Posers are stuffed animal like muppets used specifially for promotional photos. Just about every picture of a muppet you have seen is a poser, unless it's from a tv show or movie. The pictures of the muppets on the Palisades toys are posers. Some are better than others, and like the puppets the change over time. Notice how different the Fozzie on most merchendise is compared to the current puppet. That is an example of a poser that does not reflect the current character. Happens sometimes.
Posers of real hand puppets, as opposed to rod controled hand, are usually poor interpritations of the puppet. Look at the Chef puppet, and then look at the Chef poser. The Chef puppet has actual human hands and no defined arms. The poser has nasty looking human wanna be puppet hands, and clearly defined arms. I'm sure a similar problem occurs with Cookie and Ernie.
So far, these figures are based on aweful cartoon Sesame characters. This means the patterns on the shirts are far less detailed (just look at cartoon Ernie and real Ernie. Huge difference) and the likenesses will be a far cry from the puppets. So, we won't get aweful poser interpritations, we'll get aweful cartoon ones.
Oh, and they stole the Oscar design from the Kubrick. They are exactly alike and have the same pop up from the can feature. The figure is a little more detailed, though, because they added stuff like fur. But it's basically the same thing.