Yesterday I got my wisdom teeth cut out. I went in there they gave me laughing gas, which didn't make me laugh but made everything fel like it was sloeing down, then they gav me a couple of shots in my arm. Then... boom I wake up not really nowing whats going on, annd realize I missing four teeth and have a big wad of bloody gauze in my mouth. I get wheeled in a wheel chair out to my moms car and I get taken home to sleep all day I had to take pain medicine and some other medicine, plus I've had to risnse my mouth with salt water. Eat nothing but mac-n-cheese, soup, apple sauce, pudding, and yogurt. My cheeks are swelled up and I'm very tired feeling. This has not been a fun experience. I have to got back to the doc next week for them to check out my mouth and tell how it's looking and what foods I can eat again. Yea, so It wasn't fun.