asked and asked, and still he maintained lies and deceit and ultimately this is where we’re at.
Not to mention that any aid we’ve ever sent over there he confiscated and had re-routed to himself. Then he calls the US and its allies demons?
Other Axis of Evil Wannabes by John Cleese
Is there anybody funnier than this man? I think not!! LOL!!
Terry Jones makes a valid point. But, I think (from the sound of things) that he doesn’t agree in what’s going on simply because the threat is there and maybe “we’re paranoid”? I don’t understand folks against this idea, because the other option is to wait and let them bomb us before we act? That’s like waiting on the bully to beat us up before we run for cover!
Frogboy sed: “That being said, I think the past two comic editorials were a responsible and respectful way of making views known without forcing the issue.”
This brings me to note a question: Has anybody ever heard of the Cartoonist Rights Network? It is an organization designed to create bail for and save lives of persecuted Cartoonists in other countries. In 2001 the Mid-South Cartoonists Association held an October art show to benefit the release of Essam Hanafy (in Egypt). (photos are here, including the man who we were sponsoring that has been imprisoned for his political cartoon:
http://www.picturetrail.com/gallery/view?p=999&gid=407634&uid=121440 ). My point here is that cartoonists are REALLY under fire in those countries, including in South America and Russia. The CRN has a new Yahoo! Message Board you can check out:
There’s also a cool Link at MSCA’s website about Beetle Bailey!!
Back to the Gulf…
Froggy sed: “I also think people are hiding behind the guise of peace with ulterior motives. One just has to walk through a “peace” protest (riot) in San Francisco to get what I mean. Picket signs with anti-Semitic statements, signs that focus on Bush as a person instead of his effect on the war, even signs saying Bush is an alien for cripes’ sake. What is that? “
It doesn’t seem to me that the protesters actually have a valid argument, just like the lady on the phone with the radio station that I mentioned in a previous post couldn’t explain to the Iraqi man how to resolve this situation any more peacefully than has been attempted over the past years.
CraigD up-n-spoke: “You seem to be forgetting about the other countries involved as your allies, notably my country Australia.”
Not me; I try to make sure I mention our allies—however, the statement I try to make is for my opinion in the support of what the President is doing and defend (against other Americans strangely enough) our country’s decision to go against Iraq. When I fail to mention the allies, it isn’t because I don’t recognize or appreciate them, because I do; it’s just that I am still confused why Americans aren’t behind this decision and why those against it haven’t been able to offer up other alternatives to the strong possibility that the USA (or other closer countries) wouldn’t be pounded by Iraq with warfare later.
*Whew!* My fingers are tired!!