I'm back, and the same as ever! I've accomplished a lot today, so I carved out some time this evening to polish up act four of this fic for y'all.
Again, I am fiddling with format here. See if you can figure out what (or who) the gimmick is this time.
Also, I aged Scooter a tad for the purposes of the story, but nothing too major. So don't read if you can't handle mentions of high school graduation.
"Muppet Boarding House, Scooter Grosse speaking."
"Excuse me?"
"You expect me to fall for the old "refrigerator running" gag? Andy and/or Randy, I'm going to tell Piggy on you guys!"
"What! This isn't you two? Then who is it?"
"Skeeter! Oh my goodness! You got me! I didn't recognize your voice at all! Very impressive."
"I didn't realize you were a practicing ventriloquist. How did you find the time to learn that with everything else you were doing down in Costa Rica?"
"Correspondence courses, I see."
"Well, how is everything else? I know you've been busy lately, with your ornithological observations and everything."
"Wow! You already finished your research in one year! I thought it was going to take four or five!"
"Well, my goodness, I guess it isn't every day you discover a previously unknown species of bird and manage to teach it English."
"I see. Where are you going to present this research?"
"Yale and Harvard and Princeton invited you! Impressive. Do you like one over the others?"
"Yale offered you a faculty position already! Do they know you're only a high school graduate?"
"They're waiving the undergraduate degree requirements for you? Wow! I always knew you were successful, but I didn't realize even you had this in you. Color me impressed!"
"What have I been up to? Well, I graduated from high school a couple months ago- did you get the pictures I emailed you?"
"Aw thanks! Hilda did some alterations on my cap and gown."
"Oh, you asked what place I finished in my class. I finished 27th."
"Out of 307. That's top ten percent!"
"Yes, yes, I know you it doesn't measure up to you, finishing high school in two years and all, but I still did pretty good."
"College? You don't remember? Come on, sis! I'm going to UCLA to study theatre management and english. I want to work as a writer for the Muppet theatre along with being a stage manager. Give me some better lines in our new sketches, you know!"
"What else have I been doing? Nothing too much. Just trying to line up some guest stars for next season."
"I went to orientation last week too."
"The campus is big, but I should be able to find my way around with my trusty bike. Plus I put a map of everything right onto my phone."
"That's not nerdy! It's essential!"
"Anything else? Well, I have been helping Sweetums with the garden, but not much else."
"Oh yeah! I have been working on getting my license! It's a lot tougher than I thought it would be."
"Everybody's been taking me on the road, but the best driver and teacher is probably Rowlf."
"Well, Gonzo has a bad habit of driving blindfolded, Piggy uses the horn too much, Fozzie gets too weepy if anybody beeps the horn at him, Newsie can barely see even with his glasses, Dr. Teeth drives a little too fast, and Zoot falls asleep at the wheel."
"Sweetums? He can't fit in any of our cars."
"He takes a unicycle everywhere. You should see him. His sense of balance is impeccable."
"I had a hard time learning how to parallel park, but Rowlf took me to a parking lot and told me we weren't going to leave until I could do it."
"He took out a lawn chair and a bottle of ginger ale and coached me through it. Only took three hours."
"I'm taking the test next week."
"Rowlf's car. I'd use the Studebaker but it actually doesn't have working tail lights. Or head lights. Or brakes."
"Gonzo pretty much drives it exclusively now."
"He shifts it into neutral. Lets it coast."
"Only three accidents."
"This week."
"What about you? Do you have your license?"
"Which license?! You're silly. I mean driver's license, what do you think I meant, helicopter's license?"
"Oh. I see. You actually do have your helicopter's license. That's cool."
"You're driving a helicopter right now!? You can't talk on your cell phone when you're driving a car! I'd imagine you can't do the same on helicopters!"
"Oh, I guess being on speaker-phone does mean that your hands are free."
"Where are you flying to?"
"What!? You can't be serious!"
"You're coming to visit! Oh my goodness! I better get cleaned up! My room's a mess, I've got all my textbooks for next semester all over the floor."
"I have my own room now, actually. Lips moved out into the Electric Mayhem bus one day. Said I was too noisy."
"So when should I be expecting you? Rowlf should be home from the studio later tonight-I could drive with him to the airport to pick you up. That's where helicopters land right?"
"Step outside? Why do I need to go outside?"
"Fine, I trust you. I'll go outside."
"Well, I'm in the backyard. Thank goodness we have a cordless phone now. Now what?"
"Yes, we have a nice backyard. Lots of space. I set up a badminton net yesterday! You'd be surprised how good Camilla is at badminton. Has a wicked backhand."
"How much space? I don't know? I was never much good at perimeter and area. A couple acres, maybe."
"So what airport are you going to be landing at?"
"I don't need to worry about picking you up-come on, sis, I can't expect you to take a taxi!"
"Look up-why? Oh my goodness! Is that you?"
"Guess I better get back on the deck! Try to watch for the net when you land!"
"Well, I guess I could get a new net. They were on sale. But Camilla will be mad!"
"This is so exciting! I haven't seen you in forever! I can't wait until everybody gets home!"
"Yup, I'm by myself right now, but Rowlf should be back from the studio later, and Sam went to the grocery store, and Piggy went out to pick up some proofs from a photo shoot a few minutes before you called."
"Yeah, I definitely see you now."
"No, I'm up on the deck. You won't hit me, just the badminton net."
"You're clear, you're clear. Gosh, I wish I had those colored sticks they wave at the airport right now!"
"Guess I can hang up the phone now! Gosh, helicopters are loud when they land!"
coming up "next": We return to the world of traditional narrative as the Newsman ventures into the world of investigative journalism.