Oh, goodness. Six months? Really? Has it been that?
I just re-read this last chapter and what I have of the next one, and now I feel absolutely drained. I'm not sure if that says more about my writing or my current emotional state, or even the temperature in my room. I don't do well in heat. Eighty-degree temperatures in March? Seriously? You gotta be kidding me...
Oh, I'm rambling. I didn't mean to do that. Now, what was I doing? Oh, yes. Let's see here.
I'll tell you what. My birthday's coming up. It's just eleven days away. (And how on earth did it get so close already?) You remember the good old days when I always posted fanfic on my birthday? (No, probably not, because half of my current readers weren't even members back then.) I'll do that again. I will go so far as to promise to post at least one chapter of story on March 30th. I'll even aim for two chapters. I will NOT promise which story I will post a chapter or two of. Maybe this one, maybe HoG, maybe--and here come those beloved, dreaded words--a new story. I don't know yet. But I will post SOMETHING.
And I will tell you that the reason I haven't updated this particular story in so long is that I just haven't had it in me to write the purely cheerful, happy part of the next chapter. Emotional, heart-wrenching angst is just so much easier... but happy stuff? That's just too hard.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go drag my dog on a nice long walk and figure out how to make good on that promise I just made.