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Hensonville City 2011


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Hey Ed. Lack of time/ambition mostly. I'm proud of what I did back in the day, but I haven't felt that spark in so long. I might give it a go at some point though!
Cookie: No more amnesia for Cookie though
Heh, yeah I won't put you in a bad situation again Cookie Monster.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Well, you know you can always drop me a PM or quick email if you want to talk shop about potential fic ideas.

Now if only I could get some similar inspiration to decide these last two haunters... *Keeps mulling over a few leads, hunting through various Wiki resources.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Calls Beth on the phone, leaves a message hoping to get a reply soon.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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Look! I can has eyeballs!

:news: Uh...come again?

New contacts. See?

:news: *staring into Kris' eyes* uh huh... *suddenly catching himself* Um. Ahem. So! Welcome back!

Snookie: 'Bout time you showed up. The fridge broke.

The fridge...? How?

*Snookie hooks a thumb at Carl in disgust*

Carl *realizing all glares are on him* What? WHAT? Oh, the cold box. Well, it was kinda hot here last Thursday...

:news: It was COLD! I turned the heat up! *sniffle* YOU try preventing the flu with long sinuses in cold weather!

Carl: ...so I just slept in it. A little. And, uh, rearranged it.

*all look at the mangled racks and Tupperware squashed into unrecognizable shapes*

I didn't know you COULD bend fiberglass that way.

Carl *beaming* THANK YOU!


The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Kris is back? Finally, a small ray of sunshine at the end of the tunnel. :smile:

Hmm, would've thought Newsie alerted us to the sniffle season starting up this week. Oh well, he deserves a day off once in a while.

*Uncle D tunes in to watch some of the Saturday evening cooking shows on MMN.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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Carl, the Big Mean Tanning Booth Attendant: Sunshine? Oh no no no we can't have that!

Snookie: What's the big deal? *suspicious* Why do you have a bottle of BBQ sauce in your apron pocket?

Why is he wearing an APRON is the better question...

BMC: Hah! As it so happens I have been hired as a tanning booth attendant. "Sky is gray? Don't you fret -- Monster Tanning's nice and wet!" Catchy, huh?


:news: That doesn't even make sense!

Snookie: Just...don't ask. It's better not to know. Trust me.


The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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UD: Mayhaps he took advertising lessons from those frogs at Madison Avenue. They certainly didn't have the best of slogans for their product either.

*Ed smiles because when I watch Food Network I'm sure to catch that Delta Faucets commercial with :batty: singing "Hands".
BTW: Kris, you remember what the German-type costume Crow wore in the end host segment after Devil Dolls was like?


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2011
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Ellie: *tip-toes into apartment; finds roomies asleep about the living room, the TV is on and a movie is playing; a large bowl of pop corn is being used as a pillow by Bert, Ernie is on a lounge chair opposite Bert and one the couch is Susie* Pssssst, Susie, what's going on?

Susie: Ellie, we're trying to sleep...*sits up* Ellie? Ernie, Bert, it's Ellie!

Ernie: Bert, come on buddy, Ellie's back! *tries to pull him up out of the popcorn bowl*

Bert: Five more minutes...*lifts up his head, he has popcorn stuck all over his face in rather odd fashion*

Ernie: *laughs* Looking good Bert!

Ellie: Aw and I didn't even bring my camera!

Susie: *switches on a light* It's been all but dull while you were gone Ellie!

Ellie: Really how...so...

*sees the apartment walls are now 'painted differently' if you can call paint spatter a different color, and there is now a disco ball that hangs overhead*

Ernie: Like that! And the night we got the disco ball, you should have seen Bert dancing! He came up with this dance called 'The Funky Pigeon' and...

Bert: ERNIE! *he's awake now* Why don't we tell Ellie about that later!

Ellie: It's good to be back!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Goes upstairs to leave some presents at Apt 5.

For Piggy, a full daypass to the Hensonville Ocean Breeze Spa Center, where they'll get you as clean as their famous soap (even if their ad campaign still needs some work).
For Aunt Ru, set of Muppeticon magnets for pinning notes where her roomies generally gather given the hectic schedule any "normal" person has.
*Uncle Deadly leaves a tin of guava cakelets, the recipe dictated by me, gotten from my own mom's signature staples.

