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Fan-Fic: Remembering The Good Times We Had


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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I completely forgot about Shadow from BITBBH. XD Makes me think like...this Shadow's her evil twin or something. I dunno. XD Wow. I wonder what Lisa will say when she gets here and reads it!!

More tommorrow morning perhaps! I might also draw Robin and the Shadow tonight during one of my classes. Although I'm a sucky drawer, I'll try. Cause it's a neat scene!

I'm really glad you guys like it so much!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ok, first of all, 7 chapters in one day is just amazing and if you keep that up you're awesome!!

Second, OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!! You referenced me!! And it's a huge part of the story!! Thank you thank you thank you!!

Thrid, OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!! THIS STORY!!!!! OH MY GOSH!!!!!!! THIS STORY!!!!!!! This is so unbelievably amazing Renee!!! AMAZING!!! Everything is so awesome!!! Uncle Deadly, Scooter, Robin, Gonzo!!! And most importantly, DEATH!!!!!!!! You brought Death into the story!!! And he is perfect!!! Oh my goodness, it's all so awesome!!!!!!! I must say that this is one of the best fan-fics I have read here on MC!! It is simply divine!! I cannot wait to see what happens next!!!! And I promise I'll be here every step of the way!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Wow. Okay, physical reaction to reading this story: I'm clutching a teddy bear (and I do mean clutching), I'm shaking, I seem be having difficulty breathing, and I don't expect to be able to talk any time soon. OH MY HOLY MOSQUITOES GREAT GOLLY GOSH AND GRACIOUSNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY WOW! This is amazing, fantastic, absolutely awesome and incredible! Oh my gosh... It just... and... I mean... Uncle Deadly.... Scooter... Kermit... ROBIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <faints>


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Thanks guys. And suprisingly enough, I just got this idea, about Uncle Deadly, and how he might have a wife, and I just flew with that idea. I sat down and just typed this morning. You'll all get more tommorrow morning! :smile:


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Chapter Eight

I'm writing this really quick while at school. I simply couldn't keep away from it.


Meanwhile, back at the Boarding House....

"You can't go Kermie..what if you get hurt?!" Piggy wailed at the top of her lungs, her hands on Kermit's brown jacket.

"What if Robin gets hurt, Piggy! What about him!! Jimmy will absolutely kill me if I let anything happen to Robin!" Kermit was also yelling, no one dared get between them, because Piggy would show them who's boss around there.

"Uncle Deadly can take care of him, Kermie." Her voice deepens some, she's pulling him back away from the door now, towards the dining room. "That old spook can watch over him you know it!"

Kermit stopped struggling, and he looked down for a moment.
"Not how he is now..."

Piggy stopped pulling on his jacket, and let him go. She looked at him, starting to get worried again. "W-What? What are you talking about?"

"He was attacked by some...shadow of some sorts. It went into him. I don't know what happened, but Uncle Deadly looked like he was in pain. I guess Robin had followed me to the theatre, because I didn't know he was there, until I got back. That shadow looked sinister, but Uncle Deadly told me to leave, while I still could."

"Yeah, or be DOOMED!" Floyd imitated what Uncle Deadly said the first time they all met.

"Floyd...I think he meant it."

Scooter stepped forward, fully dressed once more, and he looked over at Kermit, with a emboldened look that not many people have ever seen on the gofers face before. "It must have been that shadow that fought me. If it has, I'll go, and find Robin."

Gonzo stood beside Scooter. "And I'll go too. It can't be as bad as when the cannon exploded..with me in it."

"So that's two, Kermit. Anyone else volunteer to save Robin?" Scooter piped up.

Sweetums poked his head inside the window. "I'll go! We need to save my little buddy!!"

Kermit nodded his head in agreement. "I'll go as well. So that's 4 of us. That's all we need. Everyone else, stay here at the house. And Piggy.."

Piggy whined, knowing what he was going to say.

"You'll stay as well. We...*gulp*...might have already lost Robin. So we don't need any more casualites, alright?"

Piggy stood up to her full height, and saluted him mockingly. "Yes...O' Captainan', the frog of my heart. I shall stay, and make sure no one else leaves too. And no one else will leave, GOT IT?"

Everyone else backed up a little bit, seeing Miss Piggy's fists.

Kermit picked his coat up again, and opened the door. "Gonzo, grab some flashlights, and Scooter, you'll lead the way, okay?"

"Got it Boss. Yeah! So, let's go save Robin!!"


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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*looks at what she just wrote*

Holy mosquitoes. I thought that was SHORT?

