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Fan Fiction: Muppet Beach Party


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2007
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Thanks Count! I'm glad at least someone else is enjoying it.

I had a little extra time tonight so I wrote the next chapter-Hooray! This song was crazy to write for because of everyone that was in it but I had fun doing it and I got most of the background stuff in. Listen to the song while you're reading to figure out what the heck I'm talking about, but here's Chapter 6! We're officially halfway through! Enjoy!

Chapter 6- Limbo Rock
By the time Fozzie, Kermit and Piggy got to Frank the now not-so-fully-wooly-bully’s place, everyone else was already there and ready to play beach games. Clifford has just finished setting up the volleyball net, and Scooter and Robin finished laying out all the beach blankets for Beach Blanket Bingo.

“B4” yelled Statler sitting in a beach lounge chair wearing a really loud Hawaiian shirt and sunblock on his nose.

“Wrong kind of bingo you fool!” yelled Waldorf from the lounge chair next to Statler, in a similarly loud hawaiin shirt and sun-block covered nose.

“No, I meant let’s get out of here B4 they ruin another classic beach song!” shouted Statler.

“D’Oh hohoho!” chuckled the two curmudgeouns as they made their nurses drag them along to another spot on the beach.

The Electric Mayhem was setting up inside Frank’s fenced in area to try to get all of the sand out of their equipment.

“Yo Fozzie!” said Clifford. “What’s this game that you wanted us to play first?”

“Well it’s a great thing you asked Clifford because....” said Fozzie as Zoot took the cue an started playing another classic beach number.

“It’s Limbo Time!” yelled Fozzie to the rest of the gang as they all cheered.

“Whoo-hoo! Yeah!” Shouted Rizzo, finally a sport that gives rats an advantage.

“Oh goodie goodie!” yelled Robin, knowing that short people were very good at this game. “I can do it!” he yelled, trying to get to be the first person to take a turn.

“Here’s the stick” said Fozzie after Frank the NSFWB (not-so-fully-wooly-bully) handed him one of the old poles from his fence. Frank and Fozzie held the new limbo stick in position ready to start the game. “Okay put it Lower...lower....lower” said to Fozzie to Frank as the lowered the pole closer to the ground, with Rizzo egging them on to keep lowering it.

“Okay, here we go!” shouted Fozzie excitedly.

“Oh yeah that, that’s easy” scoffed Gonzo, ready to throw out his back for the sake of good fun.

“Okay!” said Fozzie, cuing the band to switch to the verses.

Every limbo boy and girl..” sang Fozzie

“Arriba!” shouted Rizzo

All around the limbo world” sang Fozzie as he tried to sing in his best Jamaican bear voice. (Ja’makin me tone deaf! shouted Statler from farther off down the beach. ‘Well that’s enough of that’ thought the writer and conveniently dragged Statler from the happy scene). Meanwhile Gonzo was making a rolling R sound like the finest mariachi band, or at least the one he saw in Cucamunga (sorry for the spelling)

Gonna do de limbo rock” sang Fozzie while looking around for who should go first.

“Let me try” said Robin as he was jumping up and down from behind Gonzo.

All around de limbo clock.....Jack be nimble, Jack be quick” sang Fozzie, who didn’t see Robin.

“I can be quick” said Robin as he tried to get closer to Fozzie.

Jack go under limbo stick” sang Fozzie, still searching for who should go first while everyone started to get into the song and dance a little.

“Ok, Let me try” said Robin as he tugged on the fur on Fozzie’s foot.

All around de limbo clock, hey let’s do the limbo rock” sang Fozzie effectively ending the first verse, now time to call out the first limbo-er.

“Okay, whose gonna go first?” asked Gonzo.

“Uh...Kermit!” shouted Fozzie as he pointed to the frog of his heart.
“Ok” shouted Kermit as he walked up to the limbo stick.

“Oh Kermit’s going” said Rizzo stopping Gonzo from ambushing the limbo stick himself.

“Okay, it’s my...”said Robin as he started for the limbo stick, but said “huh?” as his Uncle Kermit started to go under.

“Okay lower, Low!” shouted Fozzie to Frank as they lowered the limbo stick a little more before Kermit started under it. Kermit used his froggy legs and bent back just slightly as he started to go under. Everyone was watching closely and he was going under, everyone started to yell “Whoa...” quietly at first but as Kermit limberly bent back and just nearly cleared the limbo stick, everyone got louder. “whoaaaaaaaaaaWHOA! Kermit safely cleared the bar and waved his hands in the air in familiar Kermit-like fashion in victory.

“Hey!” said Fozzie, congratulating his best friend.

“Can I be next?” yelled Robin amidst the cheers and loud chatter of the rest of the muppets. But Fozzie started singing the next verse.

First you spread your limbo feet, that’s it!” sang Fozzie as Rizzo demonstrated de spreading of de limbo feet man! (Hey I had to break into the accent eventually, hehe!)

“When do I get to go?” said Rizzo casually to Gonzo. “Uh...” said Gonzo, not really paying attention as he was watching the chickens spread their feet in the sand.

Then you move to limbo beat....Yeah!” sang Fozzie approving of Clifford’s demonstration of moving to de limbo beat.

“I can do it!” shouted Robin as he tried to position himself close to the limbo pole so he could go next, but Fozzie and Frank kept moving it as they were swaying to the beat.

Limbo ankle, limbo knee...come on now!...bend back like de limbo tree” sang Fozzie, really getting into the song and almost clothes-lining anyone who came close to the limbo stick.

“Oh..Jack be nimble, Jack be quick..Yeah!..Jack go under limbo stick.” Sang Fozzie as everyone shouted and cheered Fozzie on, hoping he would just stand in place and sing so no one would get knocked out with the limbo stick.

“Come on!...All around de limbo clock...Hey let’s do the limbo rock!” sang Fozzie ending the second verse..time to pick someone else to brave de bar!

“Gather round, gather round!” said Gonzo trying to get everyone standing on the outskirts to join in on the fun.

