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Hensonville City 2011


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Jul 14, 2010
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Angie: Ellie! *glomps* <3

Sal Minella: *to Ernie, and Bert* Ya never heard of Johnny?! D:

Johnny Fiama: Woah. Easy there, Sal. They're only kids. *wears a lopsided smile as he introduces himself to the Sesame Street duo* Hey there, kids. The name's Johnny Fiama. I-- *strides over to Susie* Hey there, bambina. What a sweet cannoli, like you's doin' 'ere in this pad? I'm Johnny Fiama, and this is my girl, Linda.

Linda Mezzo: *polite smile* Hey, Susie.

Johnny Fiama: And Sal, 'ere is my personal associate.

Sal Minella: Hey. 8D

Angie: *huggles* I'll c'ya around, Ellie. I'm going to greet some of our new neighbors with Annie Sue. So, g'night, and sweet dreams. ^^

Annie Sue: *has a fruit basket in hand* Yay!

Angie: *reads note on Apt. 5's door* Ooo... very welcoming of Auntie Ru. Shall we say hello, guys? :3

Annie Sue: Aw. How sweet of Ru. I would love to visit, Angie, though, should we be invited in? Sorry, I'm just a little nervous. ^^

Link Hogthrob: *smoothes his hair back*


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2011
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Ellie: *is glommed by Angie*

Ernie: Hi Johnny, I'm Ernie.

Bert: I'm Bert, pleased to meet you.

Susie Q: *smiles wide at being called a sweet cannoli* Oh Mr. Fiama I'm a huge fan! *smiles at Linda* Hello Linda, or is it Mrs. Fiama? *to Sal* You're Mr. Fiama's personal pants ironer isn't that right?

Ellie: Well, someone is having fun geeking out...*peeks over to note on Apt. 5* That is very sweet of Ru! See ya 'round Angie! Come on guys, let's go arrange the furniture!

Bert: That sounds like a good idea, and then we can all get unpacked and organized.

Ernie: But what's the fun in that?

Ellie: Ernie brings up a very good point!

Bert: Why put off what you can get done today?

Ellie: Yet another good point, alright boys, let's get organizing, you too Susie,c'mon.

Susie Q: *in la-la land because she's just met her idol*

Ellie: *pulls Susie towards our apartment* Now let's go do all the organizing, as much as we don't wanna.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Sends chickaree coffee obtained from our contact down in New Orleans via scare mail bat delivery to Apt 5 as a housewarming gift, hope she and her roomies enjoy.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2010
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Johnny Fiama: Hey, Ernie. Hey, Bert. Feelin' sqaure? Heh. Kiddin'. *to Susie* It's a pleasure to meet an adorin' young fan, like you, Susie. You're one of my guys, now. ;D

Linda Mezzo: Heh, and dear, you can call me Linda. Johnny, and I ain't married.

Sal Minella: *whispers to Johnny* Then, when are you gonna marry Linda, John--

Johnny Fiama: Don't remind me, kid. I ain't thinkin' 'bout marriage. -_-

Sal Minella: Oh, okay... xP


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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spreading arms in living room of Apt. 2 Ahhh...home sweet home! Feels great to be here again. humming the song "Together Again" while going into my room and putting sheets on my bed
Chef,meanwhile is fixing the kitchen up to his taste Der salt here...der peppur here....
Robin : Mom? coming into my room
Hi Robin...what can I help you with ,cutie?
Robin: Putting my mattress on my bed an' putting the sheets on. You said you'd help.
Yep...sure did. We'll need Grover's help getting the spring mattress in first.stopping a passing by Grover Hey Mr. Musclemonster...need your help.
Grover: That is what I am here for. What can I do?
OK...without killing yourself,help me lift this box spring mattress and put it onto Robin's bed on the count of 3 lift. 1...2...Robin, watch out sweetie.....3 LIFT!! We lift it up and drop it onto Robin's bed. OOF! Good! Now for the mattress itself. Robin, you and I can do that. Thanks Grover.
Grover: It was my pleasure! leaving
Alrighty.....this is heavy too so be prepared. Puah your end while I pull this one OK?
Robin: Yeah....pushing Oof...this is heavy!
pulling and grunting Erggg... You ain't kidding! OK.It's on now. Let me straighten it out.adjusting the mattress There! NOW it's straight. Let's put the sheets on.You do the pillow and I'll do the sheets.
While I'm putting the sheets on Robin's bed I feel myself being hit in the back with a pillow.I turn around
Robin: Uh...oops?
Was that on accident or on purpose?
Robin trying not to laugh Which would you rather hear?
tapping my foot Robin The Frog...you little stinker! Gimme that pillow!
Robin: Umm....nope! goes running out of the room laughing
Get your froggie buns over here Robin! Otherwise you'll be sleeping on a bare mattress!
from another room : Don't care!!
You better care! C'mon Robin...I'm starting to get tired!
Begrudgringly Robin comes back in Go ahead handing me the pillow Hit me with the pillow.
Nah. Like I said I'm tired. Besides I'll get you back when you least expect it.:smirk: finishing up the sheets Hop into bed
Robin climbing into bed You're not angry at me are you?
For hitting me in the back with a pillow? Of course not ,silly! I love you!snuggling him in my arms always and forever 'round the world and back again.
Robin kissing me An' I love you too Mom! Always an' forever ' round the world an' back again.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Ru: (Posts note on door to Room 5.)

