Well, it was a working theory. Germany fell on hard times because of WW1, Hitler stepped in, blames the Jews for the short comings, etc. So, I wonder if stopping WW I would have prevented Hitler. Of course, I have to read up a lot more on this.Originally posted by Fozzie Bear
I do know more about WWII than I do WWI. Are you discussing the war with Hitler? In which case, if memory serves correct, we wouldn't have been involved had Japan not bombed Pearl Harbor; and had we not gotten involved Germany would be bigger, working under a totalitarian government and there would be no means for dimplomacy. Not to mention (as there is with Saddam) that there would still be mass genocides to this day. I also have to wonder how many Jewish folks would be around had Hitler not be stopped!
Anyway, the reason why Saddam is ****ed up is because his Uncles taught him hate. I don't even have to expoand on this. He wrote a pamplet called, "Things God shouldn't have created: Persians, Jews and Flies" (I suppose next they'll smash a plane into a beehive or something, j.k.) you figure that one out.
I just can't stand this. I mean, we swooped in to WW 2 and we won it. If it wasn't for us, they would never have been defeated. But after that we had such a big ego trip, we decided to help fight everyone else's battles (which is why we're in this mess) I mean, after WW 2, we should have done what we did after WW 1, stay the heck out of it. In fact, when all the European countries punnished Germany (for the first one) the US stayed out of it, they didn't want a part of it.
of course, in a perfect world, both Bush and Saddam would fight each other in a steel cage grudge match. Of course, like all world leaders, they make the citizens fight it for them (the ONE reason that I hate war. Bar none. I hate cleaning up other people's dirty work.) But that's it from me.