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Holding onto Hope: a fanfiction story


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2007
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Poor Kermit!

really great job writing Kermit in this chapter. Even though he is worried sick, he still tells Rowlf and the other kids that it wasn't their fault...I would be freaking out..... Also, great writing with Kermit in a haze, not realizing what was going on around him; I'm sure every parent/relative goes through that when something this terrible happens.

Great chapter...can't wait for more!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Thank you for updating Beth. The emotion's there, captured in a unilateral worry by the entire clan for little Robin.
Would recommend you check your verb tense usage throughout the chapter though... But that's a minor quibble compared to what a good chapter this was.
Especially liked the references to our town of HV, Jull's Pizzeria, and Officer Carrothers's son.

Again, thanks and more please. :sympathy:


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Oh, sure. You acknowledge my threats, and then have ME answer the phone at the pizza place? You realize I'm feeling a little too sick to my stomach to be excited about that, right? (In fairness, I've been feeling icky on and off all week, but it's at least partially from the story right now.) Gosh, poor EVERYONE! I have a feeling it'll be no easy task to convince Rowlf this isn't his fault... gosh...

On a side note, like Ed said, check your verbs. You do some flip-flopping between past and present tense towards the start of the chapter.

Good job acknowledging some complications that come from Muppets, though. The fact that they have to get in touch with the swamp before they can put out an Amber Alert... which SCARES me, because every second counts... plus the twist with them being famous, and this maybe not being so random... oy.

And by the way... Two things. One:

redBoobergurl said:
Next chapter coming up next! Yeah that makes sense...
But why make sense when it's more profitable to make dollars? And two:

redBoobergurl said:

<ahem> Old habits die hard.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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One - yep, the verbage is not right. I started out writing it one way and then decided to write it another way and didn't correct the whole thing. Whoopsy.

Two - yes Lisa, you had to answer the phone but I feel you and Prawnie have ownership of that pizza joint so it had to be one of you! And also, I just felt Kermit needed to call the swamp before the alert so they wouldn't hear it from anywhere else, cause that would be awful!

Three - I'm halfway through chapter three. And halfway up the stairs.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Chapter Three:

Fozzie, Gonzo, Piggy and even Rowlf collapsed around Kermit in a giant heap and let him sob for as long as he needed. They too were quite upset but were trying to hold it together and be strong for their leader. He gave so much to them, it was time for them to give back to him.

He finally quieted down to mostly sniffles when his cell phone rang. Two officers were at the ready in case it was important, but it was Jimmy calling Kermit back.

Kermit was quite composed for the call, but just hearing his end of the conversation was enough to finally break Piggy down and she had to leave the room. She would not let her frog see her completely fall apart; he didn’t need that right now. Fozzie went with her and held her while she cried in the kitchen for a few minutes.

By some miracle Jimmy and Leaper would be on a small airplane within the hour. Though Kermit’s parents desperately wanted to come and lend their support, it was decided it was best that only Jimmy and Leaper come.

Around 12:00 am Willie and Teddy and their parents were escorted home each with their own officer who would remain with them just to be on the safe side, though they were still certain that Robin was the only target.

At 2:00 in the morning the Amber Alert was broadcast and would continue to be into the daytime so people who had been sleeping would see it.

And naturally, by 2:30 in the morning the media calls started. And of course everyone jumped every time the phone rang.

“We’ll have to have a statement given at some point here and we need to tell the press to stop calling, we need to keep the lines open,” said Officer Caruthers.

“What am I supposed to say? If I say what I’m thinking right now…” started Kermit trailing off.

“I could type something up for you to read Boss. It could just be a simple statement,” said Scooter.

“Ok, let’s hold a press conference. The family knows, the Amber Alert is public, I need to speak out to our fans,” said Kermit.

“Kermie, do you want moi to stand up in front of the press with you?” asked Piggy and not for her usual reasons of wanting the media to fawn all over her. She wanted to be there by Kermit’s side supporting him as much as he needed.

“No, its ok Piggy, I can do it. I appreciate you offering though,” said Kermit touched by her offer. He knew when she was being completely genuine and caring and he loved her for it right now. Still, this was something he needed to face on his own and he would do it for Robin’s sake. It was something he could physically actually do to help bring Robin home.