“Uh...Bunsen and Beaker!” shouted Fozzie as he pointed to both of them, who were hiding on the sidelines. Bunsen was putting something strange in Beaker’s punch cup; it looked like the vial said “ super sun-tan accelerant”.

“Oh Me? Oh goodness..I don’t think” said Bunsen as everyone pushed him and Beaker up to the limbo pole. “Here we go now” said Bunsen, knowing resistance was futile. He pushed Beaker behind him and used Beaker as a support as he bent his back lower and lower, causing Beaker’s bank to bend even lower.

Rizzo was shouting words of encouragement to speed the game along. “Here we go, come on, come on.” He then joined along with the others “WhoaaaaaaaaaaaaaWHOA!” they all shouted as Bunsen used Beaker to bend back and lower until Beaker’s whole body was mere centimeters from the ground. They successfully made it under the stick, but Beaker couldn’t bend back to normal so Bunsen and a bunch of others moved him out of the way so someone else could limbo.

“Okay, Okay, put the stick lower, lower...lower, lower, lower..ok now Floyd!” said Fozzie while he and Frank lowered the stick even lower towards the ground. Floyd quickly handed his guitar to Janice and ran to the front of the line.

“No, later, later!” said Rizzo holding Gonzo back, who obviously thought it was his turn. “Oop, here we go!” said Rizzo as Floyd quickly spread his feet and bent back like a natural. “WhoaaaaaaaaWHOA!” cheered everyone as Floyd grooved underneath the limbo stick with room to spare.

“I can do it, I can do it” said Robin, trying to get anyone to pay attention to him, but no one could hear the little guy because they were clapping and cheering for Floyd. Zoot swingingly cued the next verse.

Get yourself a limbo girl!” sang Fozzie as Zoot accompanied him with some jazzy swing notes as everyone jeered at the non-single fellas in the group. Kermit saw Piggy leaning on the edge of the fence just watching everyone and went over to her and grabbed her hand so she would join the fun.

Give that chick a limbo whirl” sang Fozzie as Kermit gave Piggy a little spin and started to mambo a little bit with her (as we all really know, Kermit likes to mambo). She grinned in surprise and kept right in step with him, although she was a little flustered with Kermit’s hand firmly on her bare waist. Gonzo grabbed Camilla and was just spinning her around as everyone tried to get out of their way. Floyd nudged Janice as they were playing and gave her a little wink. Sometimes the band gig had its disadvantages...All the single people in the group jeered and teased the others, Kermit mostly.

There’s a limbo moon above....you will fall in limbo love” sang Fozzie as Zoot played some very sexy side solos as everyone egged the couples on to keep dancing. Floyd kept playing but leaned into Janice to kiss her.

Jack be nimble, Jack be quick” sang Fozzie as Clifford commented “Jack Be Quick!” as he spotted Floyd giving Janice a big smooch then play right back into the song. Robin shouted “My turn!” as he pulled on Fozzie’s swim trunks and Zoot kept laying down some seriously romantic jams as Kermit and Piggy kept dancing and Gonzo and Camilla kept spinning.

Jack go under limbo stick...all around de limbo clock...Hey! let’s do de limbo rock!” As Fozzie finished the chorus Kermit dramatically dipped Piggy and quickly pulled her back up again. Their bodies were mashed together and their lips were mere inches from each other. Robin was jumping up and down and said “Ok, my turn!” but everyone was looking over at Kermit and Piggy. They were mere seconds away from a smoldering PDA (and I don’t mean the palm pilot type of pda people!) when...

“Okay uh Miss Piggy!” said Fozzie, wanting Piggy to give it a try.

“Oh no, no no! Not in my bikini, no!” said Piggy quickly turning away from Kermit as he pushed her towards the limbo stick. Everyone else was trying to get her to do it, especially now that the limbo bar was a lot lower than at the beginning of the game, everyone except Robin that is. He whined “awwwww!” while still trying to jump up and down to get Fozzie to pick him.

“Yeah Yeah Yeah!” said Fozzie as Kermit and the rest of the gang edged her to the front of the limbo stick.

Piggy finally relented and pushed herself away from everyone, holding up her hands in surrender. “Ok Ok, ok..ok..ok..ok!” she quickly repeated as she spread her feet, threw her hair back and attempted to wedge herself underneath the small space between the limbo stick and the sandy floor. She grunted and stretched and leaned back as far as she could go and almost cleared the limbo stick. “WhoaaaaaaaaaWHOAWWW!” yelled everyone as she wiped out (oh wait, that’s another chapter), I mean fell back rather ungracefully on to the beach and underneath the limbo stick.

“Too bad! Too bad!” said Floyd. “Get a forklift, we’ll help her up”

“How ‘bout a porklift?” asked Kermit, and everyone broke out into laughter. The look Piggy gave Kermit could freeze fire, but Kermit leaned in and held out his hand to help her up. Piggy wildly slapped his hand away, pulled herself up while adjusting her bikini and stormed off and red-faced in anger and embarrassment. Kermit thought it was best for her to cool off a bit before he went after her, probably best for him too to prevent serious injury.

“Come on, Come on, Come on” said Fozzie trying to get everyone to get back to the game and leave Piggy alone. “Ok, Ok, uh Gonzo and Rizzo” said Fozzie pointing to the pair who quickly approached the limbo stick and starting crawling under.

“Can I go next?” shouted Robin, who almost nearly ripped Fozzie’s fur off of his ankle that he was tugging so hard.

“WhoaaaaaaaaaWHOA” shouted everyone as both Gonzo and Rizzo cleared the rather low limbo stick by tip-toeing and crawling their way under the bar with surprising finesse. The group erupted into loud cheers and applause, with Fozzie’s congratulatory “Hey!” being the loudest of all.

“What about me? Can I go next?” yelled Robin while running up to everyone and tugging on their legs. “Can I go next?” he asked again pulling on his Uncle Kermit’s leg. Kermit went up to Fozzie and Robin held onto Kermit’s leg. “Can I go next?” he cried again.

“Wonderful!” said Bunsen as he was still trying to straighten out Beaker.

“Great Idea Fozzie” said Kermit as he patted Fozzie on the back while the band was playing the last island beats of the popular tune.