All Frappuccino’s can come and live with us in Room 5!​
Cappuccinos welcome too!​
And coffee!​
In fact, all caffeinated beverages are welcome for the forseeable future.​

Ru: There--that ought to do it! I wonder if Kris has any of that pumpkin coffee left....
sending note to Apt.5: Hi guys! I'm a Frapp Freak but is it OK if I take a raincheck? TYVM. Kathy


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2010
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Angie: *enters inside Apt. 10 with the rest of her roomies* We're home, peeps. :3

Link Hogthrob: I call for the master bedroom.

Johnny Fiama: Erm, mi scusi, pig, but Linda, and I are goin' to have the master bedroom.

Link Hogthrob: Suit yourself, Fiama. I want to mirror room.

Angie: The bathroom? Uh, no... ?

Annie Sue: *giggles* Oh, Link. You're just so adorable. It doesn't matter where we sleep, as long as I'm with you. *nuzzles her snout to Link's* <3

Link Hogthrob: *pecks Annie Sue on the cheek* We'll take the mirror room.

Annie Sue: *snorts/giggles* You're too funny, Link.

Angie: Be right back, guys. I'll come back to help with the packing. *brings over fruitbaskets to Kathy, Ailie, Ed, Auntie Ru, and Ellie*


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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(When the door to Room 5 opens, Fozzie is wearing a grocer's apron and pouring coffee. People are wandering in, meandering through the boxes, which are being unloaded slowly. Books are going on the shelves, the television in the general area where it will live and one of the lime tween recliners has been emptied of most of its contents. The air smells like cookies and there is an eclectic assortment of mugs and cups sitting out near the coffee pots. Ru comes out of the kitchen wearing a blue-flowered apron and with a fresh plate of warm cookies in her hands. The cookies are passed through the crowd. The plate isn't empty when it comes back to her, but you can see most of the design on the bottom of the plate. Kermit appears from the kitchen area, also wearing an apron. This one looks like a tuxedo front, and he is carrying a tray with cream and milk and sugar and sweetener. There are also some flavorings, like vanilla and pumpkin latte and amaretto and gingerbread, and Kermit sets the tray down near where the mugs are.)
Kermit: Hi guys! Welcome back! Hey--Bert! Ernie! Long time no play, guys! What's up on the Street? (He puts down his tray to go talk to his old buddies.)
Fozzie: Is everybody here?
Ru: No, not everybody, but I hope everybody will wander through before the night is over. I know Ed doesn't do caffeine, but we've got cookies. See if someone won't go get him and that dragon of his. I think I already saw Count here, talking to Ernie and Bert, but maybe not.
Fozzie: (munching a cookie) These are really good.
Ru: Shhhh. They're the refrigerated dough kind. When I went out for milk and egg-free egg substitute I saw them on sale, buy one get one--AND I had a coupon, so...coffee, cookies, friends. Seemed like a good idea.
Piggy: (making a grand entrance in a hostess robe with a lavender boa around the hem and very sleek bedroom scuffs with little purple puff-balls on the toes Her hair is swept up off her neck and is falling in little tendrils around her face. She floats through the crowd, dispensing largesse and little whiffs of expensive French perfume.) Oh, hello, mon cher. Hello, dear. Yes, thank you for dropping in. We've been working hard all afternoon and Moi is ready to just relax with friends. (She looks around.) Isn't there any place to sit down yet?
Ru: Um, maybe the coffee table, if you can make it over there. And I think one of the recliners is empty. Oh! I think my writing stool is out and probably rolling around here somewhere.
Kermit: I know where it is. Or at least where it was last. Let me get it for you Piggy.
(Piggy is eventually ensconced on the little stool with a fashionable cup of coffee in her hand and a dutiful frog on hand.
Fozzie: I like this. I feel like a real waiter.
Ru: (curious) Did you ever work as a real waiter, Fozzie?
Fozzie: (laughing nervously) Um, oh, uh, Yes! Yes! I am coming with more coffee right now! (He makes a mad dash away from the conversation and begins topping off coffee cups.)
Ru: Something I said?
Kermit: I hear the bell for the next batch of cookies.
Ru: Oh, goodie! These are oatmeal raisin!
Kermit: (following Ru toward the kitchen and asking hopefully) Any of the, um, other kind?
Ru: (sighing) Would I forget you? Just don't spread them around okay? Just you and Robin and maybe Rizzo.
Kermit: Got it. No oatmeal, raisin, and honey-roasted fly cookies for anybody but the frogs.
Ru: You got that right. (She puts her arm around Kermit's shoulder and hugs him.) Hey, welcome home, right? Good to be back, you know?
Kermit: It is very good to be back.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2010
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After packing for the night:

Angie: *knocks on Ru's door* Hello, Auntie Ru. May we come in?

Annie Sue: *dressed in a sunny, ruffled floral dress*

Link Hogthrob: *in his finest velvet tuxedo, slicking his hair back, again; he has a bouquet of flowers in hand for Ru*

Annie Sue: Aw, Link. What a lovely bouquet.

Link Hogthrob: I know, my dear. *gently knocks on Apt. 5's door*

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Uncle D is there at the gathering, excusing Ed as he's not been feeling well these last days but believes tomorrow will find him in better spirits. The phantom dragon surveys the party, smiling that cryptic smile of his. He snatches a few of the oatmeal raisins (the real kind), thanking the hosts of Apartment the Fifth.