
Oh wow! Thanks! *tried on helmet* Uh...I can't see...
*Kris runs downstairs to fetch the Chef, since Kathy isn't feeling well*

Oo! Werden muh presoonts? *hands Newsie a potted onion* Der hooseplonts!

What? *crashes into sofa, falls down, helmet rolls off* Oh...um...thanks! Does it need any special care? I've got a yellow thumb, not a green one...

*launches into complicated explanation of the care and feeding of mutant Muppet onion sets*

Uh huh...uh, okay, sure... *casts about helplessly for translation* Anyone? Help!
Just go with it, Newsie. Smile, nod, and wave.

Hey Tom, we went in together on this for you! *hands Chef a Hibachi Mini Muffin Fryer with the cool optional Radish-Donut Maker attachment*

Oooh! Ooh, hoo, hoo! *clapping hands excitedly* Noo der foon der haffe chickie is boooorn der donuts!
Uh...sure! *beams*