“Hey, Hey can I go next?... Hey, can I go next?” Robin asked repeatedly, his voice getting higher and higher with frustration.

“Wonderful, Oh sure” said Kermit as Fozzie gave him that look that always said ‘are you sure it was ok?’

“Hey, what about ME!” he finally whined, but the limbo party broke up and Frank the NSFWB threw the limbo stick into the fire he was creating for the clam bake a little later on. Robin went to find his frog scout buddies, thinking that adults were HIGHLY overrated!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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After a few technical difficulties I was able to finish this chapter. Congrats Ari, you're halfway done.
You know, I thought it was "all around da limbo block", but I could be wrong. I'd need the song sung by Chubby Checker to compare.
All of the added narration explaining the gist of the limbo game was great, including Robin's ennui at going unnoticed for the entire song. Oh well, them's the brakes. Maybe if he ruled the world, but that's another song entirely.
*Relishes the clams for the clambake that's next.

More please!


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2008
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I loved this chapter! It's one of my favorite "old school" party songs! Sorry, there was no other way to put it. I really want to hear that version of the song now. I can imagine everyone having a good time, except for Robin who didn't get much of a chance. Poor Robin. While on the subject, can you imagine other Muppets trying to limbo, Muppets from Sesame Street and Fraggle Rock? It'd be more of a beach party then.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2007
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I'm glad you liked the song vettech28! I like it a lot too and it's definitely muppet-worthy. It would be hilarious to see them all trying to limbo, and I'm sure the henson company would have figured out a way to make the muppets do it and look really accurate too.

Movin right along, here is the next chapter. This is one of my favorite songs on the whole album because I love Rockapella! This is not their only Muppet appearance, they also did a little bit in Elmo in Grouchland during the "Together Forever" number in the beginning of the movie as the voices behind the singing socks...anyway I digress.

I really recommend that you listen to the song while reading this chapter. If you don't have it let me know and I will send it to you. It was hard to capture all of the syncopation in writing but the song is completely a capella (no music other than them singing) and it sounds awesome! I hope you enjoy this chapter and although summer is quickly coming to an end, I will definitely finish this fic before the official end of summer...enjoy!

Chapter 7- Papa Ooom Mow Mow
The Electric Mayhem started jamming again as everyone split up to play other beach games spread out around Frank the now not so fully wooly bully (that never gets old, does it?)’s place. Kermit looked in the direction where Piggy stormed off, thinking he better go find her before it got dark outside on the beach. A bunch of the muppets were huddled off to the side and arguing with one another. There was a brief moment of silence, then a bunch of quiet cheering in the huddle as Clifford left the group to join Kermit.

“Hey Kerm, want me to go with ya to find Piggy? You know, just in case you need an ambulance after she chops you for the pig jokes?” said Clifford.

“You got a point there, sure Clifford! Thanks for keeping me company; that’s really nice of you.” said Kermit

“No problem boss man!” said Clifford. The problem is that I pulled the short straw!

They headed out on the beach to find Piggy. They both walked by the shore’s edge to get their feet wet when the waves rolled in and feel the wet sand between their toes, uh and flippers. Their feet were sloshing on the wet sand as they were strolling along the beach looking for Miss Piggy.

“What a beautiful day for a walk on the beach Clifford” said Kermit, trying to forget about his almost certain future injuries.

“It sure is Kerm” said Clifford. As Clifford took his next step, he stepped on something hard which made a low “Ah Ah” sound as he stepped on it twice, once by accident, and the second time out of curiosity.

“Ooh” said Kermit in shock. Then Kermit accidentally stepped on something hard which made a similar sound, but a little higher than the one Clifford stepped on. “What?” asked Kermit as Clifford stepped on the same spot again, which made the same lower noise. “What was that?” Kermit asked Clifford. Kermit then quickly stepped on his spot again, followed closely by Clifford stepping on his. Both of their movement produced a “Bow bo” rhythm, with the second sound lower than the first.

Clifford stepped on a different spot, which made a higher, more nasal, short “Uh” sound. “Man those are, some crazy clams Kerm!” said Clifford. After a closer look Kermit and Clifford discovered that they were indeed clams that were making the noises as they were stepping on them.

“Yeah but.. but it’s kind of fun!” said Kermit as he kept stepping on the clams. Intrigued by the sound they were making, Kermit and Clifford both kept stepping on different clams to hear the sound they would make while creating a neat rhythm. “Ooh” said Kermit as he stepped on one that made a really low sound while squishing in the sand. “Yeah it’s the funniest sound I ever heard” said Kermit as he and Clifford picked up the pace and stepped on the clams quicker to speed up the rhythm.

“Yeah!” said Clifford, really getting into it and stomping on the clams with Kermit to make a quick, syncopated rhythm.

“I didn’t know clams made noises like that” said Kermit as he kept stepping.

“Get down Kerm!” shouted Clifford as the sped up the pace even more, with Clifford stepping on the clams that made low sounds and Kermit stepping on the clams that made higher noises.

“Hey!” said Kermit as they finished out the rhythm. The clams started moving beneath their feet so they took their feet off of the clams and stepped aside...

papapapapapapa oom mow mow papa oom mow mow” sang the largest clam in a low voice over and over again. The beat was so neat that Kermit and Clifford started clapping to it.

“Wow, hey this fun!” said Kermit as he was clapping along and listening to the clams. Two of smaller clams joined in and were making higher “dit dit” sounds after every time the large clam finished a rhythm line. Clifford let out a low laugh as the clams kept jamming in the sand. Another clam joined in making nasal, twangy noises in another rhythm that completely complemented the other clams. What is all sounded like was something unreal, but totally catchy!

“Yeah” said Clifford as all the claims started singing quietly and quickly built it up “whoooooCHOP” is what it sounded like.

All of a sudden, one of the smaller clams started singing as the others kept the back-up rhythm going.

funniest sound I ever heard....Now I can’t understand a single word!” it sang as the other clams harmoniously provided rhythm and back-up vocals.

