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Fanfic: Chamberlain's Visitor

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Well, if it's how you the author believe should happen,that's the important thing. Sometimes there are things that have to take place for a story's progression, learned that from a non-MC fic I thoroughly enjoyed this summer. Rully like Aurora... Just hope more gets posted when you can get it done.


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2006
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Part 15

Well, Chamberlain had of course been notified of Kirk’s death, but because Kirk had been found alone, signs couldn’t possibly have pointed to Doyle, so even though he was indeed responsible, he was in the clear nonetheless. Doyle had texted Lindy to meet for drinks. It seemed odd to the whole gang that Doyle would want to meet with Lindy after being fired, but it seemed innocent enough, so Lindy agreed. Fozzie offered to see Lindy down to the lobby, and when they got off the elevator, they were met immediately by Aurora and Doyle. Doyle grabbed Lindy and proceeded to tie him up.

Aurora pulled Fozzie close to her and said in a low but articulate voice, “Now you listen to me, my furry friend. You tell your pal Chamberlain to meet me at Dolce and Gabana at 8:00 tonight… with the Newport Fraggle Fund ownership papers. I’d like to be done with this whole ordeal as quickly as humanly possible, as it seems I’m in a most indelicate situation: I’m running out of sons to kill."

“So it was YOU! You killed Kirk!" screamed Fozzie in horror.

“Yes, and if I have to kill more, it’ll be a small price to pay to get what’s rightfully mine.” replied Aurora. She then threw Fozzie into the open elevator and pushed the ‘Up’ button as the doors closed.

“We should have just killed him” spat Doyle curtly.

“You fool! The more people involved, the higher the mortality rate! Now let’s go” replied Aurora.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Yay! Nice to see updates from you Prinny! And it seems to be getting intense!


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2006
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I will sincerely try to have more up within the next couple days; we're heading down the home stretch, guys! In the meantime, any thoughts on Part 15?


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2006
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Part 16

]When the elevator made its way back to the Barrymore Suite, Fozzie plowed out and ran around screaming, “Chamberlain, Chamberlain! Come out here right now! Aurora and Doyle kidnapped Lindy!"

Chamberlain ran out with Amber behind him and said “Good God Almighty! Well, the deck’s in her hands now; what does she want us to do?"

'‘She wants you to meet her at 8:00 tonight at Dolce and Gabana with the Fraggle Fund papers. Oh, Chamberlain, you can’t give her the papers!" pleaded Fozzie.

“That’s exactly what I was trying to avoid. But it doesn’t look like I can afford to avoid it for much longer. So, as much as it pains me to, I’ll have to hand over the ownership to her. We’ll suffer financially, but we’ll get by like we always have. But I’ll face her!" said Chamberlain.

“I’d like to come; I don’t think you should do it alone, Chamberlain” said Amber.

“WHAT? Amber… you’ll get killed! I just found out that Aurora was responsible for Kirk’s death!" cried Fozzie.

If this revelation shocked Chamberlain, he didn’t show it. “Absolutely out of the question! I commend your bravery, Amber, but I cannot have another young life being cut short on my conscience."

“Didn’t you once say that we’re a team, and sometimes teams need to make sacrifices? Kirk may not have treated me like a queen a lot of the time, but I loved him. And I’d be doing him a disservice by not avenging him. I appreciate you being concerned, Chamberlain, but I know I have to do this. For Kirk, for Lindy, and well, for anyone who wanted to be heroic but never had a chance.” replied Amber.

Chamberlain sighed. “Very well, Amber. Let’s get ourselves together; we haven’t much time.”

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Not much time have you? Time all of the world have you. Or at least, time have you until more story posted gets by the author. *Scans minds out there in the ether. Fear Aurora you should not. Now face your fear should you. And more story post should you Brian.


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2006
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Part 17

Well, eight o’ clock PM finally came: the pre-determined time of the big showdown. Doyle had broken into the Dolce and Gabana control room earlier and turned all the lights on. With a small tazer in his hand, Doyle was holding a tied-up Lindy at the top of the main escalator on the second floor while Aurora franticly paced in front of the main doors.

“Hope you two like prison meatloaf!" Lindy yelled.

“Doyle, shock him again!" ordered Aurora. Doyle complied as Lindy screamed in pain. “Lindy, you’re making it very difficult for me to put off killing you much longer. Sometimes scare tactic is very necessary in getting what you deserve. And oh, when I get that Fraggle Fund, it’ll be so worth it!"

Just then, Chamberlain (carrying a briefcase) and Amber walked through the door. Chamberlain handed the briefcase to Aurora and said “Here you are, Aurora. Sorry I was so stubborn; your father was clearly the better researcher. He deserves all the credit he can get.”