*Is in short, amazed at her own talent*


You guys will seriously enjoy the next few parts of it!


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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ReneeLouvier said:
I simply couldn't keep away from it.
Boy, do I know that feeling... <cough> Not that I've ever, er, um, stopped paying attention to math notes for the sake of writing fanfiction, no, never, what on earth would give you that idea? I have NEVER done that... except of course for today and yesterday and probably about half of the entire school year... <cough>

Now then, this chapter... Oh my gosh. I can see it, I can most definitely see it... I really don't know what else to say except that you describe it so well, and it's just... Well... I would have a hard time not believing this to be exactly what they would do in this situation.

Let's go save Robin! <clutches teddy bear once more>


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Chapter Nine

Gonzo, Kermit, Scooter, and Sweetums went down to the theatre. They weren't sure what they were going to find, but it sure wasn't going to be pretty. Kermit unlocked the front door, and glanced around the theatre. He then flipped on the lighting, illumating everythere and everyone.

"Uncle Deadly? Are you here??" Gonzo yelled out, before Kermit could tell him to be quiet. "Sorry, Kermit. I don't think he's here."

"He has to be Gonzo...he just has to be. Because if he isn't here...then that means...." Kermit stopped for a moment, and he walked further into the theatre, looking around. Nothing seemed to be out of place, a few lights had fallen though, unto the stage. One of them broke through to underneath. But that hole...it was too big for just a stage light. Kermit went running towards the stage, and he clambered onto it, just in time to see something, he thought he'd never see in his froggy life.

A black-robed figure rose from the hole, in front of Kermit. It turned it's head towards him, a chill rose in the air around him. He knew who it was. And it wasn't pleased with his presence.


"D-Demons? You mean Uncle Deadly!?"


"I can't...I won't! My nephew Robin is somewhere in here, and I plan to find him and take him home with me!!"

Death looked at Kermit, with unseeing eyes, the cold, maliciousness of his being percied Kermit to his soul. He staggered back, and glared at Death.

"I told you...I will not leave, until I find my nephew Robin!"

"SO BE IT. HE IS WHEREVER DEADLY IS. I CANNOT SHOW YOU THE WAY, YOU MUST FIND IT YOURSELF." And with that, Death disapeared in a ball of black flames. Kermit sat on the stage, bewildered at it. Only one thought rang in his head now.

'I must find Robin.'

The others ran to the stage, and then the four started looking in every room they knew to look. They finally stopped in front of Uncle Deadly's room. Sweetums stayed on the stage, incase Robin popped up around the seats.

"This is the last place, Chief."
"I was really afraid of that, Scooter."
"He should be fine, Kermit. He's a tough little frog. And he's very smart too."
"Yeah...I know."

They opened Uncle Deadly's door, and they found a horrendous sight.

Robin was curled up, against Uncle Deadly's chest, it looked like Deadly had tried to protect the little frog, but...to no avail. The shadow was cackling, gripping a small box in it's formless hands, it had torn apart everything in Deadly's room. The chair was in tatters, the desk in chunks. And ink was splattered everywhere.

Kermit rushed to Robin and Uncle Deadly, he placed his hand against Robin's neck, he felt nothing. No heartbeat in his small froggy chest...no breath escaped his lungs. He was dead, but was still warm. He pulled away, hunched over in front of the two. And he looked at how they were positioned. Deadly's hand was in front of Robin, a dark burn mark on it, it looked almost charred it was so black.

"....Robin...." He choked out, trying to hold back tears, but after a moment, he just collapsed, wailing.

Gonzo stayed still, and so did Scooter. They weren't sure what to do now. The shadow, however, floated over to Kermit, and looked at him. It laughed.

"I see, froggy...you miss him, huh? Do you mourn for Deadly too?? Hmmmm...interesting....apperently you do." It cocked it's head, kneeling down next to Kermit, it decided to torture him some more.

*singsongy* "No more Frog Scouts, no more school, no more phantom of the show, no more dreadful recitations of Othello, or Hamlet to be bothered with. Isn't that what you would have liked, Kermie....old pal? No bratty 5 year old...and no more Ghastly phantom to have to deal with!!!" It turned over onto it's back in shrill cackling laughter.

All Kermit had the strength to do, was glare at the shadow. If it had killed Uncle Deadly, and Robin in one blow...how could he deal with it?


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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This is ReneeLouvier, signing off of Fanfiction, and into classes!

And there will be more tommorrow guys! Love you all!!!!
