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Hensonville City 2011

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The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Welcome to the new year/thread for Hensonville.

This time around, the location has expanded to include all of the town known as Hensonville, created and expanded through fanfics that have been posted on the forums. If you wish to explore our city or want to know where every shop and house has been newly located, I recommend browsing through the Hensonville Guide.

A. Admission.
If you desire to join the game, then you must first fill out the following application and send it to my email address through the forum's mailer.

Application Form:
1 First Name.
2 Muppet Central User Name.
3 Muppet Roommate(s).
4 Birthdays for everyone in your party, including yourself.
5 Valid working email address so we can contact you in the event of dormwide news.
Please wait until your applications have been resolved before posting in the thread itself. Each applicant shall be attended to individually. Posts made
by people not as yet approved to move in will be deleted without prejudice against that person.
Also, it would be a good idea to suggest an activity you'd like to host for the rest of the residents, as that would help generate further interactions between residents of HV. It can be something tied in to a particular holiday like "Easter Egg Hunt" or "Halloween Carnival", or some other happening like "Karaoke Sing-Along" or "Poolhouse Beach Bash".

B. Room & Board.
As you can see after visiting the Hensonville Guide, there's only one main townhouse at this time known as the Jim Townhouse which houses Rooms 1 to 12, I'm not sure if we'll add other townhouses—that'll get decided should sufficient approved applications for residency demand it.

C. Roommates.
Regarding Muppets one can choose to have as roommates at the dorms, keep in mind the following guidelines.
1 Characters from all Henson productions are available to be chosen as roommates with a few exceptions.
a. Human characters from the shows or movies, it'd be weird to find them being "manipulated" by other people.
b. Original Muppet characters are allowed, so long as you have at least one (1) actual Muppet character.
2 An applicant for residency can select up to a total of five (5) Muppet characters as roommates if they so desire. You don't have to have the full measure of five, I leave that to each individual applicant to decide.
3 If selecting more than one roommate, please try to choose those who go well together. If you take Little Jerry, then mayhaps it'd be a good idea to have the rest of the Monotones. If you select one member of a duo like Statler or Philo or Biff, then it'd make sense to take their accompanying partner as well.
4 The one overriding rule we have is that once a character has been selected by a resident, they cannot be chosen by anyone else. Please consult the Hensonville Roster.
If you're a dorms veteran and don't see your name there, you'd best send me your applications PDQ as any Muppet not on that list means they're up for roommate status. Additionally, I'm giving dorm veterans a week to do so. If I don't receive an application from you within that span, your roommates might go to the next person who first asks for them, so please bear that in mind.

D. Birthdays.
When asked for this information, you should consult Muppet Wiki's list of character birthdays first. If the character you've chosen as a roommate doesn't have a birthday listed there, you can use either of the following to create one for them:
1 the airdate of when the character was first seen onscreen, or
2 provide that particular character's Muppeteer's birthday.

E. Gameplay.
Please keep in mind the following general notices.
1 If you submit an application for residency and are accepted, we strongly stress you make an effort to participate therein, either in your own individual everyday routines with your roommates or interacting with others. You don't have to be plugged into the thread 24/7 every single day, nor have every other post be one of your own... This should come naturally, though noone can personally control nor force a resident's degree of participation. That's why I'm asking applicants to suggest activities they'd like to host, it helps generate furthered gameplay between everybody.
2 You can interact with other people's roommates, but please do not outright control them directly. The only time when this will be allowed is if either:
a. You are staging a Muppety musical number or play/movie with parts for everyone, or
b. You have been asked to temporarily look after another resident's roommates.
3 Please keep all character portrayals within character. No monster behavior unless your roommate is a monster, except during the Halloween celebration. No outré behavior unless your roommate is an outré musician type. No continued violent or rude potty humor, this is a family-oriented environment after all. Crazy humor is okay, just be careful not to let it go overboard to the point that it becomes prolonged abusiveness.

So I sincerely hope you enjoy yourselves and have fun. Any questions you may have should be sent to my PM box or online address if the first gets fully filled up.

Thanks and have a great day.