Aurora put the briefcase on the floor beside her. “I knew you’d see it my way. Why, with this Fund, I’ll have millions! I’ll have diamonds, I’ll have furs, I’ll have caviar…”started Aurora.

“And what’ll I have, Aurora? What will all this get me? Sure, I’m your accomplice, but what do I get out of it?" asked Doyle.

“Oh, Doyle, clearly you’ve never been used before. Let me break it down for you: I’m the brains, you do the grunt work, and that’s it. You get nothing, because in the grand scheme of things, you are nothing. What did you think you were, the wind beneath my wings? Dream on!" replied Aurora.

“Oh. Well then, in that case, I’m sure you’ll have no trouble with me doing this.” said Doyle as he put the tazer to his neck and pressed the button.

As the electricity ran through him, Lindy slipped out of his hands and started plummeting towards the main floor. Amber then effortlessly did three backflips and made it just in time to catch Lindy. This infuriated
Aurora as she lunged towards Amber. Amber quickly gave Lindy to Chamberlain and ran outside, with Aurora chasing after her.

Chamberlain gave Lindy a big hug and cried for what was probably the first time in twenty years. Lindy hugged him back and said “Oh Chamberlain, I thought I’d never see you again. But you can’t give her the ownership papers!"

“No worries, pal. They’re safely packed away at the hotel.” replied Chamberlain.

“But then what was in the briefcase?" asked Lindy, confused.

“Hotel soaps. Aurora may be a criminal mastermind, but I figured she was daft enough to not hear the soaps shuffle around when I handed it to her.” said Chamberlain with a chuckle.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Ooooooh. Good schtuff. Pretty dramatic. But hey, wes need a true ending/more posted now!
:sing: Put me down for $5 on that Amber chick.
:halo: Cat fight! Cat fight!


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2006
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The Final Part

Amber ran down the sidewalks of Hollywood like her life depended on it. With Lindy’s life spared and Doyle’s life ended, whoever owned the Fraggle Fund was now a moot point to Aurora, for she had only one thing on her mind: murder. As she chased Amber at a blindingly fast pace, Aurora emitted animal-like moans and was clawing the air. Finally she leapt and pinned Amber to the ground. As she raised the Slasher ring in the air, she screamed “If I am not denied anything else for the rest of my life, I will have the pleasure of killing you tonight!"

“Go ahead, kill me.” said Amber with not a crack in her voice. “I’ve had romance, I’ve had adventure, and I’ve had an overall wonderful life. If you kill me, I’ll have accomplished more in my twenty-five years than you have in your miserable, pathetic existence.”

“Oh, that’s right, sweetie: insult the woman holding you down with a poison-tipped ring on her finger.” spat Aurora. “I may be pathetic, but at least I still have my manners.” Just then, the sound of police sirens filled the street as a squad car pulled up. From it came Officer Goldman, Chamberlain, and Lindy. Taffy from the antique store remained inside.

Goldman wrenched Aurora off of Amber and threw her on top of the car. “Is this the woman, Taffy?" asked Goldman.

“Yes, Officer, that’s the woman who stole my glass platypus without playing!" cried Taffy.

“Lady, you have got to be the dumbest criminal I’ve ever met. I mean, what crook would write that she stole something on the back of her business card?" Goldman asked Aurora as he handcuffed her.

“That simpleton bear!" shrieked Aurora. “Well, either way, I won’t be forgotten, for mine was a magnificent crime spree that will go down in history! The Barrow Gang, Ness, Capone, Dillinger- all amateurs! I am the god of crime!"

“Wow… you really are that stupid.” quipped Goldman as he forced Aurora into the car. He then turned to Chamberlain and said “Thank you for calling us, Mr. Harrison. With your confession, we’ll be able to put her away for a long time. You folks have a good night now.” Goldman got into his squad car and drove away.

“Amber, are you all right?" asked Chamberlain.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine; you really saved me, guys.” said Amber tearfully.

“Well, you saved mine. If Chamberlain taught me anything, it’s to repay your debts. Plus it was a life worth saving. You turned out to be not so bad after all.” said Lindy as he and Amber shared a tender hug.

“Aw, thank you, Lindy. Incidentally, if there’s anything I can do for you…” started Amber.

“Well, I guess I’ll be needing an escort for the ‘Hey, That’s My Penguin!' premiere.” replied Lindy.

“Consider it done, pal.” said Amber with a smile.

“Come on, all; let’s go back to the hotel. It turned out to be not such a bad vacation after all.” said Chamberlain.

“Well, it sure beat the night shift at the country club.” replied Amber. The trio laughed heartily as they walked down the road back to the Hotel Veronique.


The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Yaey! It makes me happy to finally have both of your Lindy stories together at last in the finished fics category. Good job Brian. Thanks for sharing these with us. :smile: