ALL: Okay, here are the arguments I was making on the other thread. I'll put them here and see if anybody to speak.
Muppetsrule...Luke: I started off with, and was referencing to...."Both sides are showing prisoners."
I meant prisoners on both sides. Not the dead soldiers.
When I said "how can you blame them" I meant the INTERVIEWS with the prisoners are being way out of line.
There were photos (at least in Canadian newspapers) or Iraqi soldiers, on thier knees with their hands bound behind their backs, still in uniform, being fed something from a jug by an American soldier. That's humiliating to the other side. You're not supposed to use prisoners for propaganda.
The footage with the dead soldiers is wrong. That doesn't fall under my "how can you blame them" thing. I meant both sides using prisoners for propaganda. The dead soldiers' footage I don't agree with, either.
In other news, Syria has been accused of sending night vision goggles to Iraq. Rumsfeld has warned Syria to stop it. What if they don't stop?
It's gonna be messy the longer it takes...more complicated.
"1) The filming of Iraqi POWs is being shown by independent news services and not by a state-run television."
Yeah, so it is sort of an "official" move by the Iraqis, which does make them look bad...but the state-run channel is all they have. And the channel is being blown up. You've got tons of channels, and nobody is blowing them up.
"2) Most importantly, the filming of POWs from both sides also brings up an interesting contrast though. We see POWs in Iraqs controll beaten, and sometimes executed. The Iraqi POWs in the coalitions control are shown being fed, cared for, and wounds tended to. Just a little more humanitarian."
I haven't seen any coverage showing those American POWs being beaten up.
Yeah, probably a few of those soldiers may have been executed. It's wrong, but then again, where are the bombs falling on people who live on your street? If Iraqis were running around in your backyard, killing your friends, I'll bet a few of you would execute them...not all, but some.
If someone killed my mother, I'd execute him if I had the chance. Screw the Geneva convention. I'd bet you may do it, too.
This isn't like an army going in to fight off the Nazis who took over a country. This is going in to "liberate" a screwed up country that has already done a lot of screwing itself up. A lot of those civillians DO NOT want to be taken over by America. Would you like to be taken ANYBODY?
Any person with a gun might fight your soldiers. Your guys are being forced to fight civillians who have no miltary training, and are using the only weapon they have besides a crummy gun---surprise. I don't blame your soldiers as individuals. Some Iraqis want to surrender, while others pretend to and do a surprise attack. They are outclassed, are guaranteed to lose, and are being invaded.
It ugly. I don't think it ever should have taken place.
"Though if you are against them executing the American and British POW's and showing them dead with bullets in their heads then i don't much see how you can be strongly against the reasons for war - this is completely the kind of barbaric acts and behaviour that we are going to war to rid the world and the Iraqi people off."
I admit it's a country ruled by a maniac. But it's still their country to reshape or suffer with. Saddam has many doubles because a lot of people would like to kill him, and then themselves, before they got captured and tortured to death. Maybe it woulda happened eventually.
If America can't control its booze and drugs, and its rampant murder rate, should we all band together and invade, in order to make things better?
JUST as I told you's very complex. The US has just warned Iran and Syria not to get involved. Iran is sending some soldiers...Syria some arms.
THAT is why I said Bush is a madman. Maybe this will turn out as the US and Britian hopes it will......but what if things escalate?
IF...IF...IF.......Iran and Syria or just ONE of them decides not to take orders from Rumsfeld, the US will be obliged to fight them as well. Then what about Pakistan? And India? With their nukes? One button...then the US presses a button. Then RUSSIA says "STOP IT! America, it was a mistake, you gambled and lost...go home!" What if America says "no?" Then what? Now that the U.N. has been ignored by the world's greatest military, NOW WHAT?
It has only been SEVEN days, and already other countries are starting to dip their feet in the water, and the US is telling them to back off.
SEVEN days!
How CLOSE Bush takes the Earth to the brink of World War III. My God!
It is NOT going as smoothly as Bush or Blair told us it would
FellowWLover: If you've been here for any length of time, you know that the threads are just starters for conversation.
I've kicked myself off of the "War News" thread, so that others may talk about Elmo dolls (off off original topic), and taken myself off of the Oscar thread, even though Michael Moore's comments were ON the Oscars itself.
I was answering Luke and Muppetsrule. The coverage includes the news that Syria and Iran are starting to mess about, which is VERY bad news for the whole world. Bush and Blair said it'd be easy, quick, simple. It's not.
Try this flash:
FellowWLover: This is an insult: Saddam is a *******! Bush is a *******!
I have not insulted you.
Slander is an untruth.
"If America can't control its booze and drugs, and its rampant murder rate, should we all band together and invade, in order to make things better?"
You have a super-high rate of killing each other. It is the truth. It's not slander. Go to Michael Moore's website. You know that America's murder rate is high.
I challenge you to surf through your tv or radio channels or pick through your magazines, or drive through your streets, and not find ads for "Budweiser" in everything. Everywhere in America is the message: DRINK! GET DRUNK!
Bush had past troubles with booze. His daughters are found drunk. Can't you find a leader that isn't in a bottle or getting favours (Clinton) from an intern?
America is far from perfect, so who is it to upset the Earth?
What if Korea waits for you to place more troops in the Middle East, and then makes a move on South Korea while you're occupied over there?
It is madness, FellowWlover. The Earth is in danger, and before Bush led this invasion, Saddam was weak, castrated, and covered in U.N. agents.
I don't take your suggestion to find another forum as an insult. I can take it.
Can you take my suggestion that maybe you'd rather turn your interests to the threads about upcoming toys?
Insults: 0
Slander: 0
Rebuttals: 2
Opinions: 2
(you suggested I leave the forum FIRST, I suggested you talk about toys if you don't like the topic of "war." I did not call you a name. I did not call you a baby)
Lord, enough of the forum for one night