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Fan Fiction: Muppet Beach Party


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2007
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Chapter 11-Fun Fun Fun

Hi Ho everyone!

Here is chapter 11, Fun Fun Fun. Only one more chapter to go and this beach party is a wrap! Enjoy!

Chapter 11- Fun, Fun, Fun

Gonzo and Rizzo liked the sound of their makeshift percussion instruments so much that they decided to pack everything up and try to shove it the van to take it home with them. Clifford was still chasing the jogging beauty on the beach, occasionally stopping to catch his breath and yell, “Come one baby!”.

Clifford ran right past the group of frog scouts, who were all gathered on and around a couple of old palm tree logs that were floating near a grassy inlet on the beach. Robin and all of his frog scout friends were splashing around in the inlet when all of a sudden they heard the squealing of tires and the roar of an engine of a bright red sports car that zoomed by in the nearby parking lot. They all ooh’ed and awwe’d at the loud and fast machine and became discouraged that all they could do was sit on a couple of palm tree logs in an dumb old inlet. Robin, being the clever little frog that he was, got an idea and winked at Janice, who was conveniently tuning her guitar nearby. Janice winked back and signaled the band to start playing one of the most popular Beach Boys songs that would help get the frog scouts out of their funk...

The frog scouts got all excited as the Electric Mayhem started playing the familiar tune and cheered and yelled as Robin got on one of the palm tree logs and yelled, “Whoo! Time for Fun!” All of the frog scouts cheered in agreement as Robin grabbed Ziggy’s arm to get his attention.

Hey Ziggy, you know that cute little frog from Enzicino?” asked Robin all cool-like while balancing on the log.

“Uh, yep yep!” said Ziggy as he signaled over to Shirley, the only girl Frog Scout in the troop, but probably the biggest tomboy of them all. She was sitting on the other palm tree log and was using a palm leaf to paddle her log in the inlet, trying to get the current to zoom her log around on the water and pass Robin’s log.

Yeah? Have I got a story fer you!” he said as he stood up on his log and pretended to air guitar to Janice’s awesome lead guitar part in one of his favorite songs.

“Oh boy!” said one of the frog scouts

“Let’s hear it!” said another frog scout.

“Listen here..” said Robin as he gathered everyone around while getting ready to sing the first verse.

“Where is Enzicino anyway?” asked Ziggy as the Mayhem rocked and rolled into the first verse...

Well she got her daddy’s car and she cruises through the hamburger stand now” sang Robin in his best Beach Boy voice, while a couple of frog scouts get behind Shirley’s log and zoom her past Robin’s log, like she’s driving a race car in the inlet.

“You get French fries with that?” asked Lenny as the other frog scouts chuckled. One of them lightly punched him in the arm while replying, “Yeah!”

See she forgot all about the library like she told her old man now” sang Robin as Shirley’s log zoomed around the inlet and the other frogs laughed as Ziggy pretended to be Shirley’s day, wagging his finger at her from the shore.

and with the radio blastin’ goes crusin’ just as fast as she can now!” sang Robin as Shirley’s log almost crashes along the shore as the frogs push it around wildly in the water.

“Yeah go fast!” said Marley as he was pushing the log around the inlet with little to care to how fast or even where he was pushing. Shirley was holding on tight but loving the ride, for she had a serious need for speed.

And she’ll have..” sang Robin, quickly followed by the rest of the frog scouts singing the chorus along with him.
Fun Fun Fun, till her daddy takes her T-bird away!” they all sang as the log continued to zoom on the water.

A smaller group of frog scouts sang the back-up chorus “Fun Fun Fun, till her daddy takes her T-Bird awayyyyy!” sang the little group of amphibians as Robin continued with the next verse.

Now though roller skatin’s standard, cause she walks, but she drives like an ace now” sang Robin as Shirley held onto the steering wheel of her imaginary T-bird which looked a lot like a palm tree log.

You walk like an ace now, walks like an ace” sang the group of back-up frog scouts.

Robin laughed while singing the next line, “She makes the Indy 500 look like a Roman chariot race now!”. Shirley pretended to rev her T-bird engine but pumping her imaginary gas pedal

You look like an ace now, looks like an ace” sang the back-up frog scouts, getting really good at the whole back-up group thing.

