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Fanfiction: The Fraggle From Outer Space

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
Reaction score
Aw... Now this was worth the wait. The emotions between Goldie and Boober are genuine, you can feel the ardor captured in the fight when he first learns of her leaving. Destruction and sadness often follow such news. The rest of the gang were in character saying goodbye to Goldie... And then, the final refrain at the Fragglehole leading to the workshop... *Perfection.

Thanks for sharing this, post more when you can.
BTW: I now have one more of your added franchise Gargoyle characters identified. Just need the list to make sure I've got track of the ones I kno of.
Take care Demona. *Huggles.

Gold Demona

Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2008
Reaction score
Due to circumstances beyond my control, my external harddrive (which contained all my art and writings) has fried.
Consequently, the chapter I was in the process of writing to be uploaded here to continue the story has been lost.
Worry not! For I will rewrite it, and it will be better than it was before!


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2004
Reaction score
Due to circumstances beyond my control, my external harddrive (which contained all my art and writings) has fried.
Consequently, the chapter I was in the process of writing to be uploaded here to continue the story has been lost.
Worry not! For I will rewrite it, and it will be better than it was before!
Hazzah! Don't worry. We'll wait.

Gold Demona

Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2008
Reaction score
Chapter 18

:excited:**Author's Note**:excited:
Whew! Not only did I manage to rewrite what I lost, but I also managed to get two chapters done.
So there WILL be a new chapter next week. Guaranteed.
Now on to the story...

The Fraggle From Outer Space
Chapter 18

“Wembley, this is the start of a new way of life for me.”

Boober was hard at work finishing up the cleaning in his room, and Wembley was hard at work helping him, which mostly involved holding anything Boober handed to him and stacked up in his arms. It had taken them a couple days to fully remove all trace of his burst of rage.

“A new way of life?”

“That's right, Wembley. I wake up, do some laundry, make myself a meal, go for a walk and go to bed.”

“Uh, Boober. That doesn't sound like a new way of life to me. It sounds just like your old one.”

“Yes, but the difference is that I've given myself a new motto: Stay away from girls.”

“Uh... ALL girls, Boober?”

“That's right. All of them. I never want to see a single girl for as long as I live.”

“But, Boober...... Aren't half the fraggles in Fraggle Rock girls?”

He paused and looked at his confused greenish-yellow friend.

“Therein lies the snag in my new lifestyle.”

You can't live with 'em.
You can't live without 'em.
There's something irresistible-ish about 'em.
You grin and bear it cuz the nights are long.
I hope that something better comes along.

“Aw, come on, Boober. You can't do this to yourself forever. I mean I miss Goldie, too, you know? She was a really neat fraggle.”

“You don't understand, Wembley. You couldn't possibly understand. There isn't a single fraggle in the entire Rock who could understand what I'm going through right now.”

“Well, maybe not, but I do know one thing.”

It's no good complaining
And pointless to holler.

If she's a beauty she'll get under your collar.
And then she'll leave you with an old sad song.

I hope that something better comes along.

Hey, I don't mean to plead here,
But at least you still have me here.
We're buddies through thick and thin.

Look, I know you're only trying,
But there's no use in denying.
I wish I could hide from all this hurting inside.

“Well, I don't know much about this sort of thing, Boober, but I do know that it's not good for you to stay like this. You need to try and feel happy again.”

“That's a lot easier said than done, Wembley.”

“What do you mean?”

As much as I'd like to,
I can't seem to do it.

That's why I'm here, so I can
Help you get through it.

How could a love so right have gone so wrong?
I hope that something better...

I hope that something better...

I hope that something better comes alooooooooong.​

At song's end, they were done cleaning, and the room was back as it used to be before the mess was made. Boober let out a sad sigh.

“Is there anything I can do, Boober? Anything at all. Just name it.”

“I don't know, Wembley. I don't think I know anything anymore.”
Wembley noticed a beat up brown paper bag still lying on the table and picked it up.

“Hey, you forgot to get rid of this old bag. Wow, I can't believe you've kept it this long. Look at all these holes it's got now.”

“DON'T TOUCH THAT!” Boober shrieked as he snatched the bag away from a frozen and very confused Wembley.