Happy birthday to both, hope you have a decent day. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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There is much whispering and shushing in Apartment 5.
Kermit: Ouch, Fozzie--that was my foot! Watch where you're going, won't you?
Fozzie: But I can't see over the packages!
Ru: Here, Fozzie--let me have some of them.
Fozzie: Thanks, Ru. Gosh, there sure are a lot of them this year.
Kermit: Well, you remember what happened a few years ago when the number dipped?
(There is much muttering agreement.)
Kermit: That's right. So, better safe than sorry.
Fozzie: Better broke than sorry. Kermit, how much did you spend this year?
Kermit: (sheepishly, looking very guilty) Um, not that much. I mean, Ru had all these online coupons and gift certificates, so it was really easy to buy some really cool stuff for, um, less than it looks like.
Fozzie: Well, it looks like a lot. Miss Piggy will be very happy.
Ru: Miss Piggy better be surprised.
Fozzie: You know, we have a surprise party for her almost every year, don't we?
(Ru and Kermit stop, think, and nod.) So how come she's always surprised?
Kermit: Um, well, Piggy doesn't really like to think about her birthday that much.
Fozzie: Are we talking about our Miss Piggy?
Kermit: (making a scrunchy face) Yes, our Miss Piggy. You see, Fozzie, she loves the getting presents part--
Ru: And the eating cake part--
Kermit: And the getting to wear a tiara cause it's her birthday part--
Ru: But not the whole, um, getting...er...more fabulous part.
Fozzie: How come?
Ru: Well, our society is pretty youth-driven.
Fozzie: I thought you had to be 16 to drive.
Kermit: Not that kind of driven, Fozzie. The, um, the work a lot, aggressive kind of driven.
Fozzie: Miss Piggy is aggressive.
Kermit: Well, yes, but not where I was going with that.
Fozzie: Oh. Sorry. Please proceed.
Kermit: So anyway, our society is pretty obsessed with youth and beauty and all, so Piggy doesn't really like any reminders that she's, um, that she's...maturing.
Ru: That was very well put, Kermit.
Fozzie: Yes. Very tactful.
Kermit: Thanks--I've had a lot of practice with tact in all these years of dating Miss Piggy.
Ru: Well, I think your practice has paid off, but I'm going to respectfully disagree. I think getting older--
Kermit: Shhhh!
Fozzie: Ahhh!
Ru: Geez--okay, okay. I think that getting, um, more mature is awesome. You only get to be each age once, right? So why should you waste that age pretending to be some other age. You know?
Kermit: It--I can see where you're going with that.
Fozzie: That's maybe a good way to look at it.
Ru: It is a good way to look at it. And like, I can do things now that I couldn't when I was younger, because I'm older and I have more life experience. Stuff that used to upset me, you know, just doesn't anymore.
Kermit: For instance.
Fozzie: Yeah--what he said.
Ru: Well, take that big cake I made today.
Fozzie: Really? Oh boy! But won't Miss Piggy be disappoint--oh. You were just using that as an example weren't you.
Ru: Sadly, Sweetie--I was. But using the cake as an example, I can tell you that I can whip up a cake--or a pie--now even thinking about it. Some of the recipes that I've used over and over and over...well, I know them by heart now, so I don't have to look them all up. And I don't have to worry about things like driving and typing--those are second nature to me now.
Kermit: I know what you mean. If I have to get up and perform, it's not a big deal anymore. I used to get nervous.
Fozzie: I still get nervous, but maybe not so much.
Ru: See? There are advantages to being, um, mature.
Fozzie: Gosh--we should tell Miss Piggy!
Kermit: Um, maybe some day, Fozzie. But today we need to get these presents where they belong and get the crepe paper strung before the guests start arriving.
Fozzie: Where is Piggy again? Where did you send her?
Ru: I sent her out to get a mani-pedi and a facial.
Kermit: And a hot fudge sundae.
Ru: Oh, right! I forgot about that coupon. Okay--now remember, when Carl comes, I've got a plan....
(Birthday party for the Divine Swine tonight--ongoing through the evening. Post your own stuff--and watch out for Big Mean Carl!)