A lot of guys try to catch her but she leads ‘em in a wild goose chase now” sang Robin as some frogs tried to push his log faster than Shriley’s but Marley pushed Shirley’s log so fast that it zoomed past Robin’s in a flash.

She drives like an ace now, drives like an ace” sang the back-up frog scouts as they started dancing near the Electric Mayhem, jumping on Animal’s cymbals and landing on all of the band members’ shoulders.

And she’ll have” sang Robin quickly followed by the rest of the group by...

Fun Fun Fun till her daddy takes her T-bird away-a-yay”, followed by the back up chorus

Fun Fun Fun, till her daddy takes her T-Bird awayyyyy”

They quickly started singing back-up in preparation for the instrumental break and broke into.. “Ooh-Whooooo, Who-o-o-o-ooh”. All of the other frogs were trying to race to two logs on the inlet, pushing them along the shoreline to catch them in the current and get them going really fast. Everybody was cheering and yelling for their favorite log, or grooving with the Electric Mayhem on the shore.

Ooh-Whooooo, Who-o-o-o-ooh” sang the back-up frog scouts again as Ziggy, still pretending to be Shirley’s dad, who was known to be a grouch among frogs, pretended to beep the horn of his imaginary car while stopping Shirley’s log in its tracks, causing Shirley to fall into the water and Marley, who was pushing Shirley’s log, to collide his face right into the imaginary T-bird. (If he had any teeth, they would have been knocked out). Robin just shook his head at the chaos and started singing.

Well you knew all along that your dad was getting’ wise to you now!” sang Robin as he shook his head at Shirley, who was pouting in the water.

You shouldn’t have lied now, shouldn’t have lied” sang the back-up frogs as their wag their fingers at Shirley while still standing on the shoulders of the Electric Mayhem.

And since he took your set of keys, you’ve been thinking that your fun is all through now” sang Robin as Shirley slowly nodded and punched Ziggy in the arm.

Shouldn’t have lied now, you shouldn’t have lied” sang the back-up frogs while bouncing on all the band-members’ heads, who were started to get annoyed with the little green dudes.

Robin held out his hand to Shirley while standing on his log. “But you can come along with me , cause we got a lot of things to do now!” he sang as Shirley took his hand and hopped on his log as the other frogs starting pushing it in the inlet.

Shouldn’t have lied now, you shouldn’t have lied” sang the back-up frogs who were now in the sand, after the Mayhem members kindly pushed them off their heads.

Ane We’ll have” sang Robin as Shirley held onto him while cruising on his log, shortly followed by everyone else singing...

Fun Fun Fun, now that daddy took your T-bird away!”

After shaking all the sand off, the back-up frogs started dancing again, singing, “Fun Fun Fun, now that daddy took your T-bird away”

Yeah! We’ll have...” said Marley, finally regaining consciousness and sitting on Shirley’s old log.

Fun Fun Fun, now that daddy took your T-bird away” sang everybody again as they pushed the log out of the inlet and onto the waves. The log really started zooming in the water so the frogs pushing the log let go and Robin and Shirley rode the small, but fast waves by the shoreline.

Ooh-Whooooo, Who-o-o-o-ooh” sang the back-up frogs while dancing like crazy on the beach, quickly joined by the Electric Mayhem who couldn’t pass up an awesome dance break.

“Alright!” said Robin and he and Shirley were zooming in the ocean riding some killer waves (well, killer for a frog scout anyway). “Whoa!” he said after Shirley pushed him to stand up with her and ride the waves on the log.

All the frogs were cheering, laughing and dancing away while the back-up frogs kept singing ““Ooh-Whooooo, Who-o-o-o-ooh”

Uh-oh!” said Robin with a smile as Ziggy and Marley started surfing on the other log, quickly catching up to Robin and Shirley.

Ziggy comin’ through the pipeline!” shouted Robin as the frogs kept on singing, dancing, and surfing the morning away until the terrible words of Uncle Kermit telling them it was time to pack up and get back in the van to head back home...

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Another, well, "fun" chapter. C'mon, you knew someone was gonna say it...
Would again caution you to check the chapter's spelling before submitting the post, but that's a minor nitpick.
And how can I rully nitpick when you finally provided the first line of the second verse that's given so much trouble? I can't, that's how.
Rully minor differences between Robin's version and the Beach Boys...
And I like Robin and Shirley's interaction.