Boober gritted his teeth and growled as he clutched the bag in his hands, making Wembley step slowly backwards away from him.

“I-I-I'm sorry, Boober. I didn't know it meant that much to you.”

“It means EVERYTHING to me!”

“Uh, Boober, don't you think you're being just a little bit silly about all this?”

“No! This is the only thing she left behind! It's all I have left of her! If I lose this, I lose everything!”

“Well, you know what? Fine then! Be that way! I was just trying to help my best friend feel better, and this is the thanks I get? Getting my head bitten off over a silly little bag? Well, I've had it, Boober! Just go ahead and.. and sit around and-and... and be miserable all day! I quit!”

And with that, the greenish-yellow fraggle with the banana tree print shirt stormed out of the room and down the tunnel to his own room.

Boober seethed for a moment after Wembley left. After he finally realized what had happened, he gasped and then let out a frustrated groan, feeling guilty about having just lashed out at one of his closest friends.

“Oh, what is the matter with me?”

(A Little Later...)

“Well, I don't know about you,” said Red, “But I think he's being a big baby.”

“You shouldn't be so hard on poor Boober,” said Mokey, “I mean after all, he did just lose the one dearest to his heart. He must be going through so much pain and turmoil right now.”

“Maybe so,” said Gobo, “But that doesn't mean he should go taking it out on the rest of us. Wembley, will you sit down and quit pacing?”

Red and Mokey were hanging out with Gobo in his room while he lie on his bed strumming seemingly random melodies on his guitar. Wembley had just stomped in a few minutes ago and started pacing in circles around the room.

“I'm sorry, Gobo, but I can't stand it. If I don't try and help him, I don't feel good, but if I DO try to help him, he'll yell at me and I STILL won't feel good.”

“Hey, we're all worried about 'im, too, eh. But right now what Boober needs is space.”

“If they'd sung the Song of the Forever Promise like they were supposed to,” Red added, “He wouldn't be having this problem. She'd have to stay with him no matter what.”

“Yeah, what she said,” Wembley agreed. “Then Goldie wouldn't have left, and Boober would still be happy.”

“You're both forgetting one very important thing.”

Red and Wembley looked to Mokey in confusion, wondering what she could've meant.

“Don't you remember how Goldie was before she left?” she continued, “She looked so sad. I don't think she wanted to leave either.”

“So it'd be safe to say that she's probably just as miserable as he is right now,” said Gobo. “Wherever she is.”

“Exactly,” said Mokey. “It's going to be hard for both of them. When two fraggles fall in love, and they're meant to be together, they form a strong bond that allows them to sing together, even when they're far apart. If that happens to Boober, then I'm afraid there won't be any comfort for him.”

There was a long and awkward pause after that. The four fraggles let out various sighs and groans as they thought of what to say next. Then an idea struck Gobo as he reached into his vest pocket and pulled out his uncle's latest postcard.

“Hey, maybe this'll help lighten the mood a bit,” he said and then began to read the postcard, “Dear Nephew Gobo, How's Goldie doing? I hope her time in Fraggle Rock has been enjoyable so far.”

The four of them frowned. Gobo shook his head and looked back down to the postcard.

“I've been having quite a time here in Outer Space lately. Why, just the other day, I...”


Why, just the other day, I found myself wandering a most peculiar series of caves. It was a very cold cave with some of the most peculiar rock formations I've ever seen.

Traveling Matt Fraggle was a fraggle of tan fur and white hair and mustache, sporting full hiking garb and an explorer's helmet. He wandered lost in the seemingly endless cooler of a dairy packaging plant, filled with several pallets of various boxes all filled with different dairy products.

With my keen sense of direction, I had no trouble at all finding someone to guide me through to safety.

“Oof!” he grunted as he bumped right into a large remote-controlled forklift.

“Oh! Begging your pardon, sir,” he said to the forklift as he got up and brushed himself off. “I'm terribly sorry. I seem to have lost my way. You wouldn't per chance happen to know of a way out of here, would you?”

The forklift began to beep as it began to move in reverse.

The creature spoke a strange language, but I managed to get the basic idea of what he was saying.

The forklift turned around and began to make its way down one of the rows of pallets.

“Ah, thank you, good sir.”

Matt followed the forklift down several rows until it stopped and turned to one of the pallets.

But before the creature would help me, he wanted me to first help him. Naturally, being the good-hearted fraggle I am, I could not refuse my service to him. And let me tell you, Nephew, that this creature bore remarkable strength. It lifted the very rock formation right off of the ground. An astonishing sight, if I do say.

The forklift then slipped its forked pronged beneath the pallet and hoisted it a few feet into the air.

As it turned out, the poor creature had lost his treasure beneath one of the rock formations and could not retrieve it himself. So, of course, I took it upon myself to retrieve it for him.

He ducked down beneath the pallet and picked up an empty plastic milk jug that had been crushed under the pallet. He crawled back out and showed the forklift what he had found.

“Did you lose this?” he asked the lifeless forklift.

The forklift again began to beep as it backed out of the slot, carrying the pallet it had just picked up.

He was very thankful. He even allowed me to ride him. I'd made a new friend.

The forklift had turned so that the seat inside was revealed. Matt climbed up and sat on it, placing the crushed jug on the floor by the controls.

The forklift carried its cargo all the way to a large door at the end of the cooler.

The creature brought me to a strange rectangular door. It had ridges and was the same shiny color as the walls of the cave. Then the door opened and revealed my ticket to freedom. It was a magic cave that would transport me somewhere else. I had seen these caves several times before. They are very cold inside, and they almost always provide food for the journey. I wish I could somehow find a way to control where it went so I could bring it to Fraggle Rock and show it to you.

What was beyond the door was the inside of a truck trailer, already filled with most of the shipment it was to carry. The pallet the forklift was carrying was the last one.

The forklift climbed inside and dropped the pallet. Matt jumped off and waved to his new friend.

“Thank you very much, my friend,” he said.

The forklift beeped again as it began to back out of the trailer. When it was all the way back out of the trailer, the door shut again, locking Traveling Matt inside the trailer.

It was apparent that my new friend was sad to see me go. I think he might've been lonely living in his cave all alone. But such is life, Nephew. Friends come and friends go. Life goes on, and so must we.

“I will write to you again soon. Love, Your Uncle Traveling Matt.”

“Gobo, that was no help at all,” said Red.

“But what is says rings very true,” said Mokey, “Life goes on, and so must we.”

“Well, that's easy enough for us, Mokey,” said Wembley, “But somebody should try and say that to Boober.”

“He'll figure it out on his own, Wembley,” Gobo said, “Eventually anyway. Like I said, what he needs right now is space.”

“Yeah, but for how long?” asked Wembley, “I mean, nobody's ever NOT sung the Song of the Forever Promise after falling in love before. What if he stays like this forever?”

“As difficult as it is to see him like this,” said Mokey, “Gobo's right. He needs space. If we try anything it will only make matters worse for him.”

“And for us,” Wembley added. “Especially if he and Goldie sing together, even though they're not.”

“Right,” said Gobo, “Let's just let him be for now. If he wants our help, he'll come and ask for it.”

Song Credits:
- I Hope That Something Better Comes Along—from The Muppet Movie, partially rewritten


The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
Reaction score
Hee... Best postcard in a fic award goes to... Gold Demona. Thanks, post more soon.

Gold Demona

Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2008
Reaction score
Chapter 19

The Fraggle From Outer Space
Chapter 19

The house was very still that morning. The only sounds to be heard were the television in the living room and the occasional laughter of the silver-haired woman watching it.

The front door opened, and a small pale-yellow fraggle walked through it into the kitchen.

“Grandma!” she called, “Are you home?”

Confused, the woman picked up her new cane, hoisted herself up from the couch, and made her way to the kitchen, where a small furry creature ran up and hugged her.

“Goldie?” she greeted, “My goodness, dear. What are you doing back? Not that I'm not overjoyed to see you again, but I thought you were going to Fraggle Rock to live there. What happened?”

“Are you okay? Where does it hurt? Should you even be standing?”

“You got...? Oh dear, I knew I should've written you myself. I thought this would happen.”