“Let’s have the press conference at 8:00 am, first thing in the morning. Let’s get something written Scooter,” continued Kermit momentarily stepping back into his take charge roll. It felt a little better to at least trying to be the leader. He knew if he wasn’t allowed to stop and think for very long it would somehow be easier.

“Yes sir,” said Scooter getting out the laptop. Before he had a chance to start typing anything though, two figures breezed into the room quickly.

“Kermit,” said one of them shakily.

“Jimmy, Leaper,” said Kermit getting up to approach his brother and former sister-in-law.

“Hello Kermit,” Leaper said quietly. Both Jimmy and Leaper’s eyes were red rimmed. And in spite of their own issues, they were holding hands.

“I am so sorry,” croaked Kermit before dissolving into tears once again. Strangely Jimmy, Robin’s own father, was the one comforting Kermit now as he took his brother into his arms and let him cry into his shoulders.

“It’s ok, it’s ok,” said Jimmy softly.

“How can you say that? I let your son out of my site and he’s gone! I failed you! They think this could be because of our celebrity status. It’s my fault,” said Kermit softly through his sniffles.

“Kermit, you have been the most amazing guardian for my son. He has done so well in this environment. All of you are responsible for that, even the craziest of you! You had no reason to believe anything bad would ever happen here, this place is much like the swamp, it's always been safe. You couldn’t have ever predicted that some nut job out there would do something like this to hurt you. It’s not your fault,” said Jimmy holding Kermit back at arm’s length so he was looking at him in the eye.

“I just feel so helpless,” said Kermit after a moment.

“We all do dear, but Jimmy’s right, you could’ve never predicted this would happen,” said Leaper now reaching out to give Kermit a hug.

“So, I understand they have the Amber Alert out and that the men in blue are doing what they do best to get my son back. So what can we do?” asked Jimmy in a similar take charge type fashion to his brother.

“Well, we’re holding a press conference at 8:00 to alert our fans as to what’s going on and besides that we wait,” said Kermit.

“I want to be part of this press deal with you and I’m not taking no for an answer,” said Jimmy.

“Are you sure? Scooter and I were going to write something up real quick that we thought would answer any questions,” said Kermit.

“Yes I am sure. If that sick son of a you know what is out there watching I want him to see that he’s not just hurting you. I want him to see my face and know that he has MY son and I will stop at nothing to get him back,” said Jimmy.

Kermit realized Jimmy wasn’t necessarily more composed than he was at this point; he was just channeling his feelings into a different route. Instead of falling apart and getting emotional, he was angry. But he felt like anger could be more easily fueled into something. So it was time to get angry.

“All right Jimmy. Let’s go tell this turkey that he doesn’t mess with the Frog family OR the Muppets and get away with it,” said Kermit linking arms with his brother and going over to Scooter’s computer.

They’d have this wack job shaking in his shoes.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Oh wow... Is... All I can say. Chust, wow!
Thank ju Beth. *Sits down to digest the story and itsimplications.
Post when ju can. :halo:


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Wow... Jimmy and Leaper are a lot less... difficult in your story than they are in mine. :wink:

I love how supportive Piggy's being. It's nice to see her being genuine when it's so easy to focus on her superficial side. Of course... with something this major going on, it's hard to be superficial.

Crap, now I'm getting choked up. Could someone please explain to me why I left my approximately-Robin-sized-teddy at school for the summer?

I also like the difference between Kermit's and Jimmy's reactions, and how Kermit is following more than leading here.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go wreak a little havoc in Heart of Gold to make myself feel better. Now where did I put my list of plot twists...

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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:wink: Here you go boss, your list of plot twists. Right next to the sticky buns and hot chocolate.
*Waits to find out if anyone gets the reference.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2007
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Oh man, another great update! It was so touching that once Kermit was talking to Jimmy, Piggy just fell apart and didn't want Kermit to see her like that, not now. This is such a good story because we all really feel for everyone--you definitely know how to tug at the heartstrings. You're on a roll girl so keep it coming! Please post more soon! :smile:

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Waiting patiently for an update.
*Drumming fingers on that old Sesame brick wall Kermit used to lecture from.