Nooooo-Oh!” belted a smaller clam who took the lead. “Is he serious or is playin...a Oom mow mow is all he’s sayin

“pa pa oooooooooom”, belted out the tiniest clam.

“Harmonizin’ clams” shouted Clifford to Kermit over the clams’ jams.

papapapapapa owwww! Yeah-e-Yeah” sang the tiniest clam.

“Wow” said Kermit, very impressed with the clams’ a capella abilities.

“I’ve heard everything” said Clifford very matter of factly as the clams kept rocking out in the sand. Some clams occasionally made “Huh!” and “Heh Ha!” sounds, really adding to the cool syncopated base rhythm of the song. They escalated into the next verse.

“oooooOHHHH...” “ I said a hey there partner what’s your name?” sang the lead clam.

What’s your name..baby, what’s your name” sang a smaller clam slyly with a smooth, quick rhythm.

NOW..don’t you go tellin me the same old thing!” sang the lead clam in reply.

but don’t you go tellin me the same old thing..whoa!” replied the smaller clam in a much higher pitch. “Words you’re sayin I can’t figure out..” sang the small clam while quickly followed by a laugh from the bigger clam that totally fit into the song.. “you’ve got a song that makes me START to shout! Papapapapapa owwwwww yeah e yah ea yeah!” The bigger clams kept the base beat going strong and Kermit and Clifford were loving every minute of it.

“Let’s sing along Kerm!” said Clifford

“Why not?” said Kermit, and both he and Clifford began to sing along, joining the larger clams on the base beat.

Oom mow mow papa oom mow mow...Oom mow mow papa oom mow mow” sang Kermit and Clifford in harmony along with the clams. The smaller clams were backing them up with “dit dit dit” sounds, really adding to the rhythm. The largest clam was still belting the base rhythm in super low tone and Kermit and Clifford were still clapping along. The clams were laughing and glad they found people to join in on the fun.

“That’s fun!” said Kermit after finishing singing the base rhythm four times. The lead clam started to sing the base beat a little higher and a little bit of a different rhythm, making a little solo of his own as Kermit and Clifford joined back in on the fun, singing the original base beats. “Heyyyyyy!” belted the lead clam along with some other creative scatting. Kermit decided to join in and made “dune, dune” sounds to make a complimentary rhythm with the lead clam and some of the larger clams singing bass.

“Pretty good Kerm!” said Clifford, impressed with the frog’s rhythm skills.

“Thank you” said Kermit with some cockiness.

Now I hear this sound everywhere I go-oh!” sang the lead clam, effectively taking Kermit off of his high horse, (haha!)

Hey, a-what’s that sound?” whispered the largest clam singing bass.

On-a records, TV and radio-oh!” sang the lead clam in reply, growling out the first word adding complexity to the tune. The smaller clam was “ooh-ing” in a high sweet voice in the background and cleared the way to finish out the verse.

Oh! Now it’s spreading all over the land” sang the lead clam while the smaller clam was “lala la-ing” at his side in the same high voice but was very smooth and complimented the lead rather nicely. “Still can’t seem to understand-e-and-e-and! Whoo! The Papapapapapa ow-oom-ow-oom-ow-oom-ow-oom yeah-e-yeah yeah!” belted the lead clam, reaching a very high pitch, then yo-yo-ing from high to low as he finished out his solo. Kermit and Clifford joined back in singing the bass beats. The clams were going crazy now, all bursting out into little scats and solos and belting out some crazy-but awesome sounds.

As the clams kept rocking out, Kermit turned to Clifford while pointing to the clams. “Hey, maybe we should invite these guys to the clam bake!” said Kermit excitedly. Almost immediately after he said it, both Kermit and Clifford shook their heads. “Uhh..no” they said in unison.

“I don’t think that’ll work Kerm” said Clifford, pretty sure that baked clams wouldn’t sound the same way. Kermit and Clifford waved good-bye to the clams and went back to look for Miss Piggy. For some reason, the clams quietly phased out their current tune and started singing “Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego”. Two of the smaller clams started talking to each other.

“Hey, we finally did a number in front of other people...what do you think we should call ourselves?” said one little clam.

“How about Rockapella?” said the other clam, who would have winked if clams could wink.

“No stupid! We’re clams, not rocks!” said the other clam who went back to join the others..the smart clam just disappointingly shook his little clam body and followed the other clam back to the jam session.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Yeah... You might be clams, but aren't you living on rocks at the beachside making you "rock" clams?
Just be thankful you're not razor clams and a wiseguy like Chef Chris Cosantino gets the bright idea to serve you with a heavy cream mixture, calling the dish "razor clams and shaving cream".

Another good chapter Ari. Used to love Rockapella's songs on the Carmen Sandiego game show hosted by Agent Greg Lee under Chief Luna's watch. Er, I mean Lynn Thig-Penn. And now you get to that other song I know you're wanting to write for... The one used for Muppet States, only because the MUP3 of Sam's Fable I got was a bit too low on the volume scale.

Thanks. More please!


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2007
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Thanks for always providing feedback, Count! It's nice to know that someone is enjoying the story as much as I am writing it.

I am very excited to write the next chapter, becasue it means more ush gush for me to write! I'm going to take my time this weekend to make sure it's perfect before I post it, but slowly and surely I'll be able to add this fun-lovin fic to my repertoire of complete fan fics.

More to come soon! If anyone has comments about the fic, give the writer some love, haha, or at least a itsy bitsy teenie weenie comment:wink:

Keep your eyes peeled for the next installment, we'll get there fast but then we'll take it slow...


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2007
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Hey Everyone!

I finished the next chapter, YAY! I had so much fun writing this one because as many of you know, I am an uber fan of the ush-gush, especially Kermit and Piggy ush-gush!

I wanted to let everyone know that the version of Kokomo that is on the album is a lot different from the one they played on the music video, which was actually done in the late 80's before the Muppet Beach Party album came out. So if you are reading and noticing some differences, espcially the fact that Piggy doesn't come in and see Kermit surrounded by hula dancer booties and chase him in a fit of rage.

