Oh no no Scarecroe, its not that I don't like surfing. I mean, I think certain people get a bit stupid about it (surfing 120 foot waves is not insane...its just quite dumb, and often ends in fatality. There are rare instances, but on the whole, I don't associate voluntary life-threatening acts with intelligence

). But have you seen the previews?! Listen to these kids! They say every line in that cheesy, wannabe-hardcore bad acting voice. And the whole premiss just looks dumb (a girl beating guys at surfing...so?).
I don't surf (Florida waves are only big during hurricanes, and like I said I don't volunteer to die usually), but I don't have any problems with it. The only gripe I have is, the people. From the little the Blue Crush promo showed me...teenage EXTREME surfers are idiots...no offense intended