“What exactly did your Grandpa write in his letter?”

“He said you fell down the stairs and was in the hospital.”

Grandma rolled her eyes and lifted her long skirt, revealing a bandage wrapped around her ankle.

“If there's anything your grandpa excels at, it's exaggeration. I fell down one whole step and was in the hospital for a sprained ankle and a bruised arm. And I got this cane to help me walk until it healed.”

“So... You're not in any serious danger?”

“No, dear. I'm afraid you left your new home for nothing more than a sprained ankle. You'll have to remind me to give your grandpa a good thrashing when he gets home. Sit down, dear. I'll get you something to drink. I'm sure you have much to tell about Fraggle Rock.”

“No, Grandma,” Goldie insisted and stopped her in place. “You sit down. I'll get YOU something to drink.”

Grandma giggled and sat down as Goldie ran for the step ladder that was kept in the pantry. She dragged it all over and used it to reach everything she needed to make her grandma a pot of coffee.


(That night...)
Goldie spent the entire afternoon chatting with her Grandma, and then with Grandpa also when he got home from work.

She talked about everything she'd learned about fraggles, and all the other strange creatures she'd encountered along the way. It was particularly surprising when she told about the talking trash heap that was the fraggles' source of wisdom.

It was dinnertime now, and the conversation was still going.

“You know, Goldie,” Grandpa said, “You've been acting kinda odd since you got back.”

“Odd? How so?”

“He's right, dear,” Grandma added, “You've been home all day, and I've yet to see the cheerful girl we raised and sent away.”

“It's... It's complicated.”

“It's a boy fraggle, isn't it?” asked Grandpa.

“Oh, is it?” Grandma asked, excited to hear the answer. “Come on, Goldie. Tell us all about him.”

“Grandma...” she groaned and continued eating.

“Is he handsome? Is he romantic? Oh! Does he have gorgeous eyes?”

“Actually, I've never seen his eyes... He keeps them hidden under a hat.”

“A-HA!” said Grandpa, pointing at Goldie, “So it IS a boy.”

“Oh, our little Goldie has a boyfriend,” Grandma giggled, “Tell us all about him, dear.”

“Well... There's not really much to him, really. He's germaphobic, and he likes to do laundry and cook. He... He even made a big feast for me the day I told him I was leaving. I didn't get to eat any of it.”

“You didn't want to leave him, did you?” asked Grandma.

“May I be excused?” Goldie asked and pushed her chair back.

Grandma and Grandpa only watched as she hopped down from the booster chair and disappeared up the stairs.

As Goldie made her way upstairs, she could hear Grandma downstairs giving Grandpa a piece of her mind for the letter he wrote, especially after the conversation they just had with Goldie about her boyfriend.

Goldie walked down the hall and into the room she had called her own for much of her life. Everything was just as she'd left it. Even the large cardboard box by the wall full of stuff she was getting rid of. She shook her head and laid down on the child-size bed, setting her suitcase beside it.

She rolled over on her back and stared up at the ceiling for a moment to let her mind wander. It wandered to Fraggle Rock and everything she left behind there. In particular, it wandered to the one fraggle she missed the most.

“Boober...” she sighed to herself.

She remember the day they first met. The look on his face when he ran away, and that silly paper bag she used to help him gather that rock soap.

“I wonder if he still has it?” she thought, smiling at the thought.

She sat up, realizing rather quickly that she wasn't going to get to sleep anytime soon. Not if her mind was going to keep going in that direction. She got up from the bed and went over to the window, looking up at the night sky.

Somewhere out there,
Beneath the pale moonlight,
Someone's thinking of me,
And loving me tonight.


(At that exact same moment...)
Boober was out at the Gorgs' Garden, lying ontop of the large rock that was the entrance to Fraggle Rock.

Somewhere out there,
Someone's saying a prayer,
That we'll find one another
In that big somewhere out there.


And even though I know how very far apart we are,
It helps to think we might be wishing on the same bright star.


And when the night wind starts to sing a lonesome lullaby,
It helps to think we're sleeping underneath the same big sky.


Somewhere out there,
If love can see us through.
Then we'll be together.
Somewhere out there,
Out where dreams come true.