HV Management :batty:

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Dials the phone to get some egg rolls from House of the Rising Dim Sum delivered to Apt 1 at the Jim Townhouse for dinner.
UD: So, anyone approved to move in yet?
Yep... The roster's been updated, not sure when they'll move in though. Might have a surprise for them on Friday as I'll be out tomorrow.
UD: Ah yes, that weekly meeting.
Yeah... Oh, and I had to cancel going to our next Netherworld Notables gathering.
UD: Whachichawa? But why?
Cause the game's on and it starts just when we'd have to leaving and I'm not missing it.
UD: Oh... Who's playing this time?
Our Ravens vs. those darn Steelers, Round 3 in the AFC divisional round of this year's playoffs.
UD: Ah fright. Go Ravens!
*Delivery Anything Muppet boy arrives with our order, I pay for it and bring the food over to the table. The egg rolls are unsheathed from the main bag and each gets unwrapped out of their individual baggies to cool a little before we bite in.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Finally finished unpacking. What do you guys think of our new apartment?
Red: I think it's nice, I like it
Beth: Me too
Rowlf: I can dig it. *sits at the piano and plunks a bit* Yeah, this will work good
Cookie: Me happy as long as there is cookie
Beth: Well tell you what Cookie Monster, why don't we spend some time baking some today?
Cookie: Oh boy! Me would love that!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Goes over to Apt 3 and leaves the following wrapped in a package, neatly folded inside the bat-printed paper.

For Beth: Ice gray colored lounging jacket, bordered by a frosted snowflake trim around the collar and bearing a stuffed penguin embroidered on the jacket's front left side.
For Red: Radish red colored lounging jacket, borderred by pinkish nodules around the collar and bearing a swimfin trophy embroidered on the jacket's front left side.
For Cookie: Golden brown colored lounging jacket, marked by chocolate specs all throughout its body, bordered by a crusted trim around the collar and bearing a cookie jar embroidered on the jacket's front left side.
For Rowlf: Dark wooden brown lounging jacket, bordered by ribbed vertical trim around the collar and bearing a set of black and white piano keys down the edges of the jacket's body.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Wow, look at this! *Finds box from Ed*
Red: Ooh what is in the box?
Rowlf: Looks like some sort of lounging jackets. *holds up his* Hey, I like it! It's classy!
Cookie: Me have one too?
Beth: Yep, look Cookie, it has a cookie jar on it. Don't eat it though ok?
Cookie: Ok
Red: I bet this one is mine! See the trophy?
Beth: I bet you're right, which leaves the penguin for me. This is pretty neat. *writes thank you notes to Ed and roomies*
Red: So, do you know if Kathy and her crew are moved back in yet?
Beth: Haven't seen them, but hope to soon.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2010
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Liza: La la laaa! The sun is shining! The birds are- *is smacked* X.x

Camilla: -_- Bya-bwauk bauk gwauk bwa-gyauk. (The birds aren't in the mood for singing.)

Gonzo: *picks up Camilla* Aww, c'mon chickie babe!

Sal: Yeah, singing is fun! LA LA LAA LAAA-

Johnny: :stick_out_tongue: Leave the singin to me, Sal. I've got the world on a str- *is splatted with a tomato* <.<

Liza: O:B

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hi Liza... Good to finally have somebody new checking in.
*Gives her the key to Apartment 12. Okay, your place is all the way up on the top floor, last door down on your left after getting out of the elevator in the furnace and the common room itself.

Welcome to HV and enjoy your stay. :batty:


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2011
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Rizzo: Pizza?
Pepe: Check.
Rizzo: Movie?
Pepe: Check.
Rizzo: Rizzo, Pepe, and Julia?
Pepe: Eh… no check.
*Both look around for their third roommate. They go over to Julia's bedroom and poke their heads in to find her at her desk*
Pepe: Oye, chica, we are going to watch the movie now.
Rizzo: Yeah, you comin’?
Julia: Guys, I can't. I’ve got a Health exam to study for, a Rhetoric debate, two Chekov plays to read, three poems to write, and a Photography project to start. I’m swamped.
Pepe: When I found out I had a college girl for a roommate, this is not what I had in mind...
Rizzo: Come on, Jules, a little time away from work won’t kill ya.
Julia: Sorry guys, but I can’t.
Rizzo: We have piiiiiizza.
Julia: ...With sausage and olives?
Rizzo: And extra, extra, extra cheese.
Julia: ...Well... a few slices of pizza wont hurt anyone.
Rizzo: All right!
*Julia goes out into their main room and plops down on the couch, Rizzo and Pepe join her. She reaches for the pizza*
Julia: So, what movie are we watching…?

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
Reaction score
Hey Julia, glad to have you aboard. Seems you found Apartment 10 on the top floor already. That means Liza and her roomies should be hitting your door soon.
BTW: Don't forget to post your layout in the HV Guide thread when you get the chance.

:smile:, goes back downstairs to put away the groceries.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: I'm so glad to see more residents are moving in
Rowlf: Seems like a slow start to the semester
Beth: Just a bit, but it'll get going more I'm sure
Rowlf: That's probably true. Where's Red?
Beth: I think she's down cleaning the pool. You seen Cookie?
Rowlf: He heard Ed had groceries, I think he was scrounging for cookies
Beth: Sigh, he'll never learn. Oh well, Ed'll handle him just fine. Want to play some cards?
Rowlf: Sure, cribbage?
Beth: Yeah, that sounds good.
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