April Fool birthday.

Hiya.I was born on April 1 aka April Fools Day.I grew up with a brother saying,'There's a spider on your back,April Fools.'Got bored hearing it year after year.Anyhoo,I was practically born & raised on almost every muppet medium(tv shows/tv guest appearances,movies,etc...).When I first saw the opening post saying I hate the muppets,I took great offense to it,then scrolled to other posts and saw it was a prank. Very cruel joke,like its been said,to those who have been devoted Henson/Muppet fans(especially since the beginning).I still am a fan,even at my age,not ashamed to admit it.If your going to make a prank saying I hate the Muppets,state why you hate them;back up your statement.Everyone is entitled to their opinion,but make it genuine,ok?
"One,two play me do.Let me sound as sweet as you.Play me wide,play me long.Let me be your song."