Uncle D: You know, it's that time of year again.
Me: Wha wha wha?
UD *chuckling at Ed sounding like
Another year, and another body for the master's cemetery collection.
Me: Oh that. Yeah, already got my best friend onboard for tomorrow evening down at the BB&S. Thought you meant April Fools. *Le sigh.
UD: Oh? And what about it?
Me: Meh, all those threads posted at the forums messenger bulletin board. Frankly I'm disenchanted whenever they start popping up. I'd post about it in the Rants thread, but nah, I've come to just shrug and move on ignoring the whole thing.
*Ed goes back to checking haunters' write-ups, carrying on the count with
as Uncle D departs as mysteriously as he came in, off to check the cover art for his starring role as the Muppets Phantom of the Opera book coming later this year.