Funniest Muppet Moments


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2003
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I love

Pretty much the entire episode with Don Knotts where Fozzie was cool, and he couldn't see anything because of his dark shades, and kept walking into things and stuff.

Pug Lover

Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2003
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Another wacky one is the TMS episode that guest starred Mac Davis,where Bunsun Honeydew invents some kind of copying machine that accidently makes about a dozen copies of Beaker.You had a whole crowd of Beakers going"meemeemeemeemee".Not to mention,they all sang the closing musical number with Mac Davis.And in the closing instramental theme scene that takes place in the orchestra pit,where we normally see Rowlf and The Electric Mayhem Band,we see a whole band of Beakers instead.We even had two Beakers in place of Statler and Woldorf during their closing joke.Another simular episode was when Cloris Leachman guest starred.The pigs had somehow decided that they were taking over the show.So they locked Kermit,Fozzie and Gonzo in the storage room,and in place of Kermit,entered a green pig version of Kermit named Kermit The Pig.We also had Fozzie Pig and The Swedish Pig.Sure enough,the closing orchestra pit scene had a band of pigs in place of Rowlf and The Electric Mayhem Band. :eek: :mad:


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2003
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Anything that involves pigs in space, Statler & waldorf, gonzo, swedish chef, or bunsen & Beaker make me laugh!


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2002
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Beaker singing 'Feelings' is absolutely hilarious no matter how many times I see it.


Jan 20, 2004
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--the MS episode with the glue; Rowlf and the saxophone player (Zoot? Is that his name?) were playing a duet and got stuck to their respective instruments. Zoot(?) trying to talk with his lips glued to the sax was hilarious!

--Sam w/ Zero Montel ("Yeah! Do it, Zero, DO IT! Hammer that chicken with all you've got oh pleaseohpleaseohPLEASE...NOOOOO!!!)

--the killer furniture skit

--"ABC Cookie Monster" skit from Seseme Street

--Bert and Ernie making the Seseme Street version of small talk in that one Christmas movie (forgot the title)

And that's not even scratching the surface!


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2002
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Oh, right. That was "Muppet Family Christmas" which I'm still trying to find a copy of for my mom.

Skeeter Muppet

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2002
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This one is from the 'Of Muppets and Men' special. One of the behind the scenes shots is the Muppet performers doing the gargles for Lew Zealand's singing fish (from the Roger Moore episode). First they're debating just how they're going to do the gargles (how much water they need to take into their mouths, how they should stand at the microphones, etc.) and how they should sound. Then they actually get to recording the gargles, and poor Louise Gold is having a difficult time keeping a straight face listening to the guys doing their gargles. She does hers and then cracks up, practically falling on the floor. Jerry, Richard and Dave aren't any help; they're cracking up that she's cracking up, and making jokes about her drowning. Someone (I'm pretty sure it was Richard) made a remark about giving her "artificial perspiration."



Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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That musical number they filmed with the Muppet puppet only has one pupil in his eyes...


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2002
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Drtooth said:
That musical number they filmed with the Muppet puppet only has one pupil in his eyes...
That was when they did ANY OLD IRON on the Elton John epsisode of TMS. The Whatnot was puppeteered by Louise Gold (see the interviews section on MC).

I agree it is funny, what makes it especially so, is the way that Whatnot with only one eye kept moving around all over the place, almost as if it was trying to get out of shot. Which unfortunatly only draws more attention to it. And makes it funnier.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2002
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Skeeter Muppet said:
This one is from the 'Of Muppets and Men' special. One of the behind the scenes shots is the Muppet performers doing the gargles for Lew Zealand's singing fish (from the Roger Moore episode). First they're debating just how they're going to do the gargles (how much water they need to take into their mouths, how they should stand at the microphones, etc.) and how they should sound. Then they actually get to recording the gargles, and poor Louise Gold is having a difficult time keeping a straight face listening to the guys doing their gargles. She does hers and then cracks up, practically falling on the floor. Jerry, Richard and Dave aren't any help; they're cracking up that she's cracking up, and making jokes about her drowning. Someone (I'm pretty sure it was Richard) made a remark about giving her "artificial perspiration."

And Steve Whitmire was the only one of the puppeteers who did try to help (but he was on the other side of the recording studio), he called out "Uh Oh She's drowning, help her" and someone else (not sure who) thumped her on the back.

Incidentally, it should perhaps be noted that Louise Gold does laugh rather easily. I can think of several occassions when I've seen her on stage, where she's had no end of trouble keeping a straight face:

1. In Mamma Mia, near the end there's a moment in the wedding scene, when Tanya starts crying, when Louise Gold played Tanya it was impossible to tell whether she was laughing or crying.

2. In Noises Off, there was one moment during act 1, where Louise was standing by the 'stairs' (on the set - there's a play-within a play going on in the plot) laughing. I wasn't quite sure if it was that Louise's character Dotty was laughing when she shouldn't be, or if it was Louise herself who was laughing a little out of place. As the piece is a farce about putting on a play, it didn't really matter either way.

3. At a fundraising concert for The Lost Musicals Charitable Trust, producer/director Ian Marshall-Fisher came on stage to introduce the evening (the five performers - including Louise, and two guest-artistes were already seated on the stage). Midway through Ian's introduction (well actually quite near the beginning), Louise burst out laughing. Which prompted Mr Marshall-Fisher to turn to her and say "Excuse me, who's in charge here?" to which Louise retorted "That's what we'd like to know." Louise then spent most of the first half of the concert having trouble controlling her laughter. She did manage to control herself enough to sing, but kept bursting out with giggles whenever it wasn't her turn to perform. As a result, Mr Marshall-Fisher spent much of the first act glaring at her.

4. In her own cabaret act, LOUISE GOLD...By Appointment. She happens to have included a medley of 4 songs from TMS, which great, until she gets the Hawaiin War Chant, which she does in Annie Sue's voice. She seldom manages to sing this song in her act without spoiling it by laughing, but perhaps that's quite appropriate in a funny sort of way.