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Hensonville City 2011


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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looking outside and frowning Wish it didn't look so cloudy out. I wanted to make this weekend "Beach Outing" Beth'll be away next week & I know how much Red loves swimming. Ah well...let's shoot for it anyway. Let's get set up outside now before I have to get ready to go out.
Chef bowing :Yes yur mejestee
:rolleyes: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound bossy. At least the pool is out back and we don't need to truck certain things several miles in your car. (OOC:I know it was never spoken of that Chef had a car.But let's just say that he does since I can't drive, OK?)
Everyone starts taking stuff outside (like a radio,sunscreen towels and CDs ) The innertubes are in a closet.So I get them out .
OK...I think we're all set. Chef....we can start barbecuing I'd say about noon. Hopefully people will show up. Oh ...and you...gesturing to Robin
Absolutely no cannonballs off the diving board while people are in the pool. Otherwise you're punished from going in the pool. Is everyone witness to what I said to Robin?
I get a chorus of "yeses"
Good! Wish I'd started this tomorrow instead of today. I want to enjoy myself too.
Rosita: Just get yourself nice and hot when you go bowling!Then the pool will feel good to you when you come back!
Yep...this is true!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Er Kathy... I think Robin knows the pool rules by now. *Gives her a :cool: icon to help her cool down. Good thing the poolhouse has that skydome if it does start raining outside.
:batty: And how vonderful it'll be when it does start storming...
Heh, c'mon guys, let Kathy's crew get set up. We can drop by and join in the fun later.

*Fatatita chases after a stray shrimp that falls overboard from the salad we're prepping to bring to the beach party.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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(Everything is in a happy tither getting ready for Kathy's pool party. Ru has party food--frog-friendly and, er, people-friendly--and Fozzie has the extra lawn chairs. Kermit has towels and Piggy has, well...herself.)
Piggy: (Emerging from her bedroom in her favorite bathing suit) Moi is ready for the pool party!
Kermit (almost dropping the towels) Yeep! Er, Sheesh, Piggy--is that what you're wearing?
Ru: Uh, Kermit, I wouldn't--
Piggy: (looking down) Is it too much?
Kermit: (muttering in an annoyed manner) Too little, is more like it.
Piggy: (muttering under her breath) Said by the naked frog....
Ru: Guys--cease fire, please. Out the door--we're a little late....
Fozzie: (pleading) Kermit, can't we just--
Piggy: I thought it looked fetching. (She looks at Ru, not Kermit, but bats her big, blue eyes.) What do you think, Ru?
Ru: (opens mouth to speak, shuts mouth, opens mouth again and plunges in) I think that Kermit will not have a good time while you are wearing that suit. You are waaaay too fetching in that suit and I think you will prevent the other folks from enjoying the beautiful day because they will all be gazing at you.
Piggy: (Eyes wide with surprise) Really? (She cuts her eyes at Kermit.) What do vous think, Kermit?
Kermit: (blushing and stammering) Um, what she, er, what Ru said. You, um, look amazing but maybe a little too amazing for a neighborhood party.
(For a moment, Piggy just stares at Kermit, then leans forward without warning and plants a very happy smooch right on his froggy lips.)
Piggy: I'll go change and meet you down there! (Runs back to her room.)
(It is suddenly quiet. Fozzie opens the door and motions everyone out. Ru sails past them and out into the hall. As she passes Kermit, she gives him a look.)
Ru: You're welcome, Kermit. C'mon Fozzie.
Kermit: Sheesh....