I did incorporate some of the things from the music video into the scene that I liked..but if you want to hear what this version of Kokomo sounded like on the album and you don't have the mup3, let me know and I'll send it your way. It's a great cover of the song, very nice and laid back.

I also learned a lot while writing this chapter, like there is such a thing as a Hawaiian guitar (that's not the ukelele) and that the little creature in the Kokomo music video (that I watched while writing this) who chants some of the parts of the song, is called an Inkspot and are infamous for singing backup and upstaging to beat the band (thank you Muppet wiki!)

So without further ado, here is Chapter 8- Kokomo. I hope you like it; I on the other hand adore it and had a blast writing it....Enjoy!

Chapter 8- Kokomo

The waves crashed wildly on the shore as Kermit and Clifford continued walking on the beach in search of Miss Piggy. It wasn’t long before they spotted her sitting upright on a smooth, flat rock close to the edge of the beach, her legs off to one side while she propped herself up on her right hand. She took a deep breath and sighed as she lifted her head up towards the sun to feel its comforting warmth on her face. She looked peaceful, but Kermit knew better. He knew that if Piggy had to walk away from the weight and pig jokes from the limbo game that she was really upset about it; usually she would just chop the offender(s) and forget about it. When Piggy was really upset about something, she never wanted anyone to know, so she would always go off by herself and deal with her feelings in her own way, and usually come back to the gang as her usual, sassy self and belt anyone who brought up what happened.

Kermit wasn’t sure why Piggy was so upset; he and Floyd did crack jokes at Piggy about her weight every now and then for a laugh, but they would usually be paying for it with bruises on their midsection, not guilt in their hearts, such as the terrible guilt Kermit felt now. Was it because she was in her itsy bitsy bikini and she was extra self-conscious about her appearance? She always looked beautiful, especially today... Kermit felt awful for the stupid joke and wished he could just take it back—getting the laugh was not worth hurting Piggy’s feelings this badly.

Meanwhile Clifford was watching something else entirely. A very pretty girl was strolling along the beach in the direction of where the rest of the gang was getting ready for the clam bake. The slight breeze blew her hair across her face and she whipped her head around in pure Baywatch fashion to clear her hair from her eyes. Clifford just stood mesmerized as the girl caught sight of Clifford and revealed a small smile.

Kermit was experiencing similar feelings as a wave crashed up on the rock Piggy was sitting on while the breeze slightly blew her hair around one shoulder. Thinking that it would be nice for him and Piggy to have some time alone, and seeing that Clifford was totally focused on his own little romantic mission, he gave Clifford a little shove while quietly saying “Go on, get out of here, Piggy and I will be ok”.

Clifford gave a small nod of understanding and started to head towards the pretty girl walking away on the beach. He briefly stopped and looked back at Kermit with a sarcastic look while quietly saying, “It’s not the Pig that I’m worried about..if you need an ambulance..” said Clifford while looking back at the girl who was slowly walking away, “call someone else” and with that Clifford was off.

As if sensing there were people behind her, Piggy slowly turned around to find Kermit standing on the beach, looking at her, almost like the way he looked at her the first time they met. She felt her cheeks blush but quickly looked away so that Kermit wouldn’t see. She was still kind of angry at him for not sticking up for her today after Floyd made that terrible joke- especially since he knew that she was nervous about her current attire, but she knew that he thought she was beautiful by the way he was looking at her, and wouldn’t stop looking at her for she could still feel him gazing at her even though she was turned around. She felt her anger melting away—darn that frog! She heard him step closer towards her so she took a deep breath and spun around on the rock to face him.

And there it was...the look. Oh how she hated that look! Kermit was simply standing there with a hand held out to her to help her down off the rock, but the look on his face was that sincere look of apology and of desire for forgiveness that Kermit always gave her. He could just about get away with anything if Kermit looked at her like that, for it always melted her heart and cooled her temper. She wasn’t going to let him off that easy though...

“Are you sure you’re not going to need a pork lift?” said Piggy sarcastically and full of disdain as Kermit stood there with that adorable look while offering his hand to help her down.

Kermit then took her hand as he helped her slide to the edge of the rock. He used his other hand to wrap around her waist as he gently helped her down off the edge of the rock. “No” said Kermit quietly and stubbornly, trying to tell her that he was an idiot for siding with Floyd during the limbo game, and that he felt like a total jerk. He then gave her that look of apology he always gave her when he knew he was guilty of wrongdoing. Somehow Piggy always knew what Kermit was trying to say when he looked at her that way. No one else seemed to understand him quite the way that Piggy did in times like these...which made him long for her forgiveness even more.

And once again Piggy was conflicted. Darn that look! Darn that frog! Her heart was melting as he looked at her but she still did not want to give in. Kermit shouldn’t think that just because he looks at me that way that he can do anything mean to me and get away with it, she thought. Piggy was using every ounce of will power she had not to give in and kiss the daylights out of him.

Seeing Piggy stand her ground and still looking angry at him, he let out a sigh of disappointment and started to walk back towards where the rest of the gang were getting ready for the clam bake. Hopefully she’ll come around and forgive me, he thought, although he was disappointed that he lost out on some quality time alone with Piggy because he acted like a fool.

Piggy saw Kermit walking away and couldn’t stand it any longer. Now she was the one feeling sorry and every ounce of anger she had completely melted away.

“Kermie!” she called sweetly.

“Yes?” asked Kermit cheerfully as he turned out and started to head back towards her.

“Kermie?” she asked again, to which Kermit responded with his typical “mm-hmm” murmur that sounded a lot like his usual “hi-ho” greeting he pretty much gave everyone.

“Come over here” asked Piggy sweetly as Kermit obliged with the same mumur and walked over while reaching for her hand, which she gladly took. “Ohhh” Piggy sighed, “Let’s just take a nice walk along the sand” she said. Kermit hummed his satisfaction as he started strolling down the beach with Piggy, hand in hand.

“Ohh, isn’t this perfect?” sighed Piggy while gazing at the beautiful sunset that was starting to form above them as they were walking along the beach. Kermit murmured his agreement as he squeezed her hand.

