Fun-4-All may produce Sesame Street Action Figures

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Cap Backfire

Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2003
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OK, not an idiot...

Not an idiot, but ABSOLUTELY ignorant.. Or FORMERLY ignorant!!! Thanks for the help guys, it means alot to me to know the glory of posers and some new action figure lingo. I call it "figtioningo!!!" OK, that took me all of 45 minutes to come up with and 20 minutes to spell. So somebody better be laughing out there... :grouchy:
I'm sure to bring my ignorance here some more..

One more thing... Conceptually, I have yet to be dissapointed in the cartoon styling of these figs... I take that back... Surly Bert was pretty bad, but the rest of the prototypes looked OK to me, and they kinda keep people from arguing about which era Bert or Ernie is better or should have deserved a fig more than another... But this is just one ULTRA minorities opinion...

Keep doing what you do


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2002
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I don't think there would have been any era arguing. A lot of the TMS muppets changed over time, and there isn't any ear arguing that I know of. I think the cartoon style is a cop out. It gives these things an excuse to be less detailed. Hopefully something new has happened, and these have gotten better. Of course we haven't heard anything in a very long time. So, I don't expect much.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I have to say, with time I like the protos less and less. Grover I still have to say looks good, but Bert's head is starting to give me nightmares....

I hope this time they're not responding they're pulling all nighters on this. I still will buy them, regaurdless, but I want to see some changes, as does everyone else....

anyway I hope we can see a sneak peak of Series 2 as well....


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2002
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I also like the Grover, but the rest don't excite me. They don't really look to me to be styled after any 70's Sesame art work that I've ever seen either. Bert just looks weird. Ernie looks rather generic. The jury is still out on what I think of Cookie and Oscar. I'd like to see detailed replicas based on the 70's sesame muppets, not the art. Some of the 70's muppets look dramatically different than the muppets of today on Sesame. Ernie, and especially Bert used to look downright scary, but I liked that. I like their current look today. They just seem to look like the old Ernie and Bert that were swollen up from bee stings. :smile:

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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That's the thing Fun4All is missing out on: If you base the figures on the puppets, you may be able to convince Sesame Workshop to allow you to do current AND CLASSIC likenesses--More figures to produce and more money coming in, and a ton of happy collectors.

Thing is that where action figures are concerned for Sesame Street, the collector's market has been left in the snow and given junk.

Cap Backfire

Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2003
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True THAT!!!

Yeah, I hear ya Fozzie B. There really hasn't been that much quality for Sesame Street in ages (does anyone remember the playsets they used to have that looked like a fold-out SST with finger-puppet like characters??? There was another playset too that had some weird action things too it... It was supposed to be the back of SST or something, or maybe just the park next door... Anyway, that was the BEST toy EVER. I think I played with that untill... Just yesterday with my nephews. Still love it after all these years.) I have to repeat my statement that, KIND OF unfortunately, the toys will be geared towards the 3-5 age group, maybe a LITTLE older, and the cartoon images would most likely be ideal for that audience. I know it kinda sucks, but if that's what it takes to get me a Cookie Monster and Super Grover with a possible (all time fave) Frazzle??? I have NO problems with toonie figs. I too hope they can find a way to produce the realistic versions based on likenesses of the puppets, but I will take, wholeheartedly, the current versions they have (as long as they make Bert less creepy).


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Until I see what they look like I'm going to buy them. As in the pics I've seen are just prototypes not what they might look like. So I can't wait to see what they look like so....I'm just happy that I'll get to see SS action figure.



Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2002
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I've been out of the MC loop for a little while, but have there been any new developments or rumors or whispers or lies from the Fun-4-All people?

I'm wondering if PDiresta got a spanking for posting those prototypes so early in the process?

Hopefully we'll see more stuff at Toy Fair next month.

More better stuff.

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