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*The last vestages of any rumbling in the air fades away as Ed's happy with the new total reached for his happy haunts. Not at the final tally yet, but we're getting there.
He, along with his roomies are at the pool party, adequately attired for the fiesta or just general having fun good-time get-together.
Uncle D puts down the shrimp salad on the counter with the rest of the food, before skulking away to the pool's edges to dip his taloned toes in the water.
Ed's gotten a hold of one of the innertubes and scales the stairs to the slide.
The Count's snapping his fingers behind the sound system speakers, distracted when Fatatita purrs settling in for a catnap. He moves off to wade into whatever game's going on nearby.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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After I get home I let out a sigh of relief that it's not raining and that everyone is enjoying the party outside .Then I slip into my bathing suit,cover-up and grab a bag of Doritos out of the closet. Hi Gaffer! Ready to join your furrend?
Gaffer lets out a contended meow
Thought so! petting her and putting her in her kitty carrier We head on outside where everyone is Hey everyone! waving and taking Gaffer out of her kitty carrier where she goes over to Fatatita.Then I take the Doritoes out. Some extra stuff to munch on.:wink: Then I spot Prairie floating by in an inner tube Hey Prairie! How's the water!
Prairie: Wet!
Besides wet, knucklehead! Freezing cold or my type of temp?
Prairie: Well I looked at the pool thermometer before. How's 80 degrees for you?
Sounds good to me! taking off my robe and getting into the pool. Ahhh.. Nice!going underwater to get my head wet. I was roasting from bowling. All I could think about was the nice cool pool! suddenly I feel two small hands over my eyes and an attempted deep voice saysGuess who?
Knowing perfectly well who it is,but playing along: Ummm...Chef?
Nope...guess again!
The BoogeyMan?
Now he's laughing: Mom!You're silly!
Well that last one gave it away! Nobody calls me "Mom" other than my froggie son,Robin!turning around and giving him a hug Hi sweetie-pie! You having fun?
Robin:Yep!returning the hug I missed you.
Missed you too little green stuff. You been swimming with Uncle Kermit?
Robin: Uh huh. Fozzie Auntie Piggy and Auntie Ru too.
Sounds like you've been having fun. Have you been out of the pool at all?
Robin nods I was shivering before.So Uncle Kermit told me to get out of the pool for a while. I just got back in when you got here.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Fatatita perks up, batting paws with Gaffer.

Hey Kath... *Grabs a few chips to go with the cup of soda. *Finishes snacking, leaves plastic cup near our seats for refilling later, and goes back for another slide waiting in line behind Grover and Rosita.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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Ru: Ow, ow, ow! Paper cut! Paper cut! Ow! (Puts finger in mouth)
Kermit: Here, um, Ru--why don't you let me squeeze the lemons!
Ru: What a guth ideath.
Kermit: Hey Fozzie--can you hand me those crushed mint leaves, please?
Fozzie: Sure thing, Kermit. You want me to fill all the cups with crushed ice now? (Silently counts party guests on fingers.) I think we have enough for everyone.
Kermit: Oh, yeah--sure. That'd be great. Um--Piggy?
Piggy: (sweetly) On it, Mon Capitan. (In a loud growl) Hey! Queue up, people, if you want mint lemonade! Make a line, no crowding!
Ru: (taking finger out of her mouth) You do that awfully well, Piggy.
Piggy: (shrugging) It's just like autograph lines.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Clamboring out of the pool, we get in line for lemonade.
Boy, playing in the pool sure works up your appetite.
Wonder when the grill'll go on. :hungry:


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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taking a hint:wink:
Chef: Okee we got der hot doggies,der hamburgers,der cheezburgers,der barbequed ribs und der der barbequed chikun.
Please stand in a line and let Chef & I know what you want. And no shouting over each other because you know how frazzled Chef gets. There's potato salad, macaroni salad corn on the cob,cole slaw ,ketchup and mustard at the end. Oh yeah..baked beans too.Also for your burgers there's lettuce tomatoes and onions. Can someone please help Robin out? Ru & company if you're still here ,if you're still here, please help Robin? Thanks!
I continue to help Chef behind the grill One burger...one cheeseburger...one order of wings....


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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Ru: Robin, Sweetie--how many grilled dragonflies can you eat?
Robin: Gosh, Auntie Ru--I could eat a dozen!
Kermit: Um, save a few for the other frogs, okay Robin?
Robin: Um, Uncle Kermit--aren't you the only other frog here?
Kermit: Um, er, well....
Ru: Smart nephew you got there, Kermit.
Kermit: Oh be quiet.