“Is there any other place you’d rather be?” asked Piggy dreamily, which for some reason cued some soft rhythmic drumming along with the sound of tropic birds..

“Well...” said Kermit with a small rise in the tone of his voice. There was one other place....

Aruba, Jamaica, ooh I wanna take ya” chanted the clams from the earlier number, who didn’t want to miss another chance to perform on the album. “ Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama. Key Largo, Montego, baby why don’t we go...Jamaica!”

“Off the Florida Keys....” crooned Kermit to Piggy while holding her hand as they walked along the shoreline of the beach. Piggy let out a long, low sigh as she blindly followed Kermit wherever he would lead her. Right now, she didn’t really care as long as he was with her.

there’s a place called Kokomo..that’s where you wanna go to get away from it all...” sang Kermit as he led Piggy along a path behind two swaying palm trees, which revealed a lovely little oasis-looking patch of beach. Off in the distance, a beach local started playing steel drums. “ooh” said Kermit as he used the steel drum beats to coast into the next verse.

bodies in the sand...tropical drink melting in your hand....” sang Kermit as he dug his flippers into the sand and pretended to hand Piggy a tropical drink. The way Kermit was describing everything, Piggy could picture them there at the tropical paradise and soon she used her imagination to picture the little patch of beach just as Kermit saw it- a little tropical hideway with beachgoers burying their bodies in the sand, other people sitting in large lounge chairs sipping Mai Tai’s-oh it was wonderful!

we’ll be fallin in love to the rhythm of a steel drum band” sang Kermit as Piggy sighed and leaned on Kermit’s shoulder. “down in Kokomo!”

“Aruba, Jamaica, ooh I wanna take ya to Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama!” sang Kermit along with the clams and the other beachgoers that Kermit and Piggy could now see with their imagination. The chaotic little beach party seemed to develop a mind of its own, which happened a lot in the typical Muppet imagination, as everyone was dancing and partying under the sun. Everyone was having a blast and all dressed up in beach and luau attire. Kermit was still holding Piggy’s hand and on the “pretty mama” line of the verse he pulled Piggy into his arms and started swaying with her back and forth on the sand.

Key Largo, Montego, baby why don’t we go..down to kokomo”, sang Kermit followed by some tropical fish who peaked out from the little patch of shoreline they could see from their spot.

We’ll get there fast and then we’ll take it slow” sang Kermit as he slowly swayed Piggy back and forth in his arms. “That’s where we wanna go...way down in Kokomo”

“Montinique...that Monterrat Mystique..” chanted an Inkspot dressed in a Hawaiian shirt who was now suddenly being chased by a shark (geez, even in our imagination crazy weirdo stuff happens, Piggy thought *as the writer chuckeld*)

We’ll go out to sea...” sang Kermit as pushed away a palm leaf to show Piggy the patch of shoreline they were close to, as the warm ocean waves rolled onto the beach. “Oh yes!” sighed Piggy.

and perfect our chemistry...by and by we’ll defy a little bit of gravity” sang Kermit as he dipped Piggy to the ground as he suavely shaked his head as he lifted her back up again.

afternoon delight....cocktails and moonlit nights..” sang Kermit along with some of the imaginary beachgoers that harmonized with him perfectly. “that dreamy look in your eye” they sang as Kermit touched Piggy’s cheek and sang the rest of the verse alone “under a tropical island sky” which caused Piggy to sigh yet again and melt in Kermit’s arms. That familiar little sparkle filled her eye, and Kermit knew that everything was ok again. “way down in Kokomo.”

“Aruba, Jamaica, ooh I wanna take ya to Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama” sang Kermit and the rest of the beachgoers as Piggy just watched her mind run away from her picturing everything...Kermit certainly had a way of sparking her imagination and taking her to amazing places...and this was no exception, and like other times before, she stopped questioning it and just took everything in and enjoyed the song. As Kermit was singing he was fascinated at Piggy’s look and could tell that she could see everything he was imagining..it feels pretty great when you know someone can see the world the way you see it, and he felt like that with Piggy more than anyone else. He grabbed her hand as they walked around their little made-up island paradise.

Key Largo, Montego, baby why don’t we go down to Kokomo... mm we’ll get there fast and then we’ll take it slow” sang Kermit as he leaned against a palm tree, which gave Piggy the idea to lean against him, which she did. Kermit liked laying his hands on her bare waist so he didn’t mind. “That’s where we wanna go...” he sang, “way down in Kokomo!”

“Port au Prince.. I wanna catch a glimpse..” chanted the same little Inkspot that popped up early, apparently thwarting the hungry shark. He began running again as the shark closed in behind him, continuing the chase. “Mmm” hummed Kermit, cuing the instrumental

Nearby, Janice started playing a sweet, mellow instrumental on a Hawaiian guitar, and Kermit stood up from leaning against the palm tree and started to slow dance with Piggy as he started to gently scat to the melody of the song, “La De Doo Dee Da Doom..” he gently hummed as Piggy sighed and rested her head on his shoulder while they held each other tight. “La Da Doo De Da Doo, Da Da Do Da Da Dee Da Doo” he hummed as he held Piggy close, taking in the smell of her hair and the warmth of her skin. “Oh yes Kermie!”, Piggy murmured, perfectly content.

Everybody knows... a little place called Kokomo” harmonized Kermit along with his imaginary chours. Kermit gently took Piggy’s chin in his hand and lifted it so she was looking into his eyes, taking the solo at the last part of the verse.. “now if you wanna go..and get away from it all”

“Uh-Huh!” squealed Piggy with excitement

Go down to Kokomo!” sang Kermit, and their little beach party of their own livened up again. Everyone, including Kermit while being very close to Piggy, were dancing and singing the chorus and having a great time.

Aruba, Jamaica, ooh I wanna take ya to Bermuda, Bahama, come one pretty mama..Key Largo, Montego, baby why don’t we go down to Kokomo..”

