Well said Melissa. Maybe we should tell Beth to spread the word to the Facebook group?
At any rate... We now have a center portion of town planned.
St. Lovelady's Hospital: 7 Henson Street.
Penny Candyman's Sweets Shop: 8 Central Hunt Street.
Along with the locals already labeled 9-12, this creates a six-pack set of structures.
On one street, from left to right as you look at it head on: Jim's CoffeeHouse, the Bat Bolt & Skull Toy Shop, and St. Lovelady's Hospital.
Directly across on the opposite street, from left to right: Twelfth of Never Clock Shop, the Muppet Theater, and Penny Candyman's.
Still need to plot the locals that'll be numbered 2 through 6, and of course, one of the biggies, Everybody Eats Restaurant.
Hope to getsome more help.