So yeah... Great overall, fitting of a final chapter to crash the party sending the gang back home.
In other words... More please!


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2007
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Haha, thanks Count. I'm glad you liked it.

I think some of the spelling errors can be explained by the songs themselves. Sometimes I'll write walkin' instead of walking because that what it sounds like on the album, or when Robin says "Have I got a story fer you"- it really sounds like he's saying "fer" so I try to keep it accurate. I do a lot of the same stuff when Rizzo talks because of his accent, but no worries...

I think I'll be able to get the last chapter done by monday night...almost done with all the craziness of the robbery-as soon as I figure out my reimbursement from the insurance company, I'll go out and try to replace the stuff that was stolen.

Have a good weekend everyone! And somebody PLEASE write some more Kermit and Piggy ush gush soon! :smile:


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2010
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I'm having a good time reading this and visualizing it as one of those Muppet specials that is 90& singing. Except, for once, it's not for Christmas. I wish I had actually heard the songs, though. I haven't been able to locate a copy of this album at a non-ridiculous price. :frown:

Dum-dum question time: what exactly is "ush-gush"? I know it's somewhere in the realm of romance, but I don't know if I've ever perpetrated any or not.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2007
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I'm having a good time reading this and visualizing it as one of those Muppet specials that is 90& singing. Except, for once, it's not for Christmas. I wish I had actually heard the songs, though. I haven't been able to locate a copy of this album at a non-ridiculous price. :frown:
Thanks Slackbot! Glad to see a comment from another reader. I would be happy to send you the album, but unfortunately the desktop with my itunes account was stolen from my apartment Tuesday and yesterday I found out from the Apple store that if I try to sync my ipod with my laptop, it'll wipeout everything-including all my muppet songs- so needless to say I will never be using Itunes ever again! Check on the Mup3's thread, someone may be able to send you the songs, they are definitely a must for any muppet music collector!

Dum-dum question time: what exactly is "ush-gush"? I know it's somewhere in the realm of romance, but I don't know if I've ever perpetrated any or not
Totally not a dumb question. I might not be the most appropriate person to answer this question, because I am not the inventor of the term here on the forum and there are fan-fic writers, Aunt Ru for example, that are amazing at writing ush gush. Anway, my interpretation of ush-gush is most romance, but up a notch. Perhaps maybe a step or two up from a romantic comedy. Mostly I think of ush-gush as the romantic stuff that makes romantics like me giggle and go Awwww or go "whew, did it just get hotter in here?"

You were very effective in writing ush-gush for Gonzo and Camilla, especially the whole preening and petting of Camilla's feathers in that one chapter. I tend to favor Kermit/Piggy ush gush because they are my fave muppet couple, but the Gonzo/Camilla ush gush was very sweet and it's nice to see it here on the forum.

If anyone else can more effectively answer the not-dumb question of what ush-gush is, feel free to reply. "Wipeout" is coming soon!


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2010
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It looks like I will soon be able to listen to those tunes, thanks to a benevolent force on these boards. One, one benevolent force! [Lightning flashes, or at least Scooter flickers the stage lights.]

Ahh, so that's that ush-gush is. (Heh, if you thought the birdseed scene was gushy, well, I've written gushier stuff, but I'm not posting it here, *ahem.*) Is it necessarily sexual in nature, though?

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Shifty: laugh.

You know, I think it's seen more palpably as sexually attractive romanticness, but not always necessarily so. It was once said by Ruahnna that it was more of a full sentual awareness. Sentual as in the natural senses, but with a touch of romantic inkling. A good example in this story would be Chapter 8: Kokomo. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2007
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Very well said Count!

It doesn't have to be sexual in nature, it could just be two people holding hands, sharing one of those "awww" romantic moments. Ush-gush can come in many varieties. I'm totally glad that Chapter 8 can be used as an example by the way!


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2010
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Actually, by "sexual" I didn't mean to imply sexual activity, but something that is "of the sexes" in general. As a counterexample, the baby-thrall scenes with Billie have that "awwww" thing going on, but there's nothing romantic about 'em. I'm guessing that those would be far outside the realm of ush-gush.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Ush-gush? Thinks a moment. Wasn't that a kids' clothing manufacturer? Ush-gush b'gush?