“We’ll get there fast and then we’ll take it slow” sang Kermit as he looked up at the sky and saw the beautiful sunset. He stopped dancing and put his arm around Piggy’s waist as he pointed up to the sky so she would look. “That’s where we wanna go...” Kermit sang as Piggy sighed one final time at the beauty of the sunset and the beauty of the moment. Even decent romantic moments with Kermit came only one in a long, long time, and this time...it was perfect.

way down in Kokomo!” sang Kermit as he repeated back into the chorus while he turned to look at Piggy. She on the on the other hand thought that he had better things to do than keep singing the chorus..so she gently cupped his face with one hand and pulled him in for a enticing kiss. He quickly agreed with her as he held her tight and eagerly joined in on their little lip duet while their whole tropical beach fantasy slowly faded away in the background, leaving just two people, very much pre-occupied under a golden beach sunset.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
Reaction score
See... Now this is the kind of ushgush side of the frog-pig romance that I admire and makes me think of them as more of a couple than at other times.

Inkspots? But you're typing onto a keyboard... Shouldn't those be Glitches instead?
*Notice how I made a reference to another obscure Muppet character in that joke? Aaaaah!

*Ish melted... You had me at the beginning of the chapter, describing Piggy seated on the rock with her hair loose around her shoulder, and then Kermit pleadingly looking at her with his hand held out.
*Ish melted because you recreated the image I remember of The Little Mermaid's movie poster.
<3 Ariel. If you need me for Chap 9, you know where I'll be. *Bubbles bubble out.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2007
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Chapter 9-Surfin'

Thanks Count! I know I can always count on you for feedback! I'm glad you liked it and that I could provide you with some new original Kermit-Piggy ush gush that is desperately needed nowadays!

And ladies and gentleman can you believe this a double-whammy! Two chapters in one night! I am on a roll. I was super multi-tasking today and got a lot of stuff done at law school so I had a little extra time to write another chapter and I'm almost done with the fic. Anyway hope you enjoy another chapter so soon after the last one. It may not have ush-gush, but it has a lot of surf rats and fun so I hope you enjoy it!

Chapter 9- Surfin’

When Kermit and Piggy finally decided to come up for air, they headed back to meet up with the rest of the gang at the clam bake, which was well underway when they got there. They garnered a few questioning looks when they arrived, especially since Clifford was still gone, but everyone quickly went back to what they were doing. The Electric Mayhem was taking a break from playing tunes and decided to play a game of volleyball instead. They had to keep the ball away from Animal because he either spiked it so hard that it would pound someone into the ground, or he would catch the ball with his teeth, which caused three previous volleyballs to pop in his mouth. Bunsen was trying to put homemade sunburn lotion on beaker’s ridiculously sunburnt back, but the lotion just turned Beaker’s skin blue and made him very very cold and itchy. Everyone was dancing and playing games and having a terrific time as the sun went down.

Clifford finally came back to join the party. The lipstick on his lips and cheek, along with the goofy grin on his face, told the whole story. Because it was so late, and also because many of them wanted to have more fun in the sun in the morning, the Muppets decided to camp on the beach for the night and head back to the boarding house the following afternoon. Everyone spread out and found a cozy spot to sleep in the warm summer night. Kermit and Piggy shared a cozy hammock anchored in between two palm trees, Gonzo and Fozzie laid towels out on the sand and dozed off, while some of the other Muppets crashed in the van (including Animal who was chained to the van so he wouldn’t run off)...

The next morning, many of the Muppets were still sleeping when the rats got up from sleeping under the boardwalk and headed out to catch some morning waves...They grabbed their gear and headed out for the surf.

“Okay guys whose gonna sing bass on this song?” asked Rizzo to the rest of the surf rats. They all looked at each other, puzzled at who could sing the really low bass line of the song.

“Yeah Who?” said Squeaky, who had the highest, raspiest voice of the bunch.

“Well maybe I could do it”, said the aptly named Buzz, whose voice was very low and sounded a lot large bumble bee.

“Buzz!” said everyone questioningly...”Buzz!” they all said again with excitement, realizing he would be the perfect rat for the job.

“Ready surf rats?” asked Rizzo.

“Let’s surf!” said another rat in response, who sounded a lot like Wembley, but that’s another story...

“Alright, Let’s go!” said another rat as they all started running for the ocean.

“Yeah!” shouted one rat. “Radical!” shouted another.

1, 2, 3, 4...Surfin is the only life, the only life for me now surf!” sang the rats while clapping.

Surf....with me!” sang Rizzo and Buzz started scatting the low bass line, keeping everyone on the beat

Bong bong di-p-i-di-p-i-dip... Bong bong di-p-i-di-p-i-dip” scatted Buzz as everyone paddled out on the ocean waiting for the next big wave.

“Come on all your surf rats!” shouted Rizzo as they all paddling out deeper into the ocean.

I got up this mornin’ turned on my radio, I was checking out the surfin’ scene to see if I would go” sang Rizzo as the other surf rats “Ooh-wah-wahooh’ed”, accompanying him during the intervals of the verse. For rats, their harmony was amazing!

“... and when the DJ tells me that the surfin’ is fine, that’s when I know my baby and me will have a great time!” sang Rizzo followed by a stereotypical guitar riff of a surfer dude played by Janice on the beach...the band woke up when they heard the surf rats sining and they started to jam along... Yeah, well it’s got its strong points but the hours are long...(HA! love it!)

“Yeah..whoo!” shouted Squeaky as the surf rats caught a wave and surfed right into the chorus and Buzz buzzed back in on the baseline.

Surfin....Surfin....Surfin...Surfin..” they all sang in harmony while Buzz kept the beat with “Bong bong di-p-i-di-p-i-dip... Bong bong di-p-i-di-p-i-dip”. Time to modulate


“Awesome!” shouted one rat while riding the crest of the wave..


“Radical!” shouted another rat riding the bottom of the wave..

Surfin..Surfin..Surfing is the only life, the only life for me now surf!” sang the rats as the wave they were riding died down.

“Yeah!” shouted the Wembley-sounding surf rat.

Surf!” they all shouted again.

Hoo!” shouted Squeaky, scaring Buzz half to death and almost causing him to wipe out (wait, that’s at the end of the album..)

with me!” sang Rizzo as Buzz kept the beat rolling along the waves with “Bong bong di-p-i-di-p-i-dip... Bong bong di-p-i-di-p-i-dip”. The rats paddled out further into the water to get ready to catch the next wave, and three of them paddled together and started to make a formation of some kind while Rizzo started the next verse...

From the early morning to the middle of the night,” sang Rizzo

“Ooh...Wah-wah-ooh” harmonized the rest of the surf rats.

“anytime the surf is up the time is right..”


“And when the surf is down, to take its place, we’ll do the surfer’s stomp, it’s the latest dance craze!” sang Rizzo as some of the rats stood on their boards to do the Stomp before the next big wave rolled in.

“Awesome!” said the rat on top of the newly-formed surf rat pyramid.

“Bogus!” said one of the rats on the bottom holding the particularly heavy rat on top.

Surfin....Surfin....Surfin...Surfin..” they all sang again while riding the new wave, which was bigger than the first one. Buzz was having difficulty keeping up the “Bong bong di-p-i-di-p-i-dip... Bong bong di-p-i-di-p-i-dip” but he managed to keep the beat going strong.He even knew when to modulate!

Surfin...Surfin...Surfin...Surfin... Surfing is the only life, the only life for me now surf!” sang the rats as they all managed to keep their balance until the wave died down.

“Tubular!” said the rat who was still on top of the pyramid, but now sitting instead of standing.


Gnarly!” said the rat on the bottom after throwing the top rat back on his own board.

with me!” sang Rizzo while plopping down on his board after that last crazy wave. Hey, singin’ and surfin’ ain’t as easy at it looks, you know! But Buzz was making it easy... he never missed a “Bong bong di-p-i-di-p-i-dip... Bong bong di-p-i-di-p-i-dip”. Some of the rats started laughing as they all nodded at each other and started paddling for the shore.

Now the dawn is breakin’ and we really gotta go..” sang Rizzo

“Wah-wah-ooh” harmonized the other surf rats while paddling towards the beach.

“But we’ll be back here very soon that you betta know”

“Yeah my surfer knots are risin’ and my board is losin’ wax” sang Rizzo

“Yeah!” shouted one rat who started eating his board because his wax tasted like cheese.

“...but that won’t stop me baby cause you know I’m comin’ back!” belted Rizzo as he reached the shore, waiting for the other rats to join him on the last chorus.

“Hang ten!” said Squeaky and he stood on his board and rode it to shore.

“Woo!” said another rat who joined in on eating the other rat’s board. That’s a gouda surfin! ( I know I know, but I had to do it, it was to gouda! to pass up, wocka wocka!)

Surfin....Surfin....Surfin...Surfin..” they all sang one last time as Buzz kept the beat with his “Bong bong di-p-i-di-p-i-dip... Bong bong di-p-i-di-p-i-dip”

Surfin....Surfin....Surfin...Surfin” they all sang with one last modulation as they all reached the shore and started dancing as they were ending the song.

“Surfing is the only life, the only life for me now surf!” they all sang

“Hey dude?” said the rat with a half-eaten surf board

“What?” asked Squeaky.

Surf!” they all shouted...

“Let’s surf!” shouted Rizzo as they all stood on their boards and pretended to surf on the sand.

Rizzo sang the last “with me!” Buzz kept up the “Bong bong di-p-i-di-p-i-dip... Bong bong di-p-i-di-p-i-dip” as the rats were fooling around, pushing each other in the water while dancing to jams laid out by the Electric Mayhem closing out the song.

“Yeah Yeah!” shouted Rizzo as Squeaky did a flip into the water. He lost his balance and cried out as he hit his head on his board.

“Hey, look at him go!” said another rat as Buzz, who was still on the water on his surf board while scatting, rode a huge wave while just sitting on his board keeping the bass beat.

“Watch out!” yelled Squeaky as another huge wave rolled behind Buzz, who wasn’t paying any attention to the waves.

All the other rats started to laugh and cheer as they watched Buzz roll on the waves. Some shouted “Radical!” while others tried to paddle in after him, only they couldn’t keep their balance and they fell hard into the water.

“Wipeout!” jeered Squeaky as he rubbed the fresh bump on his head..(no Squeaky, that’s not until the end of the album...sheesh!)

“Way to buzz, Buzz!” shouted Rizzo as he signaled the others to do an encore of the last chorus...
“Surfing is the only life, the only life for me now surf!”

Hoo!” shouted Squeaky.


“Yeah!” shouted another rat as Buzz smoothly floated to shore.

with me!” sang Rizzo as Buzz kept up his ““Bong bong di-p-i-di-p-i-dip... Bong bong di-p-i-di-p-i-dip”.

Finally the Electric Mayhem played the final notes and Buzz was buzzing into the last “Bong bong di-p-i-di-p-dip bonggggggggggggggggggggggggggg”. Buzz just kept buzzing the last note.

“Yeah that was fantastic!” said Rizzo

“Yeah that was totally tubular!” said the rat with now only one small piece of his cheese-tasting surf board left.

“Awesome! Yeah....uh-oh..Buzz is stuck again” said Rizzo seeing Buzz with that stupefied look on his face when he couldn’t stop buzzing.

“What do we do about it?” asked Squeaky.

“Somebody hit ‘em” said Rizzo, knowing that always worked.

“Ok!” said Squeaky way too excitedly as he whacked Buzz on the back of the head fairly hard, which did successfully knocked Buzz out of his..well..his buzz!

“Uh!” Buzz said as he finally stopped buzzing. “Thank you” he said in his normal buzzy voice. “Anybody gotta glass of milk?” he asked as he rubbed his throat.

Stay tuned for Chapter 10, but probably not as soon as Chapter 9 was posted...I need to head off to bed to get up at 5:30 for work :grouchy:. Hope everyone is enjoying and send me a shout out of what you think or if you would like the MBP music to listen to while reading. Catch you on the flip side!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
Reaction score
Good interpretation of the rats just getting some surf time.
Would say you should check your spelling again, but that's just a minor distraction.
The story as a whole is coming along great and I know you'll make the last quarter shine like the rest before it.

More please when you can. :cool: