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Hensonville City 2011


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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Ru: (brightly) There we go. Okay--who wants to say Grace?
Fozzie: Do you mean the girl in Apartment 12?
Ru: What? Oh--no. I mean, um, return thanks before we eat.
Rizzo: Why do we have to return it? I didn't take it! (laughs hysterically at his own joke) What? Sheesh--tough crowd.
Fozzie: (whispering) Tell me about it.
(There is a commotion at the door kitchen door. Kermit arrives with Piggy in tow--literally. It is a very uncertain thing that he will actually be able to get her into the room because she is holding on to the doorframe, but eventually the slick satin of her gloves slides free and they come stumbling into the kitchen.)
Kermit: Piggy--Piggy! This is ridiculous! It's just Gonzo and Rizzo. You've eaten with them lots of times.
Piggy: Eaten with them--yes! But Moi is not going to live with them in the same apartment.
Kermit: Piggy--they're on the lease! There's nothing we can do about it--
Gonzo: (springing up from his chair) Wow! Miss Piggy, you look beautiful tonight. (He runs around and holds her chair for her with a flourish.) Allow me.
(Despite herself, Piggy is pleased.)
Piggy: How charming of vous. (Gonzo drops her napkin into her lap.) Um, yes, well, thank you, Gonzo.
Gonzo: Not at all. Here--let me pour you some sparkling grape juice.
(Less pleased by this turn of events is Kermit, who is rather the worse for wear from his scuffle getting Piggy into the room. He is happy that Piggy is getting satisfied, but not necessarily happy about how.)
Ru: Here, Piggy--let me fill up your plate. What kind of dressing would you like?
"Rizzo: High class and French, am I right? (He and Fozzie giggle, but Piggy quells it with a look.)
Piggy: Moi usually prefers--
(Kermit is suddenly at her elbow.)
Kermit: Roasted tomato and basic Italian? Right, Sweetheart?
Piggy: (smiling up at Kermit) Thank you, Kermie.
(Ru and Fozzie stare at each other. Fozzie mouths "Sweetheart?" Kermit is not above an affectionate moniker, but usually not at the dinner table and usually not in front of guests. Gonzo looks at Kermit assessingly.)
Ru: Does everybody have what they need?
Rizzo: Sure looks that way.
Ru: (more loudly) More mashed potatoes, Rizzo?
Rizzo: Don't mind if I do!
Piggy: (snapping) I mind, if you don't mind! It is impolite to reach across someone at the table.
Rizzo: Well, excuuuuuse me!
Fozzie: Well, we are sortof crowded....
Piggy: (giving Ru a sulky look) And who's fault is that?
Ru: Um, well, we were going to look for a bigger table, but the kitchen isn't any bigger, so we thought--
Gonzo: I kindof like the table like it is. It's, um, cozy-like. (He smiles at Piggy and Piggy jumps as though someone is playing footsie under the table with her, which is a very real possibility. She recovers her composure.)
Piggy: Oh! I mean, oh, um, yes, I suppose it is more cozy. (She smiles at Kermit beside her.) Don't you think it's cozy, Kermit?
Kermit: (not minding the table either) Um, yes. I think it is cozy compared to last year. (He gives Gonzo a look.) Maybe a little too cozy, but nice, you know.
Piggy: I know.
Fozzie: I know.
Rizzo: Oh, brudder, do I know!
Ru: (sighing) Yep. Cozy was just the word I was thinking. Save room for pie, everybody....

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Ed returns with :batty: from the club, dejected over the end of the football game, knowing that it's the end of #Fifty-Tomb, Raven Louis's career. At least they gave it the ol' college try, not badly a loss like the blowout everybody predicted. Only thing to do now is throw myself into my work, either haunters or that last calendar oneshot, but I'm not feeling like either fright now. Would be nice to get some fic from my fave authors tonight, if they could get something posted. Oh well. :sigh:

Skeeter Muppet

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2002
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Tosh: [running into Apt 6] Kim! Kim, Kim, Kim!
Kim: [straightening a lamp on an end table] What? What, what, what?
Tosh: Guess who's living in the building now?
Kim: Oh, I dunno...Mayor McCheese?
Boober: Who?
Kim: ...never mind.
Tosh: No, Betty Lou!
Kim: She is? That's great! It'll be nice to see her again.
Tosh: Do you think she'll remember us?
Kim: I can't say for sure, Tosh. But I hope she will.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2010
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Betty Lou: Angie! Angie! Angie! *plops on my lap*

Angie: Oof! x.x What is it, Betty Lou?

Betty Lou: Can you take me to Apartment #6? Oh, please? 8D

Angie: Sure, sweetie. ^.^ You want to see Kim?

Betty Lou: ...and Tosh! <3

Angie: Oh, how nice. *fixes Betty Lou's hair bow and smiles* Do you want me to take you there now? I don't think Kim and I have ever met before.

Betty Lou: Sure, but can we go outside first?

Angie: Okay...why do you want to go outside?

Betty Lou: I want to first go to the card store and buy Tosh a gift.

Angie: Aw, aren't you the sweetest? ^.^ You don't have to go through all that trouble. I'm sure just her seeing you would be the best gift of all. *kisses Betty Lou's forehead*

Betty Lou: *^.^* <3

Angie: How about I bring out the art supplies and we can make something for her? :3

Betty Lou: That sounds great! 8D Can you also make popcorn?

Angie: Why not? My treat! <3

Betty Lou: Yay! Thank you! *gives me a hug* <3


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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chuckling over the Roger Miller episode of The Muppet Show
Chef mumbling Traidur

Robin: Yeah!
Oh guys..I'm sorry! turning the DVD off and realizing I was laughing at their misfortune of turning into chickens from cluckitis (But to be honest ,Robin made an awfully cute baby chick:wink:) Robin...I need to be truthful. You were a cute little baby chick!
Robin: I'd still rather be a frog though . Gonzo was a pain in the neck the whole time all of us were chickens,right, Chef?
Chef:Ja..he shur wuz! If he walked up to me 1 more time making kissee faces und I hed tu remind him hoo I wuz I wuz gooing tu pop him one in det beek like nose uv his!

knowing Chef's temper like I do, I nod in understanding All right. From now on the Roger Miller episode is off limits around here .
Chef:Nu...it's okee. Robin und I recuvered ,rite kiddo?
Robin:Yep. And once you get it, you can't get it again. Like chicken pox.
OK..as long as you guys don't mind.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: All righty, we're all settled in again. This is good. *sets the radish bars Ed left Red aside since she is still in bed*
Cookie: Me happy to be back.
Beth: I'm happy you're back too. Rowlf, did you get settled all right too?
Rowlf: Yes indeed. Slept like a rock last night too.
Beth: Glad to hear that! Red's still snoring away in our room. I figured I'd let her sleep in a bit and then maybe we can all go grab lunch a little later and shop for some groceries and stuff
Cookie: We get cookies?
Beth: Yes, we can get cookies, but we have to get regular food too
Cookie: Yay!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hey Beth, if you guys want to have lunch you're welcome to share the shroomrizo pizza we got last night. If not, that's fine, just thought I'd leave the invite open.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Cookie: Did someone say pizza??? Me like pizza
Beth: Yes, it sounds like Ed has some leftover to share - sounds good for lunch, what do you guys think?
Rowlf: I'm down for that
Red: Sure, then I can thank them for the radish bars too.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Okay, I'll put the stuff in the oven so :batty: can set it to heat for us when we're ready to eat.
(I'd put it in the microwave usually, but that seems a bit informal).

Would love to go to a place like Pizzeria Mama near Beth's hometown, they repeated that episode last night and I'm always jotting down stuff to try should I ever get to do some traveling out and about in the states. :drool:

We got lemonade soda if that's s'alright for drinks for you guys and gals.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Lemonade soda is delicious! No complaints from me!
Red: Too sour for me. I have radish juice though, I'll survive!
Cookie: Me like this pizza, it very tasty.
Beth: Thanks for not devouring it too much there Cookie
Cookie: You welcome. *urp*