“Goldie?” Boober called, looking around him for a voice he thought he heard. “That's odd... I could almost swear she was right here singing with me...”

He let out a sigh and began his long climb downward.

“Wonderful,” he groaned, “Now I'm delusional. That's just what I need. How can things possibly get any worse?”


“AHH!” was all Boober could get out as a giant furry tan hand wrapped around him and lifted his tiny body off the rock.

Junior, having heard the small fraggle singing in the night, had exited the castle in his radish-print footie pajamas and somehow snuck up on the tiny distracted fraggle.

“Heh heh-heh! I thought I heard a fwaggle out heuh!” the big brown gorg giggled as he dance his way to the lawn table, where he had a cage set up just for fraggles. “Dhere you go.”

“Oh no, no, no, NOOO!” Boober screamed as Junior locked him up in the cage, “LET ME OUT!”

“JUNIOR!” a voice bellowed from inside the castle.

A purple gorg walked out in a kingly cape flung over his royal pajamas and a silver crown atop his head. He was much shorter than Junior, only measuring up to the young gorg's chin. He had a frowned face and very squinty eyes.

“Junior!” he repeated, “What in tarnation do you think yer doin' outta bed, boy?”

“Um... catching a fwaggle?” he answered, pointing the poor Boober clinging to the bars in his cage.

“Drat and duderonomy, Junior! Nighttime's for sleepin', not catching fraggles! Now hurry up and git back to bed before yer mother gets out here. You can play with the fraggle tomorrow.”

“Alwight, Pa,” he whined and shuffled past his gorgly father. “See you tomorrow, liddle fwaggle.”

Boober let out a whining sigh as both gorgs disappeared back into the castle. He leaned his head to one of the bars.

“Somebody help me...” he whined.


“Boober?” Goldie called, looking around her for the voice she thought she heard.

After realizing what she was doing, she rolled her eyes and flopped back down on the bed. But somehow, she couldn't help but feel like something was wrong.

She got up again and went downstairs to the living room. Both Grandma and Grandpa were in there watching television.


“Yes, Goldie?”

“Are you okay?”

“Yes, I'm perfectly fine, dear. Why do you ask?”

She hung her head. She began to think that perhaps this something that was wrong was somewhere else and not here.

“No reason.”

She went all the way back to her room, and noticed something odd over by the wall, where the large cardboard box was. There was a bright glow beaming from behind the box.

Goldie walked up to this box, which was much bigger than she was, grabbed one of the sides, and began to pull on it. There was so much stuff in the box, it made it very difficult to get it to budge.

“Grandpa!” she called as she kept trying to pull the box away. “Grandpa!”

She heard heavy footsteps approaching as she continued pulling on the box. Then her Grandpa rushed into the room.

“What is it, Goldie?” he asked as he walked in, and then he noticed the glow from behind the box. “What on Earth is that?”

“I don't know. Help me pull!”

Grandpa grabbed the box and dragged it aside, revealing the source of the glow, which happened to be a fraggle-sized hole in the wall.

“What in the world...”

“What is it, dear?” Grandma called as she finally caught up with them, then she too noticed the hole in the wall. “How in blue blazes did that hole get there?”

“It's a fraggle hole!” Goldie announced with excitement, “It goes to Fraggle Rock! I know it does!”

“But we're on the second floor,” Grandpa pointed out, kneeling beside the hole. “How does that lead underground?”

“It just does, Grandpa.”

She looked up at the amazed expressions on her grandparents' faces. She jumped up and hugged her Grandpa because he was closest.

“I can go home,” she sobbed.

He smiled and nodded as Grandma came down to join in the hugging.

“Come back and visit us, okay, Goldie?” she said, “Bring us your boyfriend, sometime.”

“I will,” she sobbed and laughed.

She ran over and picked up her still unopened suitcase. She ran back to the hole and gave her grandparents one more hug.

“I'll see you soon.”

And with one last set of goodbye hugs and kisses, she turned to the hole and ran right in. Her grandparents smiled as their adopted child once again left to go home.


Song Credits:
- Somewhere Out